What to clean the water in the home pool from various contaminants


The pool at the cottage has long ceased to be rare. It can be bought in almost any summer or sports shop and easy to install on your site.

But in order for it to be nice to swim all summer, you need to know how to clean the water in the pool.

How to clean the water in the inflatable pool

What to clean the water in the home pool from various contaminants

Special tools will help clean the walls of the inflatable pool from pollution.

The most common type of pool among dachensons - inflatable, small size. It is comfortable and easy to use, but needs a frequent change of water.

If a small pool, the best way to clean the water is to completely change it. To do this, you will need to do the following:

  • Merge polluted water.
  • Carefully clean the walls selected.
  • Treat the inner surface with protective compositions that are often sold complete with inflatable pools.

For more volumetric pools, the maintenance is reduced to disinfection, removal of dirt and cleansing the mucus walls. Adding a disinfectant is necessary once a week.

How to clean the water in the pool at the cottage from green water

What to clean the water in the home pool from various contaminants

In the fight against greens in the pool will help special means - aldehydes.

Over time, the water in the pool can be green, the mucus is formed along the edges and an unpleasant smell appears - it is starting to multiply microorganisms.

The chemical method of anti-green water control is the most efficient. In order to disinfect water, use the means as aldehydes. They do not contain chlorine and are not dangerous to human health.

Alpine items in the fight against water blossoms are chlorine-containing substances. It can be liquid, powder or tablet. Apply them should be strictly according to the instructions, the doses are calculated based on the volume of water.

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A good way to purify the water that acquired a greenish tint is recycling (a way to combat pollution with filters and pumps).

What to clean the water in the home pool from various contaminants

Provide transparent water in the pool will help special filters and pumps.

Another method is the cleaning water ultrasonic instrument. It is very effective and can be cleaned not only from algae, but also from slippery plaque. The only minus - there are such devices are quite expensive.

Starting cleaning with those or in other ways, carefully read the instructions and the recommended order of work.

What to clean the water in the pool in the country

To clean the water, two main methods are used - chemical and mechanical. The chemical method consists in adding special substances that purify and disinfect water, and also stop the reproduction of microorganisms.

What to clean the water in the home pool from various contaminants

Ultraviolet does not give rise to water bacteria and phytoplankton.

The mechanical method is the use of various filters and devices that help not only clean the water, but also remove the sediment from the pool walls. Filters can be:

Both types of filters can be used simultaneously. In this case, the water is first disinfected by ultraviolet, and then filtered.

A special vacuum cleaner will help to cope with the sediment on the bottom and walls. With it, you will be easily removed and flakes that are formed during the chemical treatment of water.

What to clean the water in the home pool from various contaminants

Skimmer for water purification.

Another device will help the water remain clean - skimmer. This device clears the upper aqueous layer in which up to 80% of all microorganisms are located.

How to Clean Water in the Pool from Green Folk Means

Clear water in the pool can not only with special devices and chemicals, but also folk remedies.

  • The easiest people's method is adding to the water of the cooking salt and food soda. Salt is taken at the rate of 5 kg per 1 ton of water.
  • No less effective means - ordinary green. It will be needed not so much, only 3 bottles of 10 cu. m of water.

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What to clean the water in the home pool from various contaminants

Zelenka and hydrogen peroxide clean and disinfect water.

How to clean the pool of hydrogen peroxide

The most common water purification method is the use of hydrogen peroxide. Due to the fact that this composition has excellent disinfecting properties, it is successfully used both for water purification and for disinfection.

The advantages of such purification can be classified that peroxide helps to get rid of foreign odors and decomposition products. Consider how it is possible to clean the pool of hydrogen peroxide.

If you want to clean the dacha pool of hydrogen peroxide, you need to know exactly its volume. This is necessary in order to correctly calculate the dose of substance.

What to clean the water in the home pool from various contaminants

With a slight pollution after cleansing the pool, hydrogen peroxide can only be swimming through a day.

For efficient cleaning per 1 cubic meter. 700 ml of hydrogen peroxide is necessary, and with a strong contamination, the dose of this fluid is doubled. With this cleaning method, specific rules should be performed:

To clarify the pool in order, it is necessary to follow a certain sequence of actions. Cleansing technology is as follows:

  • Pour the desired amount of hydrogen peroxide into water.
  • If a brown plaque was formed on the walls and the bottom, use the skimmer.
  • After processing, leave the pool open, it is not necessary to cover it with an awning.

If you did everything right, the water in the pool will be cleaned and will not "bloom."

How to clean the pool from muddy water

What to clean the water in the home pool from various contaminants

If in the pool water quickly becomes muddy, then coagulants will help.

The cause of water clouding can be hitting the dust, clay or pollen into the dust pool. Such particles may not be captured by filters, and additional funds will be required.

In this case, it can be treated with coagulants. These compounds are capable of transforming dust microparticles and small garbage first in the jelly-like state, and then in flakes. In the future, this mass is collected by a special vacuum cleaner.

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If water has become muddy due to contamination by its microorganisms, it will help the processing with special disinfectants.

How to Clean Water in the Iron Pool

If the water in the pool acquired a brownish tint, it means that metal sediments appeared in it. The causes of this phenomenon can be:

Rusty water looks unprepacently, but no particular danger to human health does not bear. But the metal precipitate itself affects the pool itself, and rust appears on the items.

What to clean the water in the home pool from various contaminants

Filter for the pool.

To purify water in the pool from iron, various filters are used:

  • reverse osmosis (with a large amount of iron);
  • ion exchange (for a small amount of metal and pH of water at least 7);
  • filter with replaceable cartridges (for water, in which the metal content does not exceed 4 mg / l);
  • Multilayer filter cleaning from iron, cleansing water from metal and organic impurities.

These methods are most effective for water purification from rust and removal of metal microparticles.

How to Clean River Water in the Pool

If you fill the river water pool, it should be remembered that according to the composition it is significantly different from the plumbing. It contains a huge number of microorganisms, as well as sand and clay impurities.

If water from the water supply is pleased with its transparency, then in the river it is muddy, often - a dirty gray shade. Therefore, it will have to clean it immediately after the pool has been recruited.

Cleansing river water includes:

  • coagulation (binding of small pieces of clay, sand and garbage with chemicals);
  • collecting a sediment with a vacuum cleaner;
  • Disinfection with special compositions or hydrogen peroxide.

All stages must be accompanied by filtration.

Swimming a hot day in the pool at the cottage - great pleasure. And if it is for him to correctly care and clean the water in a timely manner, then you can enjoy this kind of rest you will be all summer.

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