How to put folding doors (accordion, book)


Sometimes ordinary swing doors do not work: there are very few places or they are fighting about the wall or furniture. In this case, folding doors can help. They are also called folding or folding. The essence does not change: they are collected from one or two sides of the doorway, occupying a small space.

Types of folding doors

Folding doors of any type are arranged easy. They consist of separate bands moving together. One of the strips is the extreme right or left - fixed. All the remaining above (sometimes at the bottom too) have small rollers that are inserted into the guide. When applied, the rollers slide on the guide, forcing the segments to develop. Depending on how and where rollers are fixed, folding doors are two types: "Harmonica" and "book".

How to put folding doors (accordion, book)

Types of folding doors: book and harmonica - that's what the difference

If the rollers are fixed in the middle of each door lamella, the door-harmonica is obtained. In this case, each fragment turns around the axis, on which the roller is fixed. The folds are fine - about the width of the wall (slightly more or less - depends on the model and the parameters of the wall). The width of the lamella's folding doors of this type is 8-20 cm. The most common - 12-15 cm wide, the rest are less common. The height is standard for the door of about 220-230 mm, the width is minimal - 50 cm, the maximum is 600 cm. There are higher models - for folding partitions.

The length of the canvas is easily corrected - an increase in or decreasing the number of segments, up to the creation of folding partitions. Only one moment: in long doors / partitions, two guides are needed - at the top and bottom. Otherwise, when working, the mechanism often encourages.

How to put folding doors (accordion, book)

Device door-harmonic

Plus folding doors-accordion - low price. There are many proposals with a price of about 2-3 thousand rubles on the standard doorway. There are naturally more expensive. Service life - about 5 years. The most common breakage is the failure of the rollers. In the cheapest models they are of soft plastic. As a result, the doors "noisy" and erased quickly. As usual, the choice is: more expensive and, perhaps, better, or cheap.

The book's doors are characterized by larger fragments. There are no more than two parts on the standard doorway. In this case, the rollers are attached through one articulation, and - on the place of the joint. In this case, it turns out that the door canvas folds, reminding the page of the book. The part that does not have rollers is put forward to the room.

How to put folding doors (accordion, book)

Folding Door Book: Connector Device

In the folded state, the book the book takes up more space than the "harmonica", but this type of device has its advantages. Fragments doors harmonica will not be made from very thick material: the structure itself will not allow. Therefore, they are most often made of plastic, MDF. With independent manufacture can use Faneur and other similar materials. Hence the application area - most often used as a door to utility rooms - type of storage rooms, can be installed as doors in the homemade shower. In this case, plastic is one of the best materials: it provides tightness, not afraid of high humidity, it is good, it is possible - with the use of detergents. As interior doors or partitions, such doors put such doors when they only distinguish the space: the characteristics of sound insulation are practically "no".

Door book can be made even from a wood array. First, the rollers are used more solid, secondly - the design does not impose constraints in thickness. Because the book doors can be made of wood, glass, metalplastic. Moreover, when using special fittings, metal-plastic folding doors can be used as input: as they provide a sufficient degree of security. They are often put in the house as an exit to the terrace or to the courtyard. Lack of such systems: solid price. A set of fittings on one door-book from metalplastic costs about 550-600 $. The usual is slightly expensive than the standard canvase. There are options and for 3-4 thousand rubles. They can be used as interior doors, put in cabinets.

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Technical parameters for folding doors type "Book":

  • Length is up to 7 m using wooden systems (with or without glass) and up to 6 m in metal-plastic systems.
  • Wooden height - from 800 mm to 3000 mm; Mealoplastic - from 640 mm to 2400 mm.
  • The width of one sash in wooden from 440 mm to 1200 mm; In metal plastic - from 490 mm to 940 mm.
  • The number of sash - from 2 to 7.

There is another type of doors saving space - sliding. About what they happen and how to install them can be found here.

Installation of folding doors

Since the systems are slightly different, there are some differences in the installation process, but a lot and general moments:
  • Doors are put in the already separated by the doorway.
  • There are strict requirements for geometry door opening: strictly vertically and strictly horizontally, without deviations.
  • When installing, it is necessary to hardly control the verticality of the installation. The slightest deviations lead to the encoding of the system, as well as to a more rapid erasure of the rollers.

