Floor radiator installation height: what to hang down


Floor radiator installation height: what to hang down

Each professional builder knows that in the organization of various installation work, certain postulates of the rules should be performed, which may be conditional and legalized by various certified documents of the type of guests and SNIPs.

Rules and recommendations, how to install the design, exist on any, even a small item, respectively, they are for the organization of heating, including the installation of radiators - the heating elements of the system.

How to pick up batteries for the room

Floor radiator installation height: what to hang down

The volume of batteries should be enough to heat the room

The heating system is a difficult design, so it is generally separate items, such as heating radiators and pipes, require the correct installation and the corresponding choice of a product suitable for a certain room.

Regarding the heating battery, there are recommendations for losing pipelines, the height of the placement of radiators (observing the distance from the floor) and their correct location.

Floor radiator installation height: what to hang down

As a rule, radiators are installed in places of the largest heat loss

As for the choice of the installation site of radiators, then, as a rule, it is places with the largest heat lines. In almost all homes or apartments in such places are windows and doors, regardless of the application of new technologies. It is not always possible to install the radiator over the door, so they are often mounted under the windows.

In order not to refuse the wall under the window, and the warm air was evenly distributed at the bottom of the room, and then climbed up, it is necessary that the sizes of the heating radiator are 70-75% of the window in this room.

The little heater will not give significant heat transfer, and heating will not be enough in the room.

Rules for the installation of radiators

Floor radiator installation height: what to hang down

If the radiator is under the window, then install it strictly in the middle

For heaters, not only the size is a reference requirement, but also a number of other recommendations that should be observed both when choosing a heating element and when performing installation work.

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These requirements include:

  • The heating appliance must be installed strictly in the middle of the window equally equidistant from the edges;
  • The height of the floor radiator installation should not exceed 15 cm, otherwise cold zones will be formed above the floor, and if the heater will be lowered below 8-10 cm from the floor, then cleaning under such a device will be problematic;
  • From the windowsill, radiators should stand at a distance of 12-18 cm if the device is closer, it may be the loss of the heater's power due to the inflow of cold air from the window opening;
  • The distance from the rear wall of the instrument to the wall coating should be 3-7 cm, it is necessary for proper air convection.

It should be remembered that if the radiator is brushed as much as much as possible to the wall, then the gap will be a "dust collector", and besides, the device during heating is capable not only to spoil the outer wall decoration (wallpaper), but also destroy the wall design - a plasterboard plate.

Installation work

Floor radiator installation height: what to hang down

Before making installation work, and, choosing, at what distance from the floor and the wall, a heater will be installed, it is necessary to increase the heat transfer and efficiency (efficiency) to increasing the wall in the approximate place of installation of the device aluminum foil. After that, you can mark fasteners.

You should know that there are several options for connecting radiators to the heating system, some of them you can see from the table schema.

Floor radiator installation height: what to hang down

Floor radiator installation height: what to hang down

Medium-sized radiator hang on 2 bracket

Holding the radiator, you should check all the planes, since the heat transfer of the device depends on the observance of the verticality and horizontal of the heater.

For the average heater sizes, 2 brackets are installed, so that they come between extreme sections, if the large size radiator, then an additional hook is installed strictly into the middle opening of the radiator. About the CC to hang the radiator, see this video:

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Floor radiator installation height: what to hang down

Bypass will allow you to regulate heat

When connecting radiators there are also a number of features and requirements that should be observed. To one of these requirements, the lintel setting rule (bypass) between pipes in a single-pipe layout system, which will allow you to independently adjust the required amount of heat in the room. The main advantage of the bypass is that the base of its installation does not need to legalize, and the installation process can be made independently.

It should be remembered that all rules for the installation of radiator systems are united both in individual heating and under centralized heating. If you are going to install new heating elements, you should take on this action permission in the management company or HSEK.

Floor radiator installation height: what to hang down

Summing up the article, it should be said that the choice and installation of the heating radiator is not an easy business.

All events, requirements and recommendations for the installation of heating elements of the heating system specified in the article can serve each owner who has conceived to establish radiators independently and organize a heating system in their home or apartment.

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