Indoor plants in the interior of the apartment: regulations


A distinctive feature of the residential interior can be considered the active inclusion of greenery into it, the use of its hygienic and aesthetic qualities. Especially since compared to other design details, indoor plants in the interior of the apartment often occupy a neutral position.

Living room interior with room flowers

Positive aspects of landscaping

Greens in the interior can solve several tasks, for example:

  • Promoting environmental equilibrium of human habitat can both artificial and live flowers;
  • The abundance of green helps to ease the visual work of the eyes;
  • Indoor plants in the interior are able to increase air humidity.

Plants for home in the interior

In addition, green compositions, both artificial and alive, can visually change the proportions of the room and significantly increase the color expressiveness of the design of residential space.

Interesting information for the owners of small rooms! The position of the green composition, in which larger plants are located in the foreground, and in the depths - those that less, visually extends the space.

The green group can have both independent artistic value and, as used as a background, can emphasize the advantages of works of art, such as:

  • collections of sea shells;
  • plastic;
  • Butterflies.

Living room with room plants

As indoor plant paints a place

Comfortable existence in the walls of the apartment depends on how correctly plants are selected depending on the activity flowing here. For example, a neutral working environment is welcomed in premises for sleep and mental work, and the greens must match it.

Bedroom interior with indoor plants


Planning the decoration of the bedroom, try to avoid clusters of living room plants in the interior that "steal" oxygen indoors (at night the flowers consume oxygen, and in the afternoon it is distinguished). You can replace them with similar artificial flowers.

Aloe and Kalanchoe - Plants that are suitable for accommodation in the bedroom, because they allocate oxygen at night. Aloe is still to begin and because extracts that increase the protective functions of the body are prepared from its healing leaves. And the juice of this "green friend" heals the skin and prolongs her youth.

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Choose flowers in the children's room should be so that they have a beneficial effect on the child, especially on psycho-emotional and physical level.

Bedroom with indoor plants

Fern (Nephrolesceis) and AdianTum (Veineline Hair) - Possess a soothing effect, affect the nervous system. Cyclamen and fat mans develop creative abilities and hard work in humans. And Solerolia and Uzambar violet bring a good mood and positive attitude, help remove the depressive state.

Important! It is necessary to know the measure and better restrict ourselves to the room with two and three small plants.


Cuisine with indoor plants

For example, the kitchen should acquire plants that can carry the temperature differences. To tolerate kitchen flavors and heat can aloe, ficus, asparagus, as well as any artificial flowers.


"Picky tail" or Sanseviewier - It looks very interesting in any room. This flower is extremely unpretentious and straightened - it is easy to fit not only on a well-lit sunny window sill kitchen, but also in a steadless place, and even the shadow in the hallway will endure. In the hallway, which usually experiences a daylight deficiency, nevertheless, can quite safely exist both live plants and artificial flowers capable of bringing comfortable.

Hall with indoor plants

Aspidistra - modest in its beauty, but it is difficult not to notice it. This indoor plant has endurance and the ability to exist in any conditions - a real gift for the hallway and kitchen.

Fern With its bright greens and elegant form of plants, perfectly fit into any interior. There are many of their varieties, and some - the need for light is not very high.

Monster - Completely shadowed plant, and if you put it in a pot in a pot with green leaves or mellite phyloodendrons, then such a spectacular composition is able to decorate the interior of the hallway and the kitchen.

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Living room with room

Living room

The center of active gardening in the apartment is a living room and for it their compositions are chosen. For a common room, you should select bright or large types of colors. Zamiculkas, or "Dollar Tree" - the perfect accent version of landscaping. He will decorate any living room interior, giving him a kind of "Europe", despite its "African" origin.

In the outdoor placement of living or artificial flowers in the living room, they are usually installed in the recreation area - in chairs, chaise lounges.

Vrizia He got the name "Flaming Sword" due to its spectacular transverse leaves and bright accommodate inflorescences - orange or red. It is amazing for creating bright accents in the interior of the living room, especially if it is located in a well-lit place.

Indoor plants in the interior of the apartment

Anthurium It will also help "add fire" in the living room with its red shades, regardless of whether artificial is flowers or alive. Externally, this "handsome" with its bright red color resembles a graceful bird flamingo, he is shadowed, but it will be good to bloom only in a bright living room. Most often on the floor, decorative vases with branches, artificial colors or large alive plants are installed.

Pendant porridge with indoor plants in the living room

Soviets of designers

Properly selected pot will be able to emphasize the beauty of the indoor flower in the interior of the apartment, so the choice of it is no less responsible than the acquisition of the plant itself. So, the modest Sansevieria (sicky tail) "will play" by other colors if placing the flower in the color of gold color.

On a note! It is possible to achieve the refinement of style in the interior in a simple way: choose the right color and shape pot for indoor plants.

Interior of the apartment with alive plants

When choosing a container, follow the rules:

  1. Focus on your apartment style:
  2. In order for the pot to fit the flower, pick up bright but not screaming, products for plants with monoocratic leaves, but for volatile - one-photon containers are better suitable. The flowering plant, which in the offseason loses its decorativeness, also need to maintain the original pot, for example, glass or metal container. Transparent dishes are usually chosen for orchids, and chrome products are most often used as a cuisine;
  3. In a bright monochrome classic, bright pots with domestic flowers will perfectly fit, quite suitable for the kitchen;
  4. For a concise interior in the photo, the dishes for indoor plants need to be selected brilliant - black or white;
  5. The interior of the room in a rustic or romantic style, originality will give painted capacity from under sweets or tea, in this case the acting part of the pots for indoor plants.

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Kitchen with indoor plants in the composition

The effect of exposure to even the simplest compositions from indoor plants can be enhanced by backlight to emphasize the originality of the interior.

Pendant porridge with indoor plants in the living room

Houseplants in the interior -

Indoor plants in the interior of the apartment

Houseplants in the interior -

Houseplants in the interior -

Houseplants in the interior -

Houseplants in the interior -

Houseplants in the interior -

Houseplants in the interior -

Houseplants in the interior -

Cuisine with indoor plants

Living room interior with room flowers

Houseplants in the interior -

Houseplants in the interior -

Houseplants in the interior -

Bedroom with indoor plants

Houseplants in the interior -

Houseplants in the interior -

Houseplants in the interior -

Living room with room

Houseplants in the interior -

Houseplants in the interior -

Houseplants in the interior -

Living room with room plants

Houseplants in the interior -

Houseplants in the interior -

Kitchen with indoor plants in the composition

Houseplants in the interior -

Houseplants in the interior -

Houseplants in the interior -

Houseplants in the interior -

Houseplants in the interior -

Houseplants in the interior -

Bedroom interior with indoor plants

Houseplants in the interior -

Houseplants in the interior -

Houseplants in the interior -

Interior of the apartment with alive plants

Houseplants in the interior -

Hall with indoor plants

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