Olive curtains in the bedroom, living room and kitchen - best solutions


Fashion passes, and style - remains. This phrase, said Coco Chanel half a century ago, remains relevant today. Curtains of olive color - indicator of exquisite taste and chic. Noble green shades make a stylish room. At the same time, they are combined with a limited set of colors. Competently selected colors - this is the secret of success in the design of the interior.

Olive curtains in the bedroom, living room and kitchen - best solutions

Curtain in bedroom

How to choose the color in the interior

Here are the rules that will help you choose the colors and create a harmonious interior.

Olive curtains in the bedroom, living room and kitchen - best solutions

  • Rule of harmonious colors distribution. A person better perceives the ratio of colors in the interior when 60% falls on a dominant color, 30% - for additional color and the remaining 10% - on color accents. With regard to the interior, this rule looks like this:
  1. 60% accounted for the color of the walls;
  2. 30% - on furniture, upholstery and textiles, including curtains;
  3. 10% - on accessories (color accents).
  • Circle rule. To select the color scheme of the interior, the color circle is used, which marks analog and additional colors. Additional colors are used for color accents, and analog - for interior design in one gamma.

    Olive curtains in the bedroom, living room and kitchen - best solutions

  • Accents in the interior - salvation for minimalism lovers. It is possible to give the room individuality with the help of several well-plated color accents. This solution is suitable for fans of minimalism and style High-tech. Additional colors are yellow and blue, green and red, etc. For example, olive curtains in the interior will become a good focus.
  • Analog colors - the best solution for decoring the bedroom. Analog - colors that are located near the color scheme. Therefore, such an interior is calmer and suitable for seats.
  • Do not forget about black. Despite the seeming gloomy, black items in the interior are advantageously emphasized the brightness of the rest of the interior. This is an old designer reception, which works out of time.

    Olive curtains in the bedroom, living room and kitchen - best solutions

  • If you want to choose the right color, look outside the window. Try it to look at what surrounds us in nature. The nature of Mudra, and she is a self-collecting designer.

    Color movement in space will help link the room in a single ensemble. To achieve this, repeat colors in the rooms. The curtains in the living room can be repeated in the upholstery color on the chairs in another room.

  • Contrast - our all. For business premises, the contrast rule is used. It looks like a diagram with additional colors, but in this case the colors are selected, sharply contrasting each other. The interior becomes clear, concise and restrained.

    The room becomes emotional with color. Blue color is associated with relaxation, like green and olive, but yellow and orange - with energy, action. Therefore, the bedroom is better to make a blue, but a dining room - yellow.

    Olive curtains in the bedroom, living room and kitchen - best solutions

  • All new is well forgotten old. In order not to suffer with the choice of color scheme, look at how the interior is made in your area before. People's problems do not change, and the ancestors also thought how it is better to arrange this or that room.
  • Without checking not to buy! Before buying textiles or wallpapers, arche with a sample of material and read how the texture and color look in your room in daytime and evening lighting. The light strongly affects the color perception and after checking may have to change the selected color scheme.

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Olive curtains in the bedroom, living room and kitchen - best solutions

Olive color in the interior

Classic for home or olive textiles in the interior

Having considered the rules of selection of colors, we can calmly accompany the rooms. Olive curtains will fit into the design of the bedroom, kitchen and living room. Depending on the situation, they become both a color accent and the dominant element in the room.


For the interior of the bedroom, it is recommended to choose pastel colors and shades to which olive applies. Olive curtains in the bedroom in combination with other textile elements will help to relax after a hard day.

Olive combined with white, beige, gray and coffee. If the design project is drawn up in a monochrome scheme using shades of one and the same color, the marsh color and shades of yellow will fit the olive.

For color accents in the olive bedroom used blue, chocolate, caramel and dark green.

Olive curtains in the bedroom, living room and kitchen - best solutions

For the bedroom, use light tones. Light olive color in the interior of the bedroom combined well with white. White Gardin and olive curtains will make a lighter room and visually more.

Living room

Since olive absorbs light, its dark shade cannot be used in small rooms. The living room is the largest room in the house, so olive curtains in the interior look solemnly provided that there is a lot of light in the room. The design of the room is thought out so that the curtains are the dominant element and color accent at the same time. In this case, the rest of the space is drawn up in bright colors. If you have a small apartment, then the curtains for the lounge of olive color will not fit. It is better to replace them with bright and air curtains. If you like olive, you can use light olive curtains. In this case, the design of the room is thought out with the arrangement of the accents of contrasting colors - black, blue, dark green.

Olive curtains in the bedroom, living room and kitchen - best solutions

At the same time, olive curtains in the living room of the Big House will fit well. They visually reduce the room and it will become cozy, and thanks to the curtain, elegantly bandaged ribbon, the interior will become exquisite.

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Like all shades of green, olive increases appetite. Therefore, olive curtains in the kitchen are contraindicated to those who are struggling with overweight. If you have no this problem in your family, you can safely buy olive textiles. The kitchen is a place where the family spends a lot of time. Therefore, its interior should not be marked. But what to do, if you put your goal to combine style and comfort? More active use dark green color in the interior, even for the port!

Olive curtains in the bedroom, living room and kitchen - best solutions

It is desirable that the color of the working surfaces and economic elements was dark. It makes it easier to clean and repair. Following the ruler of the distribution of the main, additional colors and color accents, the walls in such a kitchen it is better to leave white or light beige. They balance the dark tones in the interior and the kitchen will not produce an oppressive impression.

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