Preparation of solutions of plaster based on lime


Lime - long known for a single generation of builders material. That is why, according to many professionals, a limestrine for plaster is the most optimal option. Lime plaster is simple and accessible, so it is popular. In this article, you will learn why and how to achieve the maximum result when used.

Plaster is a protective, leveling layer, which is made of coarse materials. As the main binding material in the composition uses gypsum, cement, sand, clay and lime.

In terms of its composition, all solutions are divided into simple and complex.

The first type belongs:

  • lime
  • cement,
  • Clay.

Complex solutions are:

  • lime-gypsum,
  • cement-limestrone
  • Lime-clay.

Advantages of the mix

Lime happens such types:

  • hammer;
  • white;
  • gray;
  • carbide;
  • Negament and harated.

The limestone plaster is used both to align the walls in painting and for the decor of the facades. A considerable role in the manufacture of plaster for various purposes is played by fillers that are part of the mixture.

Preparation of solutions of plaster based on lime

The most common one is sand. Lime-and-sand plaster depends on the type of additional component. The most demanded quartz sand, because it is very high quality. As for the rampant, as well as mountain - they have as part of an impurity clay. In the sea - a lot of salt, which does not well affect the quality of plaster.

Sand in the composition of the finishing mixture should not have impurities of dirt or other extraneous components. Therefore, it is pre-washed or sifted to prepare lime-sand plaster.

Features of limestone plaster:

  • Strength.
  • Hardening occurs only in air and slowly.
  • Needlessness.
  • Weak atmospheric stability.
  • The main application is in dry rooms where there are no large mechanical loads.

Preparation of solution

To determine what plaster is best to apply, you need to consider the characteristics of the room and the front of the work. For example, when internal finishing in rooms, where humidity does not exceed the norm, cement lime or lime plaster plaster is applicable.

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The mixture can be prepared by mechanized or manually. The main thing to comply with technology. You must first make a dry mix, and then - add water. From the tanks, the wooden box with a smooth bottom and parameters of 1 x 0.5 x 0.2 meters is best suited. Make sure that in the process of preparing limestone plaster in the corners, the accumulation of binding elements that are not measured are formed.

Preparation of solutions of plaster based on lime

If the mixture is mixed badly, then the color is inhomogeneous, the stripes are visible when applied. To implement the entire process of cooking manually, you need to follow the rules. First, make sure that the bottom container is not only even, but also clean. Secondly, fall asleep the sand needs a solid layer. Thirdly, evenly distribute the binder. Fourthly, the mixture thoroughly needs to shock, ram with robbles, to achieve homogeneity. And only after receiving such a result to finish cooking.

Be prepared for the fact that the process of cooking lime plaster will take a long time. To speed it up, you can use a drill with a special nozzle. As a mixing capacity, you will now need to use a bucket or any friend with high sides, so as not to scatter particles.

The mixture is ready and to bring the lime mortar to mind, you need to add water. But not immediately, but portion. Mix thoroughly and do not allow homosexual formations. It is better to carry out such work using a mixer or drill with a nozzle, because by hand the excellent result you will not achieve.

Look at the solution of limestone plaster - it must have normal fatty. It is determined by the ratio of binder and aggregate. If the proportions are violated, then the properties of the plaster will not change for the better. All the fatty solution is obtained when it has too many binding material. It is manifested in the form of a large shrinkage, and when dried up.

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There is such a concept as a skinny solution. It is formed if the binder is not enough, a lot of aggregate. It is characterized by insufficient strength, although it does not crack. Many find the output to buy ready-made dry mixtures, which simply add water.

Important nuances when working with lime mortar

To get high quality it is necessary to use limestone dough. Its in one bulk part is connected with 1-5 bulk parts of the sand. It all depends on how fatty the dough you need. But it is not recommended to store in advance with such a solution, it is prepared on the day of use.

Preparation of solutions of plaster based on lime

To determine if the solution is not skinny, test. Type a little substance on the shovel and turn over. If the mixture did not stick to the shovel, then this is an incorrect consistency. Normal must stick slightly. If you see strong gluing, it is also not good.

Apply the lime solution is needed carefully using gloves. Avoid getting it in the eyes and on the mucous membrane. Try to all sections of your body closed. To do this, wear special work suits, jams and even respirators.

If you use a haired lime, then the container for its stirring must be metallic. It can be quenched independently due to mixing from inputs in proportion 1: 1. After 10-20 minutes, the process of quenching begins. You will feel the specific smell, you may be drowning. Complete amount will occur in 20-30 minutes. Do not forget to ventilate the room and try to wear a respirator.

Preparation of solutions of plaster based on lime

A lime solution can be used when finishing walls and ceilings, internal works, design of facades. It is called a universal means. The material is quite affordable, unpretentious to the place of application. The disadvantages include the fact that it cannot be used in bathrooms and basements. All because of high humidity in them. A lime-cement mixture is more suitable here, because it grasps faster and does not respond to increased humidity.

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In order for your lime solution to be more durable, add cement. The calculation should be like this: 10 liters - liter of cement. This solution is grapped faster. And if the cement is replaced with plaster, then drying will occur even faster. But here it will be necessary to quickly take advantage of it on the wall, the speed is especially important when working with fatty solutions.

Apply a limestone stucco need to be a trowel or steel line. It is necessary to monitor the layer thickness. It should not exceed 15 mm. If you think that a thicker coating is needed, then you need to re-apply a layer or two, but in any case wait for the first.

To properly work with limestone plaster, follow the proportions. For example, the ratio of lime and sand must be 1: 4. If you do all the tips, you can save, as well as increase the quality of the finish.

Video "Preparation of Plaster Solution"

The record shows the process of preparation of self-made plaster mixture based on perlite.

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