Unusual crochet wipes with schemes. Napkin Dama


Unusual crochet wipes with schemes. Napkin Dama

Good afternoon, dear readers and needlewomen!

One-favorite needlework is crocheted napkins. I like both simple interesting schemes of classic round napkins and unusual napkins.

As you already understood, today we are talking about unusual wipes with crochet in the form of cute ladies.

Unusual crochet wipes. Cute ladies

My blog already has a selection of original napkins with schemes and descriptions: seashells, maple leaf, fan and others. In the same place I placed the scheme of one lady's napkin. Since she met her, I began to collect a collection of such a young ladies.

Cute lady's napkin will give the charm and charm to your interior.

Such napkins crocheted unusual shape are good as independent original napkins, decorated with knitted flowers and beads.

Unusual crochet wipes with schemes. Napkin Dama

Unusual crochet wipes with schemes. Napkin Dama

I found these pictures on the site ebay.com. I am always amazed by prices for which these needlework lays are sold.

Unusual crochet wipes with schemes. Napkin Dama

It seems, after all, you can connect so simple and almost free.

You can decorate with them handkerchief, tissue napkin, decorative pillow, headboard chair, make panels and paintings.

Unusual crochet wipes with schemes. Napkin Dama

Remember, we liked charming embroidered paintings with the ladies of the lady from Natalia Darda?

And you can also link the elegant young lady and enter it into a beautiful frame.

And the lady can be tied up in a circle or make an applique on an unusual crochet napkin, in the center of which there may be a heroine of Test Chekhov - a lady with a dog.

Unusual crochet wipes with schemes. Napkin Dama

Lady diagram with a dog here (link Clichable).

The dog knits quite simply by the columns without an inverse row, starting on the left side (from the tail).

Unusual crochet wipes with schemes. Napkin Dama

Unusual crochet wipes with schemes. Napkin Dama

Several knitted ladies gathered in the dance. A similar napkin was represented by Natalia Kovaleva to the contest.

Unusual crochet wipes. Schemes

Lady napkins schemes I found not so much on the Internet.

I will give three schemes for which you can figure it out.

Scheme 1.

Scheme 2.

Scheme 3.

Unusual crochet wipes with schemes. Napkin Dama

And one scheme from the magazine Valya-Valentina We will look at.

Knitting the crochet of an unusual napkin ladies and begins unusual: we put a lady with legs on your head and knit from my head, or rather from the hat. By the way, almost all the napkins are ladies so knit.

We recruit 13 VP and knit three rows by columns with one nakid and VP between them.

Next, knit hats fields according to the scheme. We break the thread.

Unusual crochet wipes with schemes. Napkin Dama

Approximately on the 8th archer of the last row of the caps, we connect the thread again and knit the upper part of the body with the columns with the nakid, then separately the hands and the bottom of the body.

Knitting the lower body goes into knitting skirts first according to Scheme 1, then according to Scheme 2.

Unusual crochet wipes with schemes. Napkin Dama

All conditional designations you can see here >>. (Triangle indicates a pico of three air loops).

When knitting the 11th row, we join your hand skirt.

I think that to tie an unusual cloth a laptop is very simple and interesting.

Creative success!

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Other interesting crochet napkins:

Square napkin from two-color round motifs in a white frame

Knitting a Japanese napkin from rings

Two-color crochet round napkins

Schemes of oval napkins

Beautiful square napkin with flowers

Article on the topic: Plaid Crochet from two-color Round motifs. Master Class

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