How to cover lacquer wooden door in order to return her former look


When the interior must be updated, but there is no funds to buy new doors, a desire to do something with your own hands appears. Many are resorted to various ways of design - glued by the canvas with self-keys, paint with the help of various Lxgles, are trimmed with vinyl panels. And I liked the way to cover the wooden door with varnish. It is about this way that I will write in more detail today, and I will also tell you how the entire coating process took place with my own hands and how if necessary, remove the varnish.

How to cover lacquer wooden door in order to return her former look

How to cover lacquer wooden door?

Benefits and features of the use of varnish

How to cover lacquer wooden door in order to return her former look

Cover the door lacquer

In addition to the fact that the varnish allows you to give the door to a spectacular look, it also has a huge number of protective functions that are so necessary for the door canvase. Due to various types of varnish, you can completely change the appearance of the array and give the usual pine type of the valuable tree of the tree. The lacquer coating also allows you to emphasize the shade that has a door leaf and give some details deep and rich color.

Important! Many confuse impregnation concepts for wooden surface and protective coatings. If the first serve to protect the material from mold and rotting, then the second will be overtaken by wood from the external negative effects of water, the sun and a sharp change in temperature.

For myself, I found out such advantages that allow you to cover the door with varnish yourself:

  1. Varnish is an affordable material - everyone can choose the appropriate mixture based on the pricing policy. But here you should not forget that only a high-quality mixture is able to improve the protective and external properties of the door and at the same time extend its service life. Consequently, it will not be a penny
  2. Simple application - even a beginner will be able to cover the surfaces of the lacquer, who previously did not have experience in carrying out such events
  3. Universality - Material is used for different surfaces, and it can be used as a fixation of decoupage and painting
  4. Protective functions with which lacquer enhance the resistance of the wooden door to various negative effects. Such may be mechanical damage, scratches, moisture and ultraviolet light

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As it turned out, varnish varieties abound, but all of them are divided according to the composition. There are such as:

  • Oil varnish - as already clear the main component is oils that absorbing into the surface can change its color. They can be used as a solvent, they dry for a long time and most often have an unpleasant smell.
  • Water - popular in our time, since they are colorless, do not have sharp odors and can be both completely matte and glossy. It has a short duration of drying, but the door canvas requires pre-applying

Sequence of performance

How to cover lacquer wooden door in order to return her former look

Finish the door lacquer

As for all bases in the first place, the proper surface preparation is worth. If the cloth has already been covered with varnish, it should be removed. You can make such manipulations in several ways:

  1. With the help of sandpaper - in order to remove the old coating, it is better to stock BRUS, with which it will be more convenient to keep the sandpaper. You should start with coarse pieces and then move on fine-grained
  2. Grinding machine will make the whole process very fast and convenient. Remove the coating with its help will not make any difficulty and physical costs.
  3. Solvent - Although this method can be called very relevant, it can spoil wood or not to act in the desired volume

Important! In the presence of chips, a special mastic is used, which can be selected in the color of the canvas. If you decide to use a sampling before the coating, then apply it immediately after grinding and cleaning the surface.

From my friend, I learn some features with which to cover the canvas will be much easier and more correct. For doors, dismantling and installation in a horizontal position is needed - only such an action will allow the canvas as much as possible from the sublists and other flaws. The use of the tassel allows you to apply uniformly. Total to be applied from three to five layers - if you applied the base layer with horizontal movements of the brush, then the second is applied with a vertical direction. Also alternate and subsequent layers should also cover the canvas need to be varnished.

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Effect "Under the Starin" with your own hands

How to cover lacquer wooden door in order to return her former look

Cover the door with varnish yourself

If we figured out how to upgrade the old web, then here's how, on the contrary, I did not have any idea of ​​creating wood. Very often, with the help of doors under the old days, designer decisions in the premises are emphasized and there is no desire to acquire expensive options. It is for this purpose that there are ways to create a wooden door for ancient.

I liked the brash option, but I will tell you about everyone separately. So, to achieve under the antique use such ways:

  1. Braching - the option is very simple and many workshops are used. Using the iron brush, you need to remove the top layer of wood before the advent of annual rings. Remember how the lighted boards start to look at your home - here this kind is achieved with the help of physical work and a metal brush. For those who decided to try to embody such a way for the effect of "under ancient", you should immediately stock and varnish. Since the grungy material in the future should be polished and covered with paint, mourn or update with varnish
  2. Patting - "Patina", so called a special paint, which allows you to get a view of an old old wooden canvas. The technology of applying is to choose the necessary color and applying the first base layer, which is further covered with paints or the same material, only brighter shades. When the coating dries it begins to make a fine-grained skirt. When the bottom layer begins to appear through the top, the impression appears that the canvas stained several times. At the same time there are scratches quite natural
  3. Equality Wax - Technology "Under the Starin" in this case consists in some sequence: we apply waxed in the brightest color, waiting for a complete drying-with a spatula, you need to remove paraffin-grinding all the base - the next action "Cover or Morilka" wax. It is this method that allows you to pretend the "under the old" as close as possible to the truth.

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How to cover lacquer wooden door in order to return her former look

Cover the door lacquer with their own hands

When I first heard about varnish and similar actions to update the doors or, on the contrary, making the doorways, then all actions seemed to me difficult and very complex on the execution technology. But the first time I tried to apply the lacquer and arrange the interior canvas with your own hands, I realized that for my housing for a long time it will not be necessary to replace interroom doors.

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