Cosmetic crochet with a scheme and description for beginners


Sew any product independently from finished fabric does not require a lot of work and time. Total steam patterns and zippers are a ready-made bag, wallet or cosmetic bag. But to weave the most cute female belly from knitting threads - this is the challenge for the Master of Needlework. Moreover, it is always pleasant to have in your collection as independently sewn products and related. If you have a little patience and make a small tolik zeal, you can take yourself to knit cosmetics with crochet, with a scheme and descriptions that are attached in this article.

Preparation for knitting

Cosmetic crochet with a scheme and description for beginners

Before starting work on knitted cosmetic bag, it is necessary, of course, choose materials and tools for its creation.

To knit cosmetics will be required:

  1. Threads for yarn of one or more colors. Standardly choose two shades;
  2. Crochet hook;
  3. Button for fastening the cosmetics (you can choose any other item used in handbags as a fastener);
  4. Threads and needle;
  5. Decorative elements - cosmetic bag can be decorated with beads, ribbons with beads, etc.;
  6. Scissors.

It is necessary to take into account the fact that knitting threads should choose the same thickness so that the molding on the cosmetic bag corresponds to the width of the canvas over the entire surface.

Easy way

The first stage of the manufacture of the product lies in the crossing of the line-chain line of 36 loops, one of which is used on the rise. For a better display of future cosmetics, it is necessary to study the following scheme in detail:

Cosmetic crochet with a scheme and description for beginners

Around the resulting chain, another 13 rows in a circle are needed. 9 subsequent rows need to be associated with reversal. If two colors of the thread are used, then 5 of the specified rows should be kept in one color, and the remaining 4 to others.

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It should be noted that the lifting of the canvas in the scheme does not go on all loops, because it is necessary to get a weaving, which consists in the finished cosmetic bag.

To finish the product, it will take another 4 row to the loop for the future button fastener, eliminate the loop and fold the cosmetic bag to fasten the edges with crosslinking (can also be tied to connect the web elements in the product). After sewing, the buttons decorate the cosmetic bag, and it is ready.

Cosmetic crochet with a scheme and description for beginners

Another option

There is a master class for knitting another cosmetics, in which zipper is used as a fastener. There is an opinion that even newcomer in hook needlework with this kind of knitting cosmetics.

Cosmetic crochet with a scheme and description for beginners

In order for the cosmetics tool to be more densely, did not shine, and in the future it was not strongly stretched, use a mating in two threads, but it is optional. The size of the described cosmetics is 18 × 12 cm, and the length of 20 cm for zipper-fastener is required.

Since the cosmetic bag consists of two parts, it is necessary to knit them the same columns without capes, namely to gain 30 air loops and suck 12 cm.

Cosmetic crochet with a scheme and description for beginners

Both details are connected by zipper - we sew, after which they cross them into the cosmetic bag. Be careful: it is necessary to sew a zipper by applying it to the front strip to the wrong part of each part, and the parts should be sewed using them in withdrawal, unbuttoning the zipper. So extra lightning bands will hide in the cosmetic bag and there will be no compound seams.

The cosmetics is ready, you can decorate it with ready-made decorative elements, as in the previous case, and you can connect and sew the decoration in the form of a flower, like, for example, in the following scheme:

Cosmetic crochet with a scheme and description for beginners

For this, 6 air loops connect the corresponding column in the semblance of a circle. Next, we have a circular row, sticking to the scheme, tieting each first loop of the circular row of air, to finish with the connecting column in the last air loop of the beginning. So repeat from the first to seventeenth round rows.

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In the final result, it turns out such a cosmetics:

Cosmetic crochet with a scheme and description for beginners

Weaving from packs

Another type of creation of knitted cosmetics is the use of polyethylene material instead of yarn, knitting cosmetics from packages.

It is necessary to approach the manufacture of such a product in the same way as from threads. Here we will also need a hook, threads with a needle, scissors, fasteners, as well as packages - monophonic or multi-colored trash.

To make a crochet material from the garbage package, it is necessary to cut the strip 2-3 cm wide from it.

Cosmetic crochet with a scheme and description for beginners

The main part for the cosmetics can be selected by the bottom of 22 cm long, which fit out of 4 rows of columns with Nakud. This bottom must be tied up in a circle the fifth next to the rear wall of the loop. For a pattern, you can use the following scheme:

Cosmetic crochet with a scheme and description for beginners

When the height of the cosmetics reaches 13 cm, it is necessary to check the last series by columns with an attachment for the rear wall of the loop of the previous row, after which it can be sewn into the cosmetic bag.

For novice knitters, this version of the manufacture of own cosmetics will also not deliver much difficulty if you follow the recommendations and schemes.

The product from such a material will last long enough, because polyethylene has enviable wear resistance. Cosmetic bag from packages in the ready state will look like in this photo:

Cosmetic crochet with a scheme and description for beginners

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