Plaster brick wall with your own hands


I worked with different not posted brick walls, sometimes I had to delete and old Soviet plaster. Now I want to share my experience with you in more detail and with a video lesson. After all, the plaster of the brick wall is the cheapest way to align the walls.

Necessary materials and tools

For plastering the wall you will need the following tools:

    • mortar for plaster (material with which you will work);
    • Master OK;
    • drill with a special nozzle or construction mixer (for the preparation of the solution);
    • rule (as long as possible);
    • spatula (different sizes);
    • grater (for stripping plaster);
    • construction level (for more practical alignment);
    • Metal lighthouses (for even application);
    • Scraper (to remove worn coating).

Plaster brick wall with your own hands

Instructions for plastering brick wall

Briefly describe what will be discussed. How to launch a brick wall? For a start, as in all construction work, I will prepare a working surface, prepare a solution, bought in advance in a construction store, then put the material on the basis. The final stage will be putting plastering the working wall. So, proceed.

Plaster brick wall with your own hands

Surface preparation

It is good when the new walls in the new brick building are standing, and waiting for your outfit. But it happens that you have to remove the old material, since for more than 25 years it does not serve and has already been covered with cracks and numerous flaws. If you apply a new coating on the old, I'm afraid that you have all the pieces of slices. Therefore, I advise you to remove the old basis. But before you begin to cover the entire surface with a hammer, perhaps not everything so nevertheless and pieces of plaster do not fail, then you should not remove all the coating. It is possible that only one wall needs to be treated.

Plaster brick wall with your own hands

To begin with, we have a well process the work material with hot water over the entire surface. It is necessary in order to be softened, and when working it was as few dust as possible. Use the respirator while working and well ventilate the room to avoid heavy consequences. During work, repeat this procedure several times, as water has a drying property. Then take a big hammer and try to break through the wall. The whole product that was badly fixed will disappear immediately. The remaining pieces, starting on top of the ceiling, pry the spatula, driving it at an angle.

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Plaster brick wall with your own hands

If the base was fixed tightly, then the perforator can be used. Bulgarian with a disk for concrete works can be cutting the surface into small sectors, just as gently cut through the angle.

Carefully clean the seams in the brick, since I took it to do, so do the conscience. Carefully review that after removal there is no small pieces, they are not for you. After removing the product, it is desirable to moisten the entire brick water.

New stone surfaces are easy enough to clean from dirt and dust, and for more complex and mass contamination, you can use a steel brush. You also need to remove unwanted cement protrusions between bricks.

For silicate brick, the situation is a little different. Since silicate brick, in contrast to ceramic brick, has a smoother surface. Before installing lighthouses, fasten the entire length of the wall, reinforced with the grid. It will be able to fix the plaster and help to avoid cracks when the plaster is drying.

Plaster brick wall with your own hands

I take an anti-corrosion coating with a size of 20 × 20mm cells. To secure a dowel, distributing them all over the wall in a checkerboard order. Dowel I have 30 × 40mm apart from each other. I start installing the reinforced mesh below up. It is enough elastic and easy to work. You can hang a knitted thread over the mesh on a dowel to hang up with additional beacons.

Install lighthouses

After cleaning for a clearer and smooth work, you will need lighthouses. Which will help to twist exactly and with the same thickness throughout the surface volume. To do this, you will need metal lighthouses and the construction level. Usually the lighthouse looks like a T-shaped small profile made of galvanized steel. The whole work performed by you work depends on the right placeacination.

Having retreated 15cm from the angle of the wall, apply a cement mortar with an outline, then press it with a vertical beacon. Follow the procedure in the opposite side of the working surface. Then climbing upwards along the angle, throw the solution and clamp the lighthouse to control the smooth level of the level installed. Thread (you can use the fishing line it is more durable) between two lighthouses is sufficient from above and below the wall. The thread can be fixed on the oaks that set between two bricks so as not to damage the surface of the brick.

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Watch that the thread would be stretched exactly due to the construction level and did not hurt anything.

Plaster brick wall with your own hands

Preparation of solution

In a construction store you can buy a ready-made cement-sand mix, but it will be more expensive. Since you need a large amount of mixture this is not economical. You can make yourself prepare a cement-sand mix from a dry analog, which will be cheaper and does not take much time.

Plaster brick wall with your own hands

In order to prepare a solution you need: water, sand and cement (M400 or M500 brands). The mixture can be prepared in any metal container that is not needed in everyday life. For cement M400, we use the proportions of 1kg cement for 3-5 kg ​​sand, and for cement M500, we use the proportions of 1 kg cement by 4-7kg sand. With a drill with a special nozzle or construction mixer, we thoroughly mix, slowly adding water. The amount of water is determined independently, you must have a thick solution, in the form of sour cream.

If you bought a ready-made mixture that you want to dilute with water. That package from the manufacturer already shows the cooking technology. Basically, you gain the specified amount of water in bucket and portions add a mixture into it, just mixing thoroughly.

The main rule is a row mixture input, and not vice versa, otherwise the solution will take lumps. During use, try to mix as much as possible, so that the plaster is neither frozen, add water.

Application of plaster on the layers

And so I will start the most important issue: "How to launch a brick wall?". When all the preparation is over and installed lighthouses, a mixture can be prepared to work to work that you can view on video. I usually nano plaster with three layers, as they are called: spray, soil and covers.

      • Spray. The first base is spray, the thickness of which should be approximately 4cm. I apply a solution of sour cream-like grooves and smooth smooth over the entire surface. This layer helps to align all flaws and roughness based on, as well as serves as an excellent clutch. Start the smoothing of the solution, you need from below gradually climbing up "shaky-shaped" movements. After that, leave the layer to not complete drying.
      • Priming. This layer is applied, without waiting for the complete drying of the previous layer, it is enough that the spray hardened. You can check the level of drying by clicking on the stucco with your finger. The solution should not turn. Soil The basic step of plastering on which a flat surface is installed. The tough plaster is applied as the same method as the previous layer. It is desirable to distribute in several layers, but not less than two. I try to reveal this layer to achieve the most smooth surface.
      • Narying. The final step of plastering is to achieve a finally smooth work surface. The soft layer of the sour cream-like solution is applied with a thickness of no more than 2mm and carefully smoothed. The main rule is to avoid falling into a solution of large particles of sand. Therefore, I try to sift the sand before cooking a solution. After all, it is not enough that when smoothed, there are not necessary divorces, but during the grout appear dents. The poet is better to carefully approach the preparation of the solution for this layer. If immediately after applying the layer, I need to start painting without shtpocking, I do not add sand into the plaster.

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Plaster brick wall with your own hands

Grouting plastered wall

The most beloved my work is grouting. After all, it is not enough that she is painstaking, so also very dusty, but without her anywhere. This technology is to begin after finally drying plaster. Press the finger to it if there is no recess, then you can start. For this I use a clutter board. Put the pre-respirator and open all the windows, it will be hot. Start the grout, it gradually rising upwards, circular movements to achieve perfectly smooth surface. I try to gave the surface and placing the surface during the grout. There is still a way of grouting into overclocking, that is, the straight movements of the hand you drag up and down and right-left.

Plaster brick wall with your own hands

All the work is over, you can now sigh and start finishing work. I tried to maximize the material, how to plaster a brick wall. For a more visual view you can view the video. Do not be afraid, proceed and you will succeed!

Video "Plaster brick wall with your own hands"

For more detailed work when plastering, you can view the video.

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