Decorative Plasterboard Falkemin



Unfortunately, many apartments do not allow to equip a real wood fireplace. And so I would like!

Decorative Plasterboard Falkemin

Due to the use of the latest technologies, there is an opportunity to make falsemine from drywall in your home.

But today, through the use of the latest technologies, it is still possible to make falsemine from drywall in their home.

Such a decorative fireplace perfectly fit even in the interior of a small apartment.

Gypsum Carton is considered the most convenient and practical material not only to create decorative fireplaces, but also for the arrangement of various boxes, stands, niches, shelves, etc. GLK is distinguished by simple installation and trim, it can be created with almost any spatial forms, respectively, And independently produce Falsimin from this material will not be difficult.

Required tools and materials

Decorative Plasterboard Falkemin

Tools for working with plasterboard.

  • Sheets of plasterboard (if the facing of the falsemine will be made of decorative or ceramic tiles, the GLC must be moisture-resistant);
  • Metal profiles of two types: rack (60x27) and guides (28x27);
  • Self-tapping screws for metal from 14 to 16 mm long (for connecting parts of the frame);
  • self-tapping screw (for frame facing plasterboard);
  • Drill or screwdriver;
  • Scissors for metal;
  • roulette;
  • building level.

These materials must be available. The rest are purchased depending on the future finish of the fireplace: if it is planned to stain or bold design with wallpaper, it will take primer and putty; For cladding tile - grout for seams and special glue.

Falquemin drawing

Decorative Plasterboard Falkemin

Falquemin drawing.

So, before starting the manufacture of falsefin with your own hands, it is necessary to determine its location and the future view. This requires to make a plan for the location of this design in the interior, to produce all measurements and in accordance with them do the main drawings (performed individually, depending on the size of the room, the fireplace itself, etc.)

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The drawing should include not only the appearance of the fireplace (designer sketch) and the design being performed relative to the location of its location, but also the image of the mounting scheme of the object and the fireplace frame.

Important: In calculations, the thickness of the sheets of plasterboard sheets should be taken into account, which are planned to be used to work (do not take too thin - 6 mm, it is better to stop your choice by 9.5 or 12.5 mm).

Montage Karcasa

Run the installation of the frame with your own hands is also not difficult:

Decorative Plasterboard Falkemin

Gypsum Camina Device

  1. Breeping along pre-applied lines (markups) guide profiles that are pre-cut in advance at the required length. If the profile is attached to the concrete, then you must first attach it to the installation site, then drill a hole in it so that a label appears on the concrete wall. In the wall surface, it is possible to make holes with a drill or a perforator with a suitable nozzle suitable for these purposes. Dowels are inserted into the resulting holes.
  2. Install the rack profile in the guide and screw it with self-draws. IMPORTANT: If the surface of the wall on which the frame is mounted with your own hands, has any defects, for example, vertical deviations, then direct suspensions are recommended to fasten the profile to the wall. With the help of suspension data, you can place racks strictly vertically.
  3. Now you need to make the base for the fireplace from GLC, after which the portal with the opening of the furnace. For greater strength and rigidity of the frame, horizontal long sections and racks are brought together with jumpers.
  4. If you want to make a niche for the firing of the curvilinear form, then cut the scissors for the metal of the profile rigidity ribs at an equal distance, then bend them.

Installation on a frame of plasterboard

Decorative Plasterboard Falkemin

The covering of the fireplace plasterboard must be produced using self-screws for metal.

  1. Cut every detail from GLC only after thorough preliminary measurements. In order to cut this material, a wallpaper knife is applied or a logs. By cutting the layer of drywall on one side, then you can simply turn the sheet along the cut line, after which it is already on this line the slider to cut drywall on the other side.
  2. With the help of self-tapping screws, fastened the details of the plasterboard to the carcass made. Screw the screws in GLCs it is necessary so that their caps are slightly drowned, and not sticking out. The distance between the attachments should be from 10 to 15 cm in direct areas.

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Installation of drywall is easy to perform with your own hands, even those who first work with this material. However, it is necessary to take into account that the sheets of GLC are very fragile, therefore, lining decorative falsehood, care must be taken: not to drop drywall, do not push the screwdriver or drill in the process of screwing the screws.


After decorative Falkintin is ready, it remains only to perform his finish. The most economical option for decoration is the ordinary paint or self-adhesive film. Of course, before using data or other materials for finishing the fireplace, it is necessary to carefully polish the finished design: to sharpen all the formed gaps and joints, if necessary, apply a layer of primer.

The decorative fireplace, decorated with artificial stone, will no less effectively look. But the natural stone is not recommended for cladding such fireplaces.

Decorative modeling is another original way of finishing falsecamines. Such a model can be painted in a wide variety of colors, and maybe just white. It all depends on fantasy and personal preferences.

These are the main stages of the work that must be performed for the manufacture of falsefin with their own hands.

Decorative Plasterboard Falkemin

Decorative Plasterboard Falkemin

Decorative Plasterboard Falkemin

Decorative Plasterboard Falkemin

Decorative Plasterboard Falkemin

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