Fabrics for rolled curtains: classification and characteristics


Fabrics for rolled curtains choose quite difficult, because the huge range can be able to turn the head even the most sophisticated designer.

Today, textiles production is a developed industry. Every day a huge number of developers and technologists seek to create something special - tissue canvas for rolled curtains that will have the most strong technical characteristics and a unique aesthetic species capable of attracting each buyer. The most famous world leaders companies who are engaged in the production of textiles (note - high-quality textiles) are German and Polish firms.

Each fiber is manufactured by European and German quality standards, complies with world requirements and has a certificate confirming the high indicators of the textile product.

Fabrics for rolled curtains: classification and characteristics

Variety of types and species

Rolled tissue curtains can be diverse according to the degree of penetration of solar flows. Hence the name of each of them.

  1. Permeable, or transparent, fabric.
  2. Translucent.
  3. Impenetrable, or tissue with full dimming.
  4. "Day Night".

What makes rolled curtains such competitive? What is their feature? Where so much benefits? The secret is revealed. Everything is concentrated in fabric.

According to the functional purpose, three types of fabric rolled curtains differ:

  1. ordinary;
  2. Dimaut;
  3. Blackout.

They differ from each other according to the degree of penetration of sunlight.

Ordinary tissue curtains are characterized by a low level of light-permeability, they diffuse light.

The Dimaut canvas are capable of detaining the rays of sunlight, but not completely, but only 70%.

Blakeut fabric is the most light-tight. Practically prevents sunlight into the room.


If you need to completely darken the room, the choice should fall on the curtains of the blacut type.

Fabrics for rolled curtains: classification and characteristics

Fabric design is also important. What is best suitable for rolled curtains? Very often, this question is asking everyone who has a goal to acquire fabric rolled curtains.

  • Monophonic.

    The advantage is universality (perfectly combined with any designer solutions).

  • With images (unique fabrics that can embody any creative ideas and finds into reality): with a picture, with photo printing.

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Fabric curtains for the mechanism of fastening can be two types.

  1. FreeFollows (in appearance are very similar to the projector screen).
  2. Specialized (have a special system calculated for plastic windows in their structure). Each of the curtain is separately installed. This means that the number of curtains will coincide with the number of window sash indoors.


  • full light insulation;
  • Lack of curtain fluctuations when opening individual window sash;
  • Window-side is free for use.

Select fabric curtains - a task not from the lungs. Why? Many species, textile canvases are different using production technology and in composition. The only thing that unites them is high quality indicators.

Fabrics for rolled curtains: classification and characteristics

Types of materials

We offer you top 7 fabrics that perfectly fit into any interior.

Polyester - Textiles-Leader among canvases used for rolled curtains. 100% polyester fiber has a lot of advantages:

  • practicality;
  • durability;
  • high lightnessability;
  • antistatic ability;
  • high share of light absorption;
  • Excellent reflection.

Polyester + cotton. Combining natural cotton with its natural properties and polyester with universal technical characteristics, manufacturers have created a universal fiber.

  • Dignity is optimal shrinkage (the permissible share varies from one to one and a half percent).
  • The disadvantage is also there. It is undesirable to use such fabric in rooms with elevated levels of humidity (bath, sauna, swimming pool). The moisture affects the shrinkage of textile fiber, and as a result, the shape of the curtains is deformed.

Combined fabrics - polyester with viscose and polyester with satin.

Both tissues have high quality indicators that are provided by polyester.


  • low level of shrinkage;
  • naturalness of the appearance;
  • Exclusivity.

The canvas, combining two types of textiles - polyester and viscose, has the kind of rice parchment. Visually similar to Japanese fabrics that are heterogeneous in structure. This is due to the fact that the polyester thread is squeezed out of an ultra-thin nozzle, after which these threads are connected under the action of a powerful air flow, converting the fabric.

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Polyester with satin and with an additional coating of acrylic.

The production of this type of fabric is to apply to the textile fiber transparent acrylic. Acrylic layer provides fabrics:

  • uniform stability;
  • natural nature;
  • Softness in contact.

Acrylic is applied with a thin layer on polyester, this is the final phase in the complex process.

Fabrics for rolled curtains: classification and characteristics

Single cloth Blackout

Blackout - Fabrics are opaque.

This is really impenetrable fiber, the level of light zero light. But with all the obvious advantages of innovative fabric, there are disadvantages.

  • The bending of the side edge is inside with constant contact with high temperatures (solar light is no exception).
  • Bending the side edge inward when using fabric in rooms with low temperature regime.

These two disadvantages - the costs of the properties of the components that are part of the textile - the main tissue and the acrylic layer.

Fabric "screaming". At the heart - polyester and natural fiber (it can be or cotton fabric, or viscose). Their name is no coincidence. They are called them because in the production process there is a partial destruction of the structure of natural fibers when processing its acid solutions. As a result, the polyester himself becomes clearly visible on the fabric. This type is one of the most spectacular externally, high-quality internally, but at the same time expensive.

Fabrics called "Screen". These are bi-tissues consisting of plasticized fiberglass and polyvinyl chloride, the percentage between which 36 to 64.


  • material strength;
  • The absence of deformation (not stretched, not seated) during operation;
  • reliably protects from direct sunlight;
  • allows contact with moisture;
  • fire resistance;
  • Aesthetic appearance.

Each of the materials presented is universal and worthy of your attention.

Pay attention to the color of the fabric for rolled curtains. It is he who is able to fill in warmth or, on the contrary, to put a feeling of freshness to the room.

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The most suitable to any interior is considered tissue curtains of color beige, brown or cream.

Fabrics for rolled curtains: classification and characteristics

Fabric and interior: How to create harmony in the house?

The issue of harmony in the house is important, it is his designers who pay special attention to him, so the recommendations submitted by them are practical.

Take advantage of the councils of specialists, and your interior will become exclusive, and the atmosphere in the house is cozy and comfortable.

  1. Cut the color and pattern on the curtains with decor elements in the room. It is not worth copying the pattern, select something close by shade.
  2. In a small room, use light shades. It is desirable that the shade of the curtains is or darker, or the lighter walls. So you will not come across a problem when the curtains are lost in the interior. Blakout fabric in combination with transparent curtains from Tulle - what is needed.
  3. Choose fabric curtains, taking into account the illumination and location of the room. If the room on the north side is perfectly suitable for warm color solutions, such as yellow or beige, cream or pink.
  4. If the room is filled with warm and light, choose the cloth of cold colors. Gray, blue or green will perfectly cope with the task of filling the room by cooling.
  5. If in the room, monophonic wallpaper or walls are painted in a single color, choose bright colors for curtains. The main thing is one of the colors on the curtains must necessarily coincide with the color of the walls or wallpaper.
  6. In the kitchen it is advisable to use fabric curtains with images. The drawing is desirable to choose light. Flowers, fruits or vegetables - perfect option.

Properly selected fabric for rolled curtains can give modernity to the interior, emphasize the feeling of taste and style, making accents on elegance. Any room of your home will play bright colors. Incredible practicality and functionality allows rolled curtains to occupy the championship of positions among various textile products for the house. The fabric is diverse, the texture of the multi-sided, the design is perfect. What could be better?

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