How to sew a curtain tape: technology use narrow and wide ribbons


No one will argue with the statement that beautiful and correctly selected curtains can make the easiest and most affordable interior of the exquisite, stylish, pleasing eyes.

How to sew a curtain tape: technology use narrow and wide ribbons

Scheme of a boat fold.

A huge variety of fabrics gives a scope for fantasy, and new technological developments allow you to achieve the desired effect when weighing the curtain sewing. The curtain tape, or braid, allows you to achieve smooth fabric folds, does not allow the porters to stretch, "cancels" the need to sewing the loops for fastening. The question "how to sew a curtain tape" is solved easily and simply, if you know some simple rules.

How the curtain tape is arranged

Pretty rigid, the unsengurious tape has inserted cords (they are usually 2 or 3), with which you can create a uniform assembly along the entire length of the product. To get drapery, it suffices to pull these cords to the required length and tie up the knot along the edges to fix the desired shape.

Applying a curtain braid of different species, you can get different types of folds: direct (column), zigzag, "Buffs", "Butterflies" and others.

The tape is wide and narrow, transparent and opaque.

The narrow option is used for simple, lightweight curtains, there are two cords here, for its sewing it is required to perform two machine lines - along the top and at the bottom. A wide braid has three and more cords for tightening, with its help you can create a beautiful wide drape buried at the top, the hooks for fastening can be attached at different levels, if you wish the ribbon drapery, you can completely close the cornice.

Sefect ribbon correct

How to sew a curtain tape: technology use narrow and wide ribbons

Scheme of sewing curtain ribbon and formation of folds.

In order to properly sew a curtain tape, perform the following steps, common to all types of canvas:

  1. Align the upper cut of the tissue and, if necessary, side sections. To do it perfectly smoothly, it is necessary to pull out two threads of weave from the canvas - when processing side cuts, it will be longitudinal threads (base), and when processing the upper and lower cut - transverse (ducks). The cut should be made by the resulting thin "track".
  2. Two times to turn out the side sections, sew them.
  3. To adjust the upper raw edge by 3 cm, it is believed if there is no sufficient experience on the sewing machine, it is better to notice.
  4. To adjust the side sections of braids by 1-1.5 cm.
  5. Spelling a curtain tape, retreating from the upper bent edge of 0.5 cm, the braid curtains are sewn into the lateral sections with a fitted edge inward, without an incidence.
  6. Cut the tape along the entire length: for a narrow tape - along the upper and lower edge, and for a wide ribbon you need to add a third line in the middle. During the submission, you need to ensure that the machine line does not hook the cords for tightening.
  7. Collect the curtains in the folds to the desired width, fasten the assembly on the sides, knitting strong knots, hang on the cornice with hooks.

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How to sew a curtain tape: technology use narrow and wide ribbons

Methods for attaching curtain ribbons.

When the upper cut of the curtain cloves should be taken into account a small difference in technology in cases of narrow and wide ribbons. If we use a narrow cloth with a thickness of 2.5 cm, then the tissue when the tissue is needed twice so that the open slice is hidden in the bending. During the sewing of the bracket, its lower edge is combined with the bending of the curtain fabric and is applied with one seam.

If a wide tape is used (with a width of 5.5 cm), then the bending of the curtains should be done only once, having turned the fabric to 3 cm. The open slice in this case will be blocked by the braid and "boral" will not be. It is especially important to consider in cases where the question is solved how to sew a curtain ribbon to expensive, heavy tissues. Double bending in this case is particularly undesirable, because it can make a tape contamination too thick.

It should be added that the curtain tape is sewn in cases where drapery curtains are made: French or classic. If you make up the windows in Roman, Japanese style, then there is no need for such a braid. In the manufacture of Austrian fester curtains, other techniques are applied to create drapery.

To calculate the length of the braid, you need to decide what kind of folds you need. Usually make folds 1: 2, that is, with a width of the eaves 2 m, you will need a curtain width of 4 m and, accordingly, the same length of the curtain tape. Such proportion is most often used in the classic design of window openings. A smaller population thickness looks not very beautiful, it seems the impression of a "lack of fabric", in this case the assembly is difficult to distribute evenly.

In the manufacture of lush French curtains often use the assembly proportion of 1: 3. For example, with a width of the eaves 2 m, the width of the fabric should be 6 m. The same amount will have to buy a curtain tape.

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