Square to the crochet with a scheme and description of the work


Each hostess seeks to make his home cozy and beautiful. A special place in the dwelling is a table that the whole family is going to dinner at the end of the day, guests for holidays and gatherings. This place is important. After all, there should be a pleasant relaxing atmosphere, the atmosphere should have to communicate. And the details are very important here. Well, if there will be flowers on the table, raising the mood. And, of course, the tablecloth attracts attention to yourself. For a sensation of truly homely comfort and warmth, a beautiful tablecloth is perfectly suitable, carefully knitted by the hostess. This article describes in detail how the square with a crochet with a scheme and step-by-step photos fit. With it, each needlewoman will be able to tie the tablecloth.

Isot island in the house

Such seems to be the usual thing as a tablecloth is not particularly noticed in the interior. But this is just because when thinking about the design of the room, it is this thing that do not pay due attention. As a rule, it is limited to the tablecloth into the tone of the port or to other home textiles.

But it is precisely at the table that important family conversations are often held, romantic dinners, sitting with loved ones. At the table should be comfortable and pleasant.

Square to the crochet with a scheme and description of the work

Square to the crochet with a scheme and description of the work

Square to the crochet with a scheme and description of the work

Knitted things themselves carry warmly. And their beauty leaves little indifferent. Crocheted tablecloth resembles elegant and gentle lace. Love embedded in every loop will feel like looking at the tablecloth. Well, it is worth remembering that people who are surrounded by beauty and care becomes kinder and happier.

As detail of interior

Knitted tablecloths are not just a beautiful cape on the table, but also a masterpiece of needlework. And adding some designer techniques, you can emphasize the magnificence of the knitted pattern. For example, the most successful way to do is to cover the table with a cloth that is harmonized by the color scheme with the room interior. And on top to cover a knitted tablecloth. Against the background of monochromatic fabric, the pattern will be clearly visible and it will look for such a combination effectively and stylish. Or on white cloth to lay a tablecloth of suitable colors.

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Square to the crochet with a scheme and description of the work

Square to the crochet with a scheme and description of the work

Knitted tablecloths are suitable for different style interior styles. For example, for the interior, a knitted tablecloth with clear geometric patterns, concave with clear geometric patterns, laconic images.

Square to the crochet with a scheme and description of the work

The classic interior style knitted tablecloth will fit very organically. And if you pick up a warm shade of threads, it will add nobility and grace of the product.

Square to the crochet with a scheme and description of the work

Square to the crochet with a scheme and description of the work

In rustic and ecosyl, knitted tablecloths are simply necessary detail, which will help to stylize the room. Especially stylishly knitted tablecloths on top of the coarse linen fabric or burlap.

Square to the crochet with a scheme and description of the work

Square to the crochet with a scheme and description of the work

In Shebbi-Chic styles and vintage knitted tablecloths look charmingly and cute. Especially if you link them from the threads of gentle colors or add color details. These styles knitted interior details give luxury.

Square to the crochet with a scheme and description of the work

Square to the crochet with a scheme and description of the work

Knitted tablecloths look great on the adhesive and wicker garden furniture. In the summer it is so nice to arrange lunch or evening tea in the garden, among the greenery and flowers outdoors. A knitted tablecloth with floral motifs will give romanticity and harmony.

Square to the crochet with a scheme and description of the work

Square to the crochet with a scheme and description of the work

Knitted tablecloths will become a good addition to the overall picture of the interior in many styles. It will be excellent if in addition to the tablecloth add a few more knitted decor elements. This will help organically fit and dilute the design, and in the tandem become a full part of the interior. Knitted covers on chairs and sofas, decorative pillows look well.

Square to the crochet with a scheme and description of the work

Square to the crochet with a scheme and description of the work

Creating a knitted tablecloth

The tablecloth knits from thin cotton threads by the type "Iris". The thread thinner, the more beautiful and the most elegant tablecloth will look. You can use different knitting techniques: Fileyny, Irish, Brugger and others, it all depends on taste and skills. The process of knitting the tablecloth is not fast, but the result from such efforts is stunning and, of course, it is worth the time spent on it. The easiest to connect the square tablecloth from the motives. This method is not so tiring as a way to tie a tablecloth from one large motive.

