Connecting a diesel generator


Connecting a diesel generator

The relevance of diesel generators

The installation of diesel electrical generators in private houses has recently becomes a trend. The presence of a small autonomous power plant is primarily the protection against unplanned failures in the power grid and the possibility of independent control of the amount of electricity that is consumed. The diesel generator is able to guarantee the continuous presence of electricity and the safe use of household appliances, because unforeseen voltage jumps often lead to breakdowns of air conditioners, refrigerators and other equipment.

Connection diagram of a single-phase generator in a three-phase network in the reserve modes.

Autonomous power supply systems are often in demand in the territories where electrical networks are not yet located, but there is a need for a large number of work using electricity (for example, country construction). The selection of current generators is very large and makes it possible to choose the necessary option without any problems. Everything will depend solely on the requirements that are presented by the buyer, as well as its financial opportunities. From how correctly the installation will be chosen and what kind of conditions for its operation, the quality and service life of the autonomous power supply system depends on almost 98%.

Connecting a diesel generator

Connecting the automatic generator running system.

The main parameters to pay attention to the process of purchasing an autonomous power supply system are the following:

  • Type of current and frequency;
  • power;
  • economy;
  • The type of generator.

Modern DSUs are technically complex devices to which special installation and configuration requirements are presented. Proper installation and connection are a guarantee of long work. Installation of the power plant must be carried out in accordance with the requirements for operation and on strictly established rules. Otherwise, there is the likelihood that the premature wear and damage will come.

Connecting a diesel generator

Connection diagram of the cavitation generator to the fuel system of diesel-generators diesel-elevation "Captain Plakhin".

In the case when more than 1 meter is used to connect the electricity that is consumed, it will take to connect the power grid into one point to which the generator is connected to the connection of the diesel generator. Combining the power grid to one distribution shield will be done to ensure several floors of a single emergency building, when the metering devices will be located on different floors. The reconstruction of the electrical network should be carried out according to the project of internal power supply.

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With the simultaneous inclusion of the diesel power station and the existing load in the power grids, fire and damage to the equipment are possible. The diesel generator should be included exclusively in the absence of voltage in the main network. In order to exclude the possibility of simultaneous inclusion, you will need to install ABP - automatic commissioning of the service.

For the operation of diesel mobile power plants in open areas, you will need a switching shield in order to connect DSU. It is installed in the facade of the building from the back side. The removal of such equipment must be carried out on the basis of the agreed project.

The diagram of connecting a diesel generator indoor is depicted in this picture (image 1).

Preparation for the operation of the diesel generator

Connecting a diesel generator

Image 1. Connecting a diesel generator

Preparation of such a device to operate must comply with the following requirements:

  • The diesel generator should be protected from environmental impacts, including atmospheric precipitation and sunlight;
  • It will be needed to provide for the system of forced ventilation in order to avoid the possibility of overheating the unit;
  • Diesel generators need to be protected from exposure to excessively high and low temperatures, their sharp drops;
  • The diagram of connecting a diesel power plant should provide for protection against air impurities, including construction dust, smoke, exhaust gases, chemicals, and so on.

In order to ensure the most efficient cooling of the diesel power plant, as well as free access to it, it will be necessary to leave at least 1.5 m from above and 1 m around the perimeter. In the process of installing diesel installations on open areas, the connection scheme must necessarily include protection against external influences. In this case, this may be a noise absorbing all-weather casing or a container in the northern conditions. The housings can also be provided with a temporary installation of a diesel generator outdoor or in it.

Foundation and fixing DES

Connecting a diesel generator

Connection diagram of the generator and the location of its contact terminals (diesel models).

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All similar diesel devices are supplied assembled. The strengths of their aggregates (engine and generator) are located coaxially and mounted on a rigid metal frame (bed), which is the basis of the installation.

In the process of installing the device, it must be rigidly fixed on a properly prepared foundation. The mount is performed using anchor bolts through the holes for the base of the diesel device. The ideal foundation will be a reinforced concrete pillow. It is able to provide a tough support, to prevent the emergence of the unit and eliminate the possibility of spreading vibration.

The width and length of the foundation must correspond to the overall dimensions of the DES, the depth should be at least 150-200 mm. The surface of the floor or land under it needs to be properly prepared. It must have a structure that can withstand the weight of the unit and the foundation.

When installing diesel generator installations in the room, you will need to take into account the requirements of the construction rules that exist. Building designs should allow you to withstand the load that corresponds to the weight of the foundation, the maximum stock of fuel, equipment.

Diesel Generator Connection Works

Connecting a diesel generator

OPERATION OF AVR scheme for 3 inputs (two networks and third - automatic diesel generator) and one output.

Elements that will be needed to connect such a diesel device:

  • cowned chopper;
  • the simplest AVR block on contactors;
  • Full AVR;
  • anchor bolts.

There are several ways to connect a diesel generator.

  1. Cut down. The easiest to use a flipper switch in 3 applications (1-0-2), that is, in the first position, the house or office will be connected to the industrial network, in 0 position the load will turn off, and when switching to 2, the load will connect to the reserve source of electricity - generator .
  2. The simplest AVR block on contactors. The second method is somewhat more complicated, but also has the right to life. In this case, the AVR should be used with the priority of the main input. The algorithm of the work of this device is quite simple: in the event of electricity to the city, you should approach the generator and start it. If there is no electricity in the main network, the generator contactor will be closed. In case of electricity in the main network, the generator contactor will open and the generator contactor will turn on.

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Connecting a diesel generator

Connection diagram of the generator and automation.

It makes sense to improve the AVR slightly, so that when electricity appears in the city, an additional relay was able to join the generator. You can install an additional time relay. In this case, when the generator is started, the load will turn on after a certain period of time, for which the generator will be able to reach its usual mode of operation. The generator warms up, turns stabilize.

Similar type of connection of the generator to an object that exists allows you to connect a generator that has a manual launch and a generator that is equipped with an electric starter.

Unit control unit generator. The third way to connect a diesel generator to the house is carried out using the use of a full-fledged ABR (automatic power on the backup power).

This method is the most optimal. In this case, the automation unit will control the presence of voltage in the main network. If the voltage disappears, the automation will independently launch the diesel generator, he warms and switches the load on a small power plant. When the main electricity appears in the main network, the load is shifted from the generator and the subsequent stop of the diesel device.

In this case, the only minus will be the cost of the launch device of the ABR generator and the cost of directly installation work, because for the switching of the generator and the ABR system, you will need knowledge and skills to connect automation and diesel device. It should be noted that for the operation of the generator device in automatic mode, a small power plant should be equipped with an electric starter.

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