Next, we describe the installation process of each type of devices in the photo and video format.

Installation of the door of the harmonica: put it yourself

Foldable harmonica doors in the standard configuration have:

  • Two long side guides;
  • One short - top (maybe lower);
  • The required number of lamellas (depends on the parameters of your doorway);
  • fastening elements (self-tapping screws, clips, etc.);
  • stops;
  • videos;

After examining all the contents, we start mounting. First, we carefully measure the doorway. Side guides cut up in height. So that the cut was smooth, it is better to use a stub, and a saw with a small tooth - a canvas for metal, for example.

How to put folding doors (accordion, book)

Sut off the length of the lateral guides

The upper guide should be a little shorter of the width of the opening: there will also be lateral. Because the width of the doorway take away the twin width of the side guides. Different producers, they have a different cross section, but on average you need to take 3-4 cm. Everyone is exactly measured and cut off.

The door leaf plates often have a greater length than required. They can be cut off, as a rule, cut down at the bottom. The height of the lamella is calculated as: from the height of the doorway, 0.7-1 cm of the gap is subtracted at the bottom (so as not to cling to the bar behind the threshold), and still take the height of the roller mechanism and the guide. In each case, it is different, usually indicated in the installation instructions, which should be attached to the door. If it is not, you can fix the upper guide, roll the rollers in it, and so measured the required height. Noting her on the lamellas, the unnecessary part is screaming. You can use a conventional manual saw, grinder or ending. Who has what is in stock.

One important point: In some cases, with the bottom guide - fasteners can be installed at the bottom of the lamellae. Before starting to cut, they need to dismantle everything. They are usually simply removed. You only need to make an effort.

How to put folding doors (accordion, book)

Cut the lamella and connecting elements of the required length

The same length cut off all flexible connectors. If the harmonic doors are plastic, usually connect the parts using flexible connectors to which the panels are simply inserted. Sometimes manufacturers make additional decorative lining, which are glued at the bottom of the lamellas on bilateral tape (also comes with).

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How to put folding doors (accordion, book)

Decorative lining is in some models

Next, proceed to the installation. First take the lock bar. This is an extreme bar, which does not develop in the harmonic doors. It establishes the end guide.

How to put folding doors (accordion, book)

Install the guide slider on the starting bar

On each of the lamellas, we set the swivel rollers. They can be of different shapes. In this model, small elements. They are inserted into the agreed place and are fixed with one or two screws.

How to put folding doors (accordion, book)

Install the clips on the slave

Now you can collect the door leaf. In this model, the lamelles are connected using flexible inserts. Inserts on the edges of the groove inserts are plans.

How to put folding doors (accordion, book)

We collect lamellas with flexible inserts

Folding all the required parts, fix flexible inserts. They are attached from above and below with the help of screws (come in the kit). It is more convenient to push all the screws manually, and then tighten them with a screwdriver.

How to put folding doors (accordion, book)

Fix flexible parts

Folding the door leaf, measure its width in the folded state. This is necessary to install the stop.

How to put folding doors (accordion, book)

Measure the width of the "accordion" in the folded state

This size is transferred to the upper guide bar. In this place, in the middle drill a hole for the installation of the stopper. It is put in place, fixing the screw.

How to put folding doors (accordion, book)

Stop installation

The harmonica door assembly is completed. Mounting in the doorway begins.

First place the place of installation of the upper guide. Usually they are in the middle of the opening, but there may be exceptions. Placing the installation lines, make sure that they are smooth.

In this model, the guides are mounted on the clips: small plastic latches. This system is convenient in the installation. First, clips are installed, then guides are pressed in them.

How to put folding doors (accordion, book)

Clip location

Since the main load in such a system accounts for the top, here the clips are installed often. Extreme - at a distance of 1 cm, retreating 5 cm from them - another one, and the rest with a step of 16-20 cm. On lateral rests, the distance between the clips is 40 cm. Please note that clips for installation from the castle have smaller sizes, And also painted white. They are put at a distance of 40 and 70 cm.

