Advantages of MDF panels for doors and arches


We all remember how the doors of apartments and houses were separated by peat or leather. Now the option of such a cladding goes into the past, and the famous MDF panels come to the leading position. I myself used this material at the time of repairs at home and now I decided to use the material not only for the door in my house, but also for the arch, which has long lost your kind. After completing all the processes, I decided to share not only experience, but also my information about the advantages of MDF for the arch between rooms and doors as a facing.

Advantages of MDF panels for doors and arches

Independent finishing of doors MDF panels

Pros that help make a choice

Advantages of MDF panels for doors and arches

MDF panel for door facing

Of course, the benefits of the material and its properties play an important role during the comparison of finishing materials and the final choice. As usual I want to start with the advantages that the MDF panels are possessed:

  1. The door panel is so popular due to its resistance to mechanical unintentional damage, scratches and chips. To the same panels, they do not fade under the action of sunlight and are able to keep their original species for a long time.
  2. Perfect for metal doors - In addition to improving sound insulation properties, the canvas acquires a wonderful appearance, with which no untreated metal door is compared. To all between the MDF and the metal door it is possible to lay an additional layer of heat insulation, which is so necessary for entrance cans
  3. Panels are environmentally friendly - this property suggests that the material does not harm the health of his people
  4. With the help of panels, you can make not only the door, but also its slopes or the same arches between the rooms. Due to this, the appearance of the opening becomes aesthetic and attractive
  5. The ability to spend all work on your own, allows you to draw up arches and doors even beginners. To the same time, there will be no time for such work.

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Prepare the place of work

Advantages of MDF panels for doors and arches

Finishing doors MDF.

If you decide to bind the door leaf with your own hands, then you should stock up the minimum list of tools:

  • MDF panels - it is better to take a material with a slight margin, especially if the work is held for the first time
  • Platbands, rake and corner
  • Electropolitanzik
  • Stuslo, mounting knife, selflessness, liquid nails
  • Primer

If the door is installed for the first time, fill all the slots by mounting foam and cut it after complete drying. Then, with the help of primer, improve the adhesion of the future layer of plaster and foam. It is necessary to stucify using metal profiles that play the role of lighthouses. After complete drying, a layer of primer is applied again.

The next door is happening. Planks are hampered on it - they will serve as the basis for fixing the MDF panels. Location should be around the door perimeter

Important! If your standard size canvas, then you will need about 10 meters.

When the frame is ready to mount the panels - it is necessary to pick up the screws that do not try to break through. Use the stouch for cutting panels at the right angle. All joints are masked by decorative straps and corners.

Important! Replacing the spoiled panel on the door is by dismantling it. And then it all depends on the way of fastening. If you decorated the canvas with your own hands, then the replacement will be simple. But if specialists were performed, the high-quality replacement can be performed only by their hands.

Interroom door

Advantages of MDF panels for doors and arches

MDF Panel for Arch

Choosing interior canvases Many wish to save and buy doors to paint. Such an action allows you to give the canvas the necessary color, which may simply not be in the palette of finished products. The painted doors from the MDF panels acquire the properties of additional strength and stability of damage.

In order to get the magnificent painted canvas with your own hands it is necessary to properly hold the process of training and staining:

  1. To start, dismantling the doors and all its components. Only horizontal position allows you to apply the paint without incl.
  2. An old coating is removed if it is available. Next Stage Grinding Material
  3. For the primer, it is better to use Olifu - it fills fine pores
  4. When the soil dries on the door, paint is applied. For these purposes it is better to purchase acrylic or oil paint and apply it in several layers.
  5. To secure a color, use lacquer, which is applied after complete drying of the LKM

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The painted doors fits perfectly into the overall interior and you have the opportunity to repaint the web as needed.

Arch and her facing

Advantages of MDF panels for doors and arches

MDF door panel

More recently, the arches in my house were unpleasurable and long lost their appearance, as they were placed with wallpaper, which were slightly fused. Deciding to correct this incident, I began to look for the necessary materials and my gaze stopped on the MDF panels. Such a solution was caused not only by the excellent properties of material strength, but also extensive ideas in terms of design. Many manufacturers offered the most incredible color solutions and geometric shapes, with which the arch can be separated.

In addition to huge similarities with natural wood, the panels can be several types:

  • Laminated - due to the upper coating, both the strength of the product and its similarity with natural material increases
  • Veneered - with the press plate connected with a small layer of wood and in the future is covered with varnish. It is because of this that the value of the veneered material is higher, because thanks to this manufacturing process, it becomes more durable and resistant to damage

If you decide to design the arch with the help of these panels, then you need to know what should be protected from point shocks. Although the panels are less durable than natural wood, with a small arc pavement can maintain its appearance for 5-7 years. Although, as one of my acquaintance said, after a while she will still be unlocked under the influence of sunlight. But most likely you will think about updating cosmetic repairs in the rooms where the arches will be available. Remember that the facing of the panels cannot be made at a strong opening of the opening, since the material does not have such flexibility. The installation of the elements should occur in two ways: or you will stick it with an adhesive solution, or install the cable device using the device. You need to think about the second version in advance, since the mounting of the frame will steal some centimeters, at the height and width of the passage between the rooms.

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