5 secrets of white use in the children's room


Create the perfect space for games, classes and recreation of a child - a lesson is not easy. In the process of creating an interior, it is necessary to take into account many criteria, one of which is the choice of color.

5 secrets of white use in the children's room

The tint palette manages the mental state of a person. Bright colors excite, pastel shades on the contrary helps calm down and focus. White color is the perfect solution for the arrangement of the children's room.

The main characteristics of white in the interior of the children's

White color, perfectly combined with other shades, creates a harmonious space filled with light. White color helps to visually change the geometry of narrow, small space. Neutralizing the aggressive impact of dark colors, white creates a feeling of purity and freshness. White shade harmoniously fits with any interior style. The most prominent option is classic and Scandinavian design.

5 secrets of white use in the children's room

White use secrets in children's interior

  1. We select a hue correctly. Few people know, but faceless in first glance white color has many shades. Choosing a white paint for the walls of the children's room is important to take into account the location of the windows relative to the parties of the world. So for the nurses, the windows of which come to the north most preferably warm shades of white. For a room, located on the southern, south-west side, the ideal option will be cold shades.
    5 secrets of white use in the children's room

Important: Properly chosen white paint tone helps to create a cozy atmosphere, avoid the feeling of hospital room.

  1. We dilute a white color with bright color accents. Children see the world in bright colors. Create a comfortable space in which bright colors do not overload the psyche of the child and at the same time there is no sensation of emptiness, and large color accents will help absolute sterility. As an option, one of the walls can be saved with photo wallpapers with a large print (by image of your child's favorite animals). Also dilute the white color of the walls can be niches painted in bright colors. They will not only bring the mood and style to the interior, but also become a convenient additional place to store. Quickly and simply add colored accents to help special decorative stickers on the wall.
    5 secrets of white use in the children's room

Tip: The finish of one of the walls by special chalk wallpaper or a styling board will not only bring the color accent, but also will help solve the problem of drawing on the walls.

  1. White color - perfect background for wall decor. Children's room is one of the few rooms in the house where the variety of children's drawings and other creative gusts of the child are most appropriate. White wall color will be the perfect background to accommodate all the arts of beloved Chad.
    5 secrets of white use in the children's room

Secret: Children's drawings, paintings, posters hang in the frames of neutral shades. Thus, decorative elements perfectly fit into the white interior.

  1. White wall color expands space. Children's rooms rarely feature a large area. Fill a small space with air and light will help the white color of the walls, ceiling and floor. And let it not frighten the prospect of constant cleaning. Unlike dark colors, dust is noticeable on white surfaces.
    5 secrets of white use in the children's room

Secret: Get rid of paint spots, plasticine and markers are much easier with painted surfaces of walls and floor covered with laminate.

  1. White color helps to create a children's interior to rise. ABOUT molding walls, ceiling and floor in bright, white gamut, over time, as you grow up the child, the interior can be easily changed . It is enough to choose new lamps, textiles (curtains, bed linen) and other decor and room acquires a completely new, designed to taste and the mood of the grown child interior.
    5 secrets of white use in the children's room

White color helps to create an ideal children's room. The main thing in the process of creating the interior is remembered by small tricks and to finish into account the personal wishes of the child.

Article on the topic: Beautiful and practical interior of the children's room

5 secrets of white use in the children's room

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5 secrets of white use in the children's room

5 secrets of white use in the children's room

5 secrets of white use in the children's room

5 secrets of white use in the children's room

5 secrets of white use in the children's room

5 secrets of white use in the children's room

5 secrets of white use in the children's room

5 secrets of white use in the children's room

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