To knit a tablecloth from motifs, you need to link the desired number of square motifs, connect them and tied up with a common border. Such tablecloths look great, and their creation, although it takes a lot of time, but the phased production of small parts will not allow to get tired of long waiting.

For example, such an insanely beautiful openwork tablecloth consists of a variety of motifs that can be quickly tied up, looking at the description.

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Square to the crochet with a scheme and description of the work

Square to the crochet with a scheme and description of the work

Square to the crochet with a scheme and description of the work

We connect a square tablecloth from the motifs with the image of daisies. Step by step description and scheme will help this.

Square to the crochet with a scheme and description of the work

For knitting, we will need only high-quality threads and the most ordinary hook number 2.5.

Square to the crochet with a scheme and description of the work

Carefully study the motive scheme and proceed to his knitting.

Square to the crochet with a scheme and description of the work

Make 6 air loops. We connect them in the first loop.

Rows will begin with three air loops that are lifting loops of each subsequent series. In it they will be considered a column with Nakud. Then another column with Nakud and 4 air loops over it and connect them over this column. It turns out pico. Then knit three more columns with Nakud. And over the third we make pico from four air loops. In this way, there are still eight pico and then make a column with an attachment and connect with a column from which the row began.

Square to the crochet with a scheme and description of the work

Next row begin to knit from the connection. We make three air loops. Then there are another five air loops and a column with an attachment, which knit into the middle column between the pico of the previous row. Next, five air loops and a column with an attachment knit into the middle column between the following pico. In the same way, knit all this series.

Square to the crochet with a scheme and description of the work

Go to the next row from the chain of five air loops. We make five columns with one nakad over a chain of air loops of the previous row. Then two air loops. They will be the transition to the next five columns with one Nakud. So you take the whole range.

Square to the crochet with a scheme and description of the work

The next row knit like the previous one, only the first two columns with an attachment knit into one loop from the previous row. Then three more columns with Nakud, and then two more columns with Nakad again knit in one loop of the previous row. Then make two air loops. In the same way, the whole range is similar.

Square to the crochet with a scheme and description of the work

The next row knit the same principle as the previous one. That is, in the first column of the previous row in one loop, we knit two columns with Nakid, then five more columns in the loop of the lower five columns. And then the last two columns with Nakud, as well as the first two, knit into one loop of the last column of the previous row. Then knit two air loops. We also see this series.

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Square to the crochet with a scheme and description of the work

The next row knit the same, but in the patch of the previous rows of the previous row, we knit one post with Nakud. Between groups of columns knit two air loops, then pico and two more air loops.

Square to the crochet with a scheme and description of the work

The next row knit, as well as the previous, but group of columns connect thirteen air loops. The next group of columns connect six air loops. And alternate connections. So we form the square form of the motive.

Square to the crochet with a scheme and description of the work

In the next row, knit the group is not from nine, but from the seven columns with Nakud. The first and last two columns connect one air loop. Thus, we make the narrowing of the resulting petals. Knit seven air loops of the connecting chain and fastened in the middle of the short connecting chain of the previous row, and then seven chain air loops. After the next group of columns, we knit seven air loops, connect to the fourth loop of the long chain of the previous row. We are tied up another eleven air loops with a chain and knit it into the eighth loop of the long chain of the previous row. Then I knit a chain from the seven air loops. Thus, two arches are obtained from a short chain, and three arches from the long chain.

Square to the crochet with a scheme and description of the work

The next row knit similarly to the previous one, but the group of columns with Nakad will already be out of five pieces, but continue to narrow the petals. From the chains also make arches. A short chain fit out of twenty-one air loops. It is connected to the arches of the bottom row every seven loops. It turns out three arches. The long chain consists of thirty-five air loops. Every seven seven loops are connected evenly with the arches of the previous row. It turns out five arches.

Square to the crochet with a scheme and description of the work

Next, we bind the entire motive with the columns without Nakidov, and in the center of each army we make pico. And on medium arches, each of the four corners, we make three pico.

Square to the crochet with a scheme and description of the work

We got a square motive with the image of the chamomile. Now connect thirty-six of the same motives.

Square to the crochet with a scheme and description of the work

Now we connect all the motifs among themselves.

Square to the crochet with a scheme and description of the work

It turns out a wonderful square tablecloth from the motives.

Square to the crochet with a scheme and description of the work

Video on the topic

In the proposed video, a knitting of square loops is shown in different ways.

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