Boyler of indirect heating with his own hands


Boyler of indirect heating with his own hands

An indirect heating boiler looks like an aggregate for the preparation and accumulation of hot water for use in domestic purposes.

It is usually installed in homes where there are problems with a constant flow of warm water.

In a private house, you can encounter such a problem when the hot water is just missing.

So if the hostess decides to wash the dishes, and someone from the family take a shower, the flow of water will be minimal.

The boiler of indirect heating will help avoid such situations and makes life in the house comfortable.

Such boilers are usually produced with a protective enamel or with a glass-ceramic coating. You can very rarely meet stainless steel devices.

Let's talk more about the advantages and disadvantages, principle of operation, connection, and is it possible to create a boiler with your own hands.

Advantages and disadvantages of the boiler of indirect heating

  • economical;
  • Uninterrupted hot water supply;

  • the ability to connect multiple sources;
  • does not overload the power grid;
  • stable water supply of the desired temperature;
  • Large service life;
  • Quickly heats large volumes of water;
  • Low installation and maintenance costs.

Disadvantages of the boiler of indirect heating also have:

  • requires to install a large area;
  • requires cleaning 2 times a year;
  • high price.

The disadvantages are not significant, because if you take a high cost, then in the process of use, it fully justifies yourself.

As for cleaning, the boiler is not completely clogged. Its weak place is a serpentor, which quickly forms deposits requiring chemical or mechanical care.

How to choose an indirect heating boiler

It is selected by calculating the required volume of water.

It takes into account the purpose of using water (washing dishes, bathing), the number of people and on the number of devices used simultaneously in the house.

To the instruments that can work simultaneously include shower, bath and sink, so it is necessary to calculate the amount consumed by water.

You also need to know how much water uses every family member.

It is better to produce measurements in the morning when everyone is in a hurry to work, wash and prepare tea. If you do not have such a possibility, use the table below. These are generally accepted indicators.

Boyler of indirect heating with his own hands

After calculating, add 10-20% about the reserve. So you will learn the amount of boiler you need.

When choosing a boiler, pay attention to the material of the manufacture. Of course, the highest quality and durable is stainless steel, but the enameled tank will not be worse.

Also should be paid to the form of a boiler of indirect heating. She may be:

  • rectangular;
  • cylindrical;
  • Cubic.

It does not particularly affect the functionality, but in the reduction of the area when installing may affect.

If you want to reduce the length of the water supply, then place the boiler under the boiler. To do this, it is better to choose a wall.

If you have more than 200 liters consumed the amount of water, then it is better to buy a floor boiler.

In the boiler of indirect heating should be:

  • TEN (water will be constantly warm);
  • It is desirable two coils (one will feed water, and the other is to take heat from the source);
  • thermal relay (will reduce the cost of electricity consumption);
  • The second nozzle (for recycling).

Device and principle of operation of the boiler of indirect heating

Boyler of indirect heating with his own hands

The container consists of a tank in which the pipes are located. For these pipes, the coolant moves.

Cold water enters the container and warms up to a given temperature.

The boiler drive has the form of a metal cylinder and its volume depends on the water heater.

Inside the boiler there is a serpentine, similar to a spiral with additional twists. The serpent can be located below the tank or evenly throughout the perimeter of the device.

The tank is thermally insulated with foam rubber or rigid polyurethane. The thickness depends on the modification. Usually, if an indirect heating boiler is thermally insulated, then heat loss reaches several degrees.

Make an indirect heating boiler with your own hands

Boyler of indirect heating with his own hands

Creation will be carried out in several stages:

  • Creating a capacity;
  • Creating water holes;
  • thermal insulation;
  • coil;
  • Build and connect.

Tank for boiler

Boyler of indirect heating with his own hands

Purchase a new metal container. If there is no such possibility, then use the old gas cylinder.

We cut the balloon into 2 parts that we clean and soil to remove the propane smell.

You can use something else, the main thing is good to clean and find the appropriate size.

Holes for the boiler of indirect heating

Boyler of indirect heating with his own hands

Holes should be 4:

  • for cold water;
  • for hot water;
  • Two holes for mounting a coil and coolant. For additional sources of heating, you can apply a TEN or solar panels.

Heat insulation boiler do it yourself

You can warm the tank by any suitable material, even by mounting foam.

Fix the insulation is better with a wire screed or glue.

Remember, the better there will be thermal insulation, the higher the efficiency of the boiler.

How to make a snake with your own hands

Boyler of indirect heating with his own hands

You can build a snake from a metal pipe that is wound on a cylindrical mandrel.

The serpent must be made in size Baku, respectively, the number of turns will succeed in each other.

From the thickness of the coil depends the speed of water heating in the house.

Build and connect homemade boiler

After everything is ready, we are taken as an assembly.

Fasten the boiler of indirect heating, made by its hands better on the wall using brackets.

We weld to the "ears" or corner of steel, so it will be more reliable.

If in the process of assembly thermal insulation was broken, it is necessary to restore it.

We hang a boiler on the wall and check for leakage and performance.

Connecting an indirect heating boiler

Consider connecting to heating.

Boyler of indirect heating with his own hands

The boiler must have a strapping that will allow it to be connected to heating and water supply.

To connect an indirect heating boiler to the water supply, it is necessary to send cold water to the bottom of the tank.

Boyler of indirect heating with his own hands

At the top of the device, it is necessary to provide hot water output, and in the middle there is a recycling point.

The circuit is connected so that the coolant moves from top to bottom (to the upper nozzle).

More about other schemes, you can learn more ...

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