How to get rid of smell cat urine: video, tips, recipes


How to get rid of smell cat urine: video, tips, recipes

Some pets love to cope their need directly on the sofa or chair, yellow ugly spots and a unpleasant urine smell appear.

First of all, you must somehow remove these troubles and teach your cat or go to the tray. This article will tell you about many ways to get rid of the unpleasant smell of your pet.

Professional means from smell of cat urine and folk recipes

The smell of cat urine does not disappear very long time, even despite the fact that you try to remove it. Its intensity depends not only on urinic acid (crystalline, which do not give urine to dissolve in ordinary water, contribute to its hardness), but also from the surface on which the "label" is located. From those places that absorb various moisture well, remove this trouble is very hard.

How to get rid of smell cat urine: video, tips, recipes

It is not very simple to bring urine from various surfaces, but it is possible due to a large number of modern means:

  • Domestic Professional Funds: Dissenosan, Liquidator Smell Zoosan, Monoclavit -1;
  • Specialized strong oxidizing agents from foreign manufacturers: HARTS, NATURE'S Miracle, Urine Off and many others.

Many people wanting to get rid of this creepy and nasty smell, resort to folk remedies that remove it no worse than modern drugs.

Tip of the day! In order not to spoil the thing by mangalling, it is enough just to spend the test on the invisible area, then you will be sure whether it is worth using this folk remedy.

How to get rid of smell cat urine: video, tips, recipes

Here are the most popular methods:

  • Manganese. It is a deodorizing agent. When used it, it must be remembered that it can paint the surface.
  • Vinegar. If it is breeding with water, then it is perfectly cope with the cat urine, without hurting the surface.
  • Lemon juice perfectly cope with this problem.
  • Hydrogen peroxide. It is not recommended to be used to remove stains on lacquer-covered surfaces.
  • Soda. It also removes the unpleasant smell well, but it cannot be used on glossy surfaces.
  • Vodka. It does not give a noticeable effect when removing a spot, but it is used to scare the cat - this animal does not like this unpleasant smell of vodka, so it will not be the "label" in the same place.

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Important to remember! To get rid of feline urine, it is not recommended to use solutions containing chlorine. Its unpleasant smell can harm your health, and your favorite health.

From these unpleasant stains you will be helped to get rid of the aforementioned funds. However, it happens that the smell absorbed so deeply and strongly that only professionals in dry cleaning can help. It is best to teach the kitten to the tray since childhood, then there will be no such unpleasant situations.

How to get rid of smell cat urine: video, tips, recipes

How to remove the smell of feline urine from the sofa: Recipe

If your favorite copes his need for a sofa, then you will have to make a lot of effort to get rid of the unpleasant odor and this bad pet habit. For this, several ways came up with: some will help to cope with the new things that appeared "labels", while others - with old. With the first spots, it is always much easier to fight.

It is worth noting that all advertising deodorants, air fresheners and other aromatic means will not help you globally get rid of the problem, but only disguise the smell to the minimum amount of time.

How to get rid of smell cat urine: video, tips, recipes

Reliable and proven way to get rid of cat urine on the sofa:

You'll need:

  1. Paper towels or napkins;
  2. Vinegar, diluted with water as 1: 4;
  3. Baking soda;
  4. Hydrogen peroxide from pharmacy;
  5. Spray;
  6. Detergent for dishes - 10ml;
  7. A vacuum cleaner;
  8. Medical syringe with needle.

To begin with, it is necessary to clean the sofa and remove everything noticeable to the eye traces of urine. Spots should be removed using a solution of vinegar and paper towels / napkins. As soon as the sofa dries, the place of cat "surprise" needs to be sprinkled with soda, and if the "label" absorbed deeply, it is necessary to make a solution of soda and introduce it to the upholstery of the sofa with a syringe.

In the sprayer, pour the hydrogen peroxide, after diluting it with water in half and adding a means to washing, shake well and shake. Spray the contents on the soda. After a while you will smell ammonium, but do not be afraid - it should be. At the very end of the procedure, you only need to dry the sofa and well add it. This way you can even get rid of the fifth "surprise" heavily spent in the furniture.

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How to get rid of smell cat urine: video, tips, recipes

How to remove the smell of feline urine from shoes: recipe

Slippers and owner boots replace many cats tray. As it were funny, it did not sound, but faced with this problem, she will not seem so funny to you. Shoes can be saved if you act immediately:

  1. Leather shoes should be rinsed well both outside and inside, and then wipe it with vodka. If the urine managed to absorb, then it will not help: in rainy weather, or when the legs are sweating, it will be strong.
  2. Manganese, hydrogen peroxide and vinegar will help you to remove the stench from the shoes, but with these means you need to be extremely insensitive. To begin with, you should try them on a less noticeable portion of the boot if no negative interaction reactions are detected, this means that this method can be used.
  3. Textile shoes after processing with vinegar, alcohol or vodka need to be washed with a powder that does not contain chlorine. Sometimes it is necessary to completely disappear the smell.

If after the "label" of the pet, you plan to wear shoes, and not throw it away, then it should pass very thorough and long-term processing.

How to get rid of smell cat urine: video, tips, recipes

How to remove the smell of cat urine from carpet: recipe

Though carpets and come out of fashion, many do not want to get rid of them. It is very convenient and cozy. It happens that the cat or cat will not have time to reach the tray, so the "surprise" of a pet will be born on the carpet.

How to get rid of smell cat urine: video, tips, recipes

To somehow improve the situation and restore the carpet should immediately start its cleaning. Here are some tips:

  1. As soon as you find a puddle on the carpet, it is necessary to immediately remove it with a napkin, a paper towel, toilet paper or something else on your choice. It is worth considering that the liquid should only get into the water without using water for this. It will not destroy the smell, but it will wash the spot and aggravate the situation, making your work even harder and more than.
  2. Spread the napkins around the perimeter of the "Tags" so that it does not spread even more, and the stain itself must be pouring with a water vinegar solution with 1: 3 and cover with paper.
  3. After drying the vinegar, this place should be sprinkled with soda.
  4. Mix in the sprayer of hydrogen peroxide and 1: 1 water and treat "surprise", leave everything for three hours, and after well rinse the carpet.

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If you do not comply with this sequence of actions, then save the carpet from the cat "Tags" will be impossible in the future.

How to get rid of smell cat urine: video, tips, recipes

How to bring the smell of cat urine from carpet or sofa to the odorgone tool: video

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