Registration of glasses with your own hands: 9 options (40 photos)


Wedding glasses are no less important than the bridal bouquet, cake or room decor. Let for a few minutes, but universal attention is riveted. Unlike the rest, they can be saved for a long time, taking out to every anniversary of the wedding.

Registration of glasses for champagne Future newlyweds can charge a specialist. But much more interesting to make it with your own hands, at the same time demonstrating your needlewoman skills and good taste. If you are patient and accuracy, you will have real works of art.

Design of Boxrooms

Tradition beat on happiness glasses for champagne gradually goes into the past. But you can arrange several couples with your own hands. From one newlyweds drink in the registry office, from the other - during the feast, and the third, the most simple, you can smash.

Registration requires strict compliance with several rules:

  • Before starting work, wash the glasses to the brilliance and thoroughly wipe with alcohol or acetone to degrease the surface.
  • Wash your hands and keep the wet wipes nearby.
  • For different decorative elements, use different glue. PVA is well glued ribbons, lace, feathers and fabric. For small sequins, beads and rhinestones are suitable for cyanacrylate. Large beads reliably fix the glue "Liquid nails" or a gun.

Design of Boxrooms

Glue stains remove, erasing with acetone or solvent. For small droplets take the toothpick, cotton wand or needle. It is important good lighting, otherwise you will not notice small flaws.

Design of Boxrooms


Lace and cloth

The simplest decoration with your own hands is to attach the glasses with lace. It looks elegant and gently. You do not need a master class.

Registration of glasses with your own hands: 9 options (40 photos) 11108_4

Traditional option - white lace with silver or golden lurex. It looks good beige, cream, vanilla, ivory color. But no one forbids you to use bright, saturated shades, if it supports the wedding in the overall style.

The only condition is to choose a wide enough, lush lace, which is well holding the shape.

  • Cut the strip of the required length and wrap it around the Fugera, retreating from the top edge of 1.5-2 cm so that the glue does not get into the mouth.
  • On a high fuaster, it is elegantly "skirt", reliable on the leg.
  • It is possible at the base to make a wide "belt", and on the glass sticks cut from embossed lace individual flowers, leaves, other elements.
  • If you are additionally using rhinestones, it is important to know the measure. Otherwise, the product will seem emphasized luxurious and allay. Several small rhinestones will give rigorous lace festivity and elegacity.

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Design of Boxrooms


To paint the glass with their own hands, it is not necessary to be a professional artist. You will find stencils theme for a wedding in most shops with goods for needlework. Or simply print your favorite picture. Figure a drawing with a special varnish. Check it there.

Design of Boxrooms

Next, a small master class:

  • The top of the glade is covered with a construction scotch. Keep it only for this place.
  • Take a picture or stencil, moisten the paper and attach to the intended place from the inside. Or glue the same painting tape. Picture something traditional for a wedding - initials of newlyweds, hearts, rings, roses, white pigeons. Or it can be something, you only understand the two.
  • From the outside, circle paint drawing using a thin brush. Golden, silver, pearl-gray, white-pink, golden-beige paint looks best. You can use nail polish of the same color.
  • Leave the product for 18-20 hours so that the paint is completely dried.
  • Cover it with a thin layer of special varnish.

Design of Boxrooms


Registration with ribbons with your own hands is a lot of options, from a simple bow to truly complex compositions. Sowing tapes around the edges look very unesthetically. Bearing in advance of them.

If you choose for glasses of the bride and groom ribbons of different colors (for example, pink and beige, the color of her dresses and pearly gray) they should be the same width. 2-3 tapes of different textures (satin, silk, kapron) and widths, lined around the leg and tied with a bow, look very elegantly. Bows are additionally decorated with rhinestones, beads or beads.

Design of Boxrooms

Or take a narrow tape and spirals from the bottom up wrap the leg. Upper end. Blank with a small bow or artificial flower planted. From the ribs make artificial flowers. The wider tape, the more bulk it will turn out to be a flower. On the petals stir up several rhinestones. The stem will replace the slim green cord from the threads of Moulin.

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Design of Boxrooms

Master class on the manufacture of roses:

  • Take a narrow tape in a non-working hand. The other hand start tightly fold it. After 5-6 turns you get the core of the rose. Secure it with a pair of stitches. Use the threads of the same color.
  • Next, continue to turn the tape is not too tight so that the rose looks like a semi-walled bud. Try to make it easily flat. Having finished, cut off the ribbon surplus and make a pair of stitches at the base.

Design of Boxrooms

Master class for the manufacture of colors:

  • Take a piece of ribbon 2-3 cm wide and 10-15 cm long and fold it in half along.
  • Sustain the edge of the seam "Forward needle."
  • Having reached to the end, pull the thread so that the ribbon from one edge gathered.
  • Roll the flower to the manner of the Kulka, hiding inside the edge of the tape and sushrope at the base. Mid decorate a bead.

