How to use hydrorem with floor alignment


How to use hydrorem with floor alignment

The creation of high-quality structures depends not only on the material used, clear and consistent implementation of the installation work.

An important role in the construction of any objects and finishing works is played by the ability to qualitatively and accurately create or mount each piece of construction.

To simplify the implementation of such works, various devices are created, one of which is a water level. Many owners often ask the question of how to use the hydroretum, to answer which we can in the future.

What is a hydroretor and what is it needed for?

How to use hydrorem with floor alignment

HydroWorner will help establish a deviation from horizontal and vertical

Creating any building or producing construction internal finishing works, it is necessary that the foundation, floor, walls, ceiling floors, door and window openings are located in the same horizontal and vertical planes.

For this, levels are devices - devices that are able to show the deviation from the horizontal and vertical.

To date, there are 3 types of levels that are widely used when organizing construction works, this is:

  • drier level;
  • hydroelectory;
  • laser level.

Each of the devices has its scope and features.

How to use hydrorem with floor alignment

Laser level runs from the battery

The laser level is a modern measuring device, which are conveniently used by builders in any room and on the street.

This device is an electronic product running from the battery, and has a fairly large price. Not every owner of the house and even the builder can afford its acquisition.

An ordinary drip level is an indispensable device when applying construction work, but it loses its effectiveness when it is necessary to make measurements on the structures that are at a distance of more than 2 m.

How to use hydrorem with floor alignment

This device is inexpensive and gives fairly accurate readings.

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Water level is a fairly simple tool that has a small price and is able to produce fairly accurate values. Many professionals rightly believe that this device is indispensable for private construction work.

The scope of application of the level of water type is sufficiently diverse. Using a hydraulic system, it is possible to set the pile and ribbon foundation, to determine the height difference. The device is widely used in repairs and organization of flooring (draft and finishing).

It should be known that, organizing construction work on the inclined area, with the help of the hydroevum, you can easily and accurately determine the height difference from one end of the site to another.

It will be of great importance in organizing sewage and water supply systems, as well as wastewater treatment.

HydroWine - what is he

The principle of operation of the water level is quite simple, it is based on the physical law "On the reporting vessels", which states that if 2 vessels combine the hose or other binding material, which is capable of moving liquid, and fill with water or other fluid, level Liquid will always be comparable. This means that, being on the same plane 2 vessels, there will be 1 water level, if 1 vessel is lifted, then in it the level of fluid substance will decrease, respectively, in 2 containers - will increase.

How to use hydrorem with floor alignment

In principle, 2 vessels are 2 hydroeer flasks in which the liquid is poured, and they are also connected with a transparent plastic tube. The graded scale is applied to each of the flask, which allows you to determine how much millimeters 2 compared objects have drops along the horizontal plane.

The length of the device hose can be selected by each owner independently when purchased, since it depends on the scope of the instrument (under what distances objects will measure).

How to use hydrorem with floor alignment

Measure more convenient to do together

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If the hydroeer is used when performing internal works, then there is enough tube length to 8 m, even if the length of the sexual overlap or ceiling beams exceeds this distance, there are always additional references (lighthouses), which are an auxiliary element for high-quality markup.

For external construction work related to the construction of buildings, it is advisable to choose long hoses 10-20 m long, so that there is an opportunity to carry out measurements on the diagonals of the foundation or the house as a whole.

A good example of using a hydroelectric room made with your own hands, you can see in the diagram.

How to use hydrorem with floor alignment

It should be remembered that when choosing a water level tube from the point of measurement, it should be vertically descended down and move to another point in the same way. Moreover, the hose along the entire length should not have tension and extra loops during measurements.

Preparation of hydroeer to work

How to use hydrorem with floor alignment

In order for the testimony to be better visible, pour into the vessel painted liquid

Before using the hydrorer, it needs to be dialed. Most often, it is water, only for the definition of measurements is tinted.

It would seem that the water level is a fairly simple device, but in some shortcomings, allowed at the time of the preparation of the device to operate, all measurements may further have a greater error.

An example of such a case is air bubbles in a plastic pipe. To prevent their appearance, water should (in advance) dial from a container located at the height (lowering the level tube there). Accordingly, 2 flasks must be, as close as possible to the surface of the Earth.

How to use hydrorem with floor alignment

As soon as you notice that in a plastic tube, the abundant amount of water should be removed from the container located on top, and pinch your fingers so that the air does not fall there. Only after that you can connect the flask.

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To check the correctness of the device for 2 flasks, you must match together at the same level, they must show the same value on the scale. If the whole procedure has been successful, then the further operation of the water level should be fragile.

It should be remembered that almost every purchased hydrowork is equipped with flasks, which are attached to the ends of the plastic tube. A graduated scale should be applied on the flasks.

At the same time, many builders strongly recommend buying water levels with fastening clamps or rubber bands. For the secrets of working with the device, see this video:

Having learned how to use the hydroretum and prepare it to use, you can safely begin various construction work. Water level will serve as a reliable assistant in all endeavors and will never let you down, as it is a fairly simple and reliable measuring device.

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