When installing, the accuracy is observed up to a millimeter. Even a slight deviation will lead to the fact that the guide "will not sit down". Therefore, it makes sense to note not only the average line, the clips are attached, but those for which the edges are leveling.

How to put folding doors (accordion, book)

Clips are twisted

If necessary, for each clips put a dowel. If wooden bar is laid in the doorway, it is possible to mount them on a tap of a tree with a length of at least 80 mm.

Before installing the slider (rollers) are lubricated with attached lubrication.

How to put folding doors (accordion, book)

Lubricated sliders

They come to the upper guide. It is more convenient to do this in the assembled state. Lamins are compressed, rollers are hardened in the groove that is available in the guide.

How to put folding doors (accordion, book)


Hide on the guide doors rise in the opening. The guide is installed on clips, simply having a palm in those places where the clips are mounted.

How to put folding doors (accordion, book)

Installation of the door-harmonica in the doorway

The side guides are put in the same way: comes to clips and a slight impact of the palm "plant" in place. Despite the ease of installation, they are very good. For the sake of the experiment you can pull: to pull out from the attachment will have to lean the whole body.

How to put folding doors (accordion, book)

Installing knob

The latter is installed handle. Before installation, it is also better to lubricate. The handle consists of two parts: facial and rear. They are connected by screws. All exactly all: the folding doors-harmonica are installed in their own hands.

Not all folding doors are attached to clips. Most, by the way, has an ordinary fastener on a dowel-nail. In this case, there are installation features. They are talking about in video format.

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Put folding doors book

Even if you bought a ready-made set, without some work it is not necessary. First of all, you have to assemble the door frame. It is usually complete with the door. It is distinguished by the presence of a P-shaped groove in which the slider is installed. Therefore, an old box, even if it does not succeed in good condition. Is that, you can build a profile, suitable cross section.

How to put folding doors (accordion, book)

So in the context looks like a box of the box under the door-book

From this profile is the box. The whole process is described in detail here. You will also need to install the loop. They put on the part that will open. Good news is that in the finished set of recesses are ready for them. It remains only to be placed, drill holes and tighten the screws.

How to put folding doors (accordion, book)

When installing the doors, the book will need to embed the loop

Two canvas between themselves are connected by hidden loops or butterfly loops.

How to put folding doors (accordion, book)

Hidden loops in a book doors

If you choose from two types of loops, it is better to put hidden. In the open state, they almost do not leave the slots between the canvas. In addition, they are more powerful, can withstand solid loads. Their cons: harder installation and big cost. But if the doors from MDF or array, then you need to put them. "Butterflies" are suitable for a light doorway or where to make significant recesses under the body of a hidden loop will not work.

How to put folding doors (accordion, book)

It is a butterfly loop

After the pockets of the loops (better hidden, they hold more reliably, and look better) you need to install the slider. It is placed in the upper end of the canvas, which will be folded.

How to put folding doors (accordion, book)

Place leashes on the upper part of the emerging halves of the door

Then it remains to hang over the first half on the installed box. To attach the second to it, setting the second parts of hidden loops. Only first the second half is started with a leash in the groove and only then goes off with the already hung half. After that, only the installation of the handles and finishing of the doorway by platbands remains.

Step-by-step process of installing doors-books. Look in the video.

If such a job is not difficult for you, you can collect the bookbook on your own. There are in the stores of loops, runners, rollers, sliders and guides. Having gathered all this together, you will get the desired: folding doors in the form of a book. An approximate set of fittings - in the video below.

But even having a similar kit, you need to know how to collect it. This assembly process is in the following video. See, it may be possible to repeat. It turned out not bad.

Another option of the door-book mechanism in the next video. In it, two canvas are connected by a movably articulated plate, which is installed in the upper and lower end. The mechanism is supplemented with rollers, which move along the guide box attached at the top. How to collect and install folding doors-book with such a mechanism - in the next video.

Photo of folding doors in the interior

How to put folding doors (accordion, book)

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How to put folding doors (accordion, book)

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