Design of Boxrooms

Rhinestones, sparkles and beads

Glasses for champagne, decorated with rhinestones and sparkles, look festively and solemnly. Ideally, their form and size must repeat the decor of the wedding dress. Only the back must necessarily be smooth.

There are special rhinestones to which glue is already applied. If not, use the cyanacrylate base glue or colorless nail polish.

Design of Boxrooms

You are limited only to your fantasy. Take rhinestones of one or more colors, lay out patterns, monograms, names and surnames, hearts, flowers, rings and so on. Print complex patterns, stick to the glass from the inside and lay out rhinestones outside.

You can simply scatter rhinestones in a chaotic order. Below is an almost solid layer, the edge is separate droplets.

Design of Boxrooms

It is also very easy to decorate the fuasher sparkles. The master class does not need. Just draw something, then you need a thin tassel moistened in the glitter, dust sprinkle with sparkles and shake the surplus. Leave the glass until the glue is dry.

Design of Boxrooms


Wine glasses decorated with feathers look very unusual and even extravagantly. This is not an option for a wedding in a classic style. But if they are suitable for the general stylistry of the celebration, it looks wonderful.

Feathers of a variety of colors and sizes can be purchased in stores for needlework. Complete the composition with rhinestones and sparkles.

Design of Boxrooms

Petals Rose

The only minus of such a decor with your own hands is a short time. But it looks the product stylish and exquisite.

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In the design you will help the master class:

  • Gently disassemble live roses on separate petals.
  • From the top down from the edge to the leg, start glueing their slightly flashes. First the smallest. Wait when the row is completely dry.
  • Return about 0.5 cm and start the next row.
  • Get to the beginning of the leg. Use the biggest petals there.

If everything is done correctly, the fueer is a rose core. Spiral leg wrap green ribbon.

Design of Boxrooms

Artificial colors

Pick up flowers that meet the subject of the celebration in the store for needlework. It can be both traditional white or scarlet roses and chamomiles, forget-me-not, other wildflowers. Wonderful if the design of Fozher is echoing with a bouquet of the bride. You can glue them both on the leg and the glass itself. Add rhinestones, sequins, beads, peppers to your taste.

Do not necessarily do two identical glasses. In the groom, flowers may be smaller in size, overall design - more strict.

Design of Boxrooms

Gold plated glass

  • Make gilding with your own hands is easy.
  • If you want to keep the leg, tightly wrap the top of the old newspapers and fix them with scotch.
  • Spray a special spray on the leg, putting a wine glass on the table upside down. Preload a couple of steps.
  • Another master class. You can partially give up the top.
  • Cut out the painted tape patterns, stripes, hearts and stir them on a glass. These places will remain transparent.
  • Spray spray, wait for complete drying and remove the tape.

Design of Boxrooms

Fubers in the form of a bride and groom

Design of Boxrooms

  • Wine glasses, "dressed," as the bride and groom look very original. They are very easy to make them.
  • Next, a small master class.
  • "Bridegroom" will need white and black (or gray) cloth and several small buttons.
  • From white cloth cut down the strip of sufficient length to wind the glass. From black - lapel and butterfly.
  • To the "shirt" of the sew buttons.
  • Stick it to the feud, stick the lake and butterfly on top.
  • Box "Bride" Make a strip of a wide lace skirt, guarding it around the legs. Above glue a narrower band or tape - dresses corsage.
  • Decorate the "outfit" by rhinestones and sparkles.

How to arrange glasses with your own hands (+40 photos)

How to arrange glasses with your own hands (+40 photos)

How to arrange glasses with your own hands (+40 photos)

How to arrange glasses with your own hands (+40 photos)

How to arrange glasses with your own hands (+40 photos)

How to arrange glasses with your own hands (+40 photos)

How to arrange glasses with your own hands (+40 photos)

How to arrange glasses with your own hands (+40 photos)

How to arrange glasses with your own hands (+40 photos)

How to arrange glasses with your own hands (+40 photos)

Design of Boxrooms

How to arrange glasses with your own hands (+40 photos)

Registration of glasses with your own hands: 9 options (40 photos) 11108_32

How to arrange glasses with your own hands (+40 photos)

How to arrange glasses with your own hands (+40 photos)

Design of Boxrooms

How to arrange glasses with your own hands (+40 photos)

How to arrange glasses with your own hands (+40 photos)

Design of Boxrooms

Design of Boxrooms

How to arrange glasses with your own hands (+40 photos)

How to arrange glasses with your own hands (+40 photos)

How to arrange glasses with your own hands (+40 photos)

How to arrange glasses with your own hands (+40 photos)

How to arrange glasses with your own hands (+40 photos)

How to arrange glasses with your own hands (+40 photos)

How to arrange glasses with your own hands (+40 photos)

How to arrange glasses with your own hands (+40 photos)

Design of Boxrooms

Design of Boxrooms

How to arrange glasses with your own hands (+40 photos)

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