What are cuisines Castorma


What are cuisines Castorma

Kestor's kitchens are designed to satisfy all customer needs in terms of abundance of flowers, styles and quality material. The choice of kitchen furniture is perhaps the most important stage of home interior arrangement. As a rule, the owners spend most of the free time - are busy cooking, conversations, festive tea. Therefore, the kitchen has such great importance for each tenant. In addition, the materials for the production of kitchen heads and, accordingly, cash costs are played.

Possible options for choosing finished accessories, as well as individual design, manufacturing under the order. Castor house offers a huge assortment of kitchen furniture (in the catalog there are about 100 photos of finished products of the heads). There are different versions of execution (from economical to more costly, elite).

What materials make furniture

The abundance of materials for the manufacture of heads will delight even the most demanding client. So, the kitchen can be made of natural wood, fibreboard, laminated chipboard with various inclusions of natural stone, glass, plastics, metal elements.

Kitchen furniture made of natural wood, subject to the proper care and operation of durable, environmentally friendly, looks aesthetic. It is manufactured in accordance with the specific parameters of the kitchen room, there can be of different sizes. Resistant to mechanical damage, but vulnerable to high humidity and sunshine. The facade of the natural tree is massive in its design, suitable for large kitchen rooms.

What are cuisines Castorma

Natural wood kitchen

The cuisine of the Castor is also made of fibreboard, known for its ease, practicality, natural origin. The diversity of forms, utility and relatively low cost will provide a kitchen from MDF. Compared to the tree, this material for the production of kitchen furniture is more economical and affordable.

Natural components of the material comply with all environmental requirements and standards. This material is amenable to all kinds of processing, staining, applying enamel, which allows to diversify color and stylistic solutions in the production of kitchen facades. But it is less resistant to mechanical damage and moisture.

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Kestor's kitchen from laminated chipboard durable, durable, cheap. Pay attention to the material quality certificate: it does not have a negative impact on the body and human health, let's say for the manufacture of household furniture. Laminated chipboard - durable material, resistant to all sorts of damage. Color solutions are limited to the laminated surface.

What are cuisines Castorma

Kitchen from Ledsp

In addition, the manufacture of kitchen headcases is accompanied by additional inclusions in the design by making parts from plastic, glass, various metal structures. Combining materials allows you to make exclusive furniture with the wishes of the owners. Additionally, they can be used for different stylistic filling of the interior, facade.

Kitchen planning

What are cuisines Castorma

Island kitchen type

Castor produces kitchens for all types of kitchen room planning:

  • straightforward;
  • island;
  • peninsular;
  • corner;
  • P-shaped;
  • parallel.

Straight planning is suitable for small kitchens, which smoothly go to the living room, corridor or balcony. The island looks perfectly in a square, large room where the scale zoning is possible. The peninsular kitchen serves to separate the working and dining areas of large, elongated rooms. The angular location is suitable for a limited space to use it as much as possible (including all ergonomic furniture properties).

The P-shaped kitchen is suitable for the rooms of the midline, and for the passing - parallel planning.

What are cuisines Castorma

Successful combination of colors in the kitchen headset

Style filling

Kestor's kitchens are perfectly included in the interior design, as there is a huge selection of materials and finished furniture. Thus, hai-tech fittings are presented (there is provided for the use of new production technologies, the installation of this furniture). All accessories correspond to the chosen style of the headset. Metal parts, color combinations, minimalism accessories make it possible to achieve the desired result. Planning will help designers and specialists in the manufacture of furniture.

There is also a choice of classic kitchenware options equipped with textile materials made in pastel colors and emphasizing the status of the owner.

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What are cuisines Castorma

Provence style

Castor house offers Provence Kitchens, where the abundance of decorative elements is observed. Such models are made exclusively from natural materials, combining them (from wood, textiles to natural stone). This also applies to cuisines in the country style, which are delivered from the abundance of decorative filling.

Modern-models are characterized by paints, modern equipment, technical filling of the room. It is characteristic of minimalism-style premises, where practicality is combined with the functionality and appearance of the kitchen facade.

Castor designs, produces furniture of various stylistic fill and layouts. The quality of the manufacture and naturalness of the materials is guaranteed by the corresponding certificates and consumer feedback.

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