How to get rid of the smell of urine on the sofa of an adult


How to get rid of the smell of urine on the sofa of an adult

Each person seeks to contain his home in perfect purity. However, sometimes there are situations, of which it seems there is no way out. A special problem is the appearance of spots on the upholstered furniture and the smell of urine of an adult, a child or an animal. How to get rid of this problem?

How to eliminate the smell of urine from the sofa

If you happened to encounter such a problem - the phenomenon is not pleasant. Consequently, it is necessary to fix it as soon as possible. It is worth noting that before you start doing it, it is necessary to determine the source of pollution. Different urine has a different chemical composition. So, in each case, you should select your means to eliminate the smell.

Of course, circumstances can very much. Someone has to work hard, causing him for an old man, someone has a small child, and someone simply gives very greater freedom to his pets. Regardless of the reasons that led to the appearance of spots and smell, it is necessary to get rid of them.

Tip! If the problem is detected immediately after the "accident", try to smear this place with dry napkins and toilet paper as high quality. Do not spare your girlfriend, because you do not allow the urine to penetrate deep into the sofa.

Understanding that different urine is displayed differently, let's consider the methods of combating unpleasant odor. To begin with, let's talk about how to remove it from the sofa of an elderly person.

How to get rid of the smell of urine on the sofa of an adult

Ways to eliminate unpleasant odor with upholstery

It is believed that the urine of older people is eliminated from the furniture the hardest. Nevertheless, there are some methods, and we will discuss them.

Most often, the feces of adults can be removed using such substances:

  • vodka;
  • chloric
  • ammonia;
  • Various purchased stains.

How to use vodka? This method is considered effective if the situation occurred a few minutes ago. To do this, take the following steps.

  1. Pour a small amount of vodka into the container.
  2. Prepare a clean sponge.
  3. Apply a certain amount of substance for pollution.
  4. Get blocked several times.
  5. Leave for 2 minutes.
  6. Repeat manipulation.
  7. Spice a sponge in clean water and wipe the spot of pollution.
  8. Using dry napkins, remove all traces of liquid flowing from the sofa.

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Chlorine is a better smelling substance. But thanks to this, it is more efficient. With its help, it is possible to cope with those pollution, which for some time remained on the upholstered furniture. How to use it?

You can apply a small amount of substance on the stain. However, if it is large on the area, it is better to try to breed it in water. Water with this composition blurred place. Leave the minutes for 15 minutes. Then wipe with a clean sponge. Leave dry.

Important! Remember that chlorica also has bleaching properties. Do not use this method for furniture of bright colors.

If the ammonia alcohol is used together with ordinary alcohol, you will achieve wonderful success. Prepare the solution. Abundantly apply it to a polluted place and spend well. Let it be securely soaked. Do not touch anything for half an hour.

Then, using clean water, blot up soft furniture. Repeat all actions several times. At the end, do not forget to make all the moisture as much as possible and leave to sleep in the air.

Some substances, such as chloric, or ammonia, are able to highlight caustic odors. Therefore, it is best to carry out procedures in the fresh air, or at least with open windows.

Do not give up the funds offered in stores. Many of them are really effective. Read carefully instructions for use. Pay attention to whether it is struggling with urine traces. If yes - boldly choose it and experiment.

Now it's time to discuss how to cleaned the sofa from the traces of dog feces.

How to get rid of the smell of urine on the sofa of an adult

Elimination of feline or dog urine traces

There are also a number of funds for this purpose:

  • manganese;
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • lemon juice;
  • iodine;
  • laundry soap;
  • soda with vinegar;
  • linen rinse;
  • Special Ready Chemical Preparations.

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To eliminate the unpleasant aroma of dog urine with upholstered furniture, you can try a manganese. However, it is necessary to clearly understand that this method can only be used on dark furniture tones, otherwise it will remain unreasonable spots.

Prepare a weak solution of manganese. It should be painted in a weak pink color. Take the napkin and moisten it in this composition. Now abundantly moist the place evaporated with urine. Leave for 30 minutes.

When this time expires, the whole process can be repeated. With the help of a well-pressed tampon, wipe this place repeatedly. Now dry it. From Ambre will not remain a trace.

The same manipulations can be carried out using hydrogen peroxide solution. Means do not need to breed. It is enough just to apply to a polluted place.

As a rule, the urinary acid contained in the feces is bad. How to deal with it?

Lemon juice is acid, and, therefore, some fragments of urea can dissolve. Apply a certain amount of lemon juice to the upholstery of the furniture. Leave for a while. Do not use this method on delicate surfaces. Acid can damage its integrity.

Soda and vinegar - a universal means to combat urine smell. This method is particularly effective if it fell to the sofa coverage recently. How to properly carry out the procedure to achieve maximum result?

  1. Sprinkle a contaminated soda space.
  2. Leave for 7-8 minutes.
  3. Remove the remnants of contamination using a vinegar solution.

In the process of work there will be a characteristic hiss, as the soda will be embarrassed by vinegar. And with this the smell will disappear and the track from the urine on the sofa.

Economic soap can already be removed already very fat "odorous" stains. Prepare Cashitz, crawled a small amount of soap on the grater. Apply it on a stain. After 30 minutes, wipe this place with a tampon, abundantly moistened in the water.

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Let's learn how to remove the trail of children's detergents from furniture?

How to get rid of the smell of urine on the sofa of an adult

Removal of traces of child urine

It is believed that children's urine is removed from the upholstery of the furniture is the easiest. In some cases, it does not even have to use any means - the smell and traces can disappear simply under the influence of water, sunlight and fresh air.

Nevertheless, the evaporated place can be treated with such substances:

  • vinegar;
  • dissolved citric acid;
  • salt;
  • hyposulphite (this substance is sold in conventional pharmacies);
  • stain remover;
  • Powder for washing children's things.

The principle of dismantling odor with these means as for other means.

But, undoubtedly, it is best not to fight with unpleasant smells, but to prevent them. How to do it?

How to get rid of the smell of urine on the sofa of an adult

Preventive measures

To avoid trouble, we recommend that you adhere to some simple rules.

  1. Do not let animals sit on sofas. Let it be the rule of your home.
  2. If a small child in the house and you know that he can "make business", underway the film under him. The same applies to cases when you have to care for older or sick people.
  3. For people with diseases of the urinary system, it is recommended to use diapers, Especially when they have to sit on the sofa.
  4. So that the animals do not want to "settle" on your sofas, spread the crusts of citrus fruits on them. It will facilitate your goal to prevent cats and dogs on your furniture.

Adhering to these simple tips, and unpleasantly smelling liquid will not spoil your life.

How to get rid of the smell of urine on the sofa of an adult

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