How to hang the curtains do it yourself high quality and fast


It is believed that it is the curtains that play the main role in the color range of the room. Chosen correctly and tastefully, they are able to transform even the saddest style in the interior of the room or, on the contrary, soothing too screaming. But choose curtains - it's only half of the case. You need to hang them right.

How to hang the curtains do it yourself high quality and fast

The list of components that make up the curtains on the windows.

Modern design involves many options for how to hang curtains. Some of them are considered traditional and simple, but there are more modern, which suggest knowledge of certain rules and principles in this work. Therefore, it is advisable to consider the two main options for placing the curtains in the room.

Tightening curtains on cornice

Option One - hang curtains on baguette (cornice). This method relates to traditional and simple, however, the diversity of modern eaves can make you get confused. For this reason, it is important to consider several factors that will help to find the right decision. How to hang curtains to cornice quickly and efficiently?

The main stages of work

How to hang the curtains do it yourself high quality and fast

Ceiling cornice mounting circuit for curtains.

Decide that you want to see in my window. If this is only the curtains (meaning one whole web or two identical curtains), then there will be a cornice with one guide. If, in addition to the curtain, you will hang and tulle, then you need two guides.

In the event that, in addition to all this, you wish to do also majestic lambrequins, then the guides will need 3 or more - depending on how many layers everything is meant to see on the window.

The second stage will be the choice of cornice length. If you wish to see only a window, then you need to purchase a cornice, the length of which will be equal to the width of the window plus about 5 cm on each side.

But in the case when you want to see a completely wall, where the window is located, the ductor can be purchased on the basis of the width of this wall. But here it will be necessary, on the contrary, to subtract 5-10 cm on each side, so that the edges of the baguette do not rest in the adjacent walls.

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Now you need to hang eaves. This is done using a perforator and screws or special hooks (depending on what attachment goes to the baguette in the set). First make marking on the wall for drilling holes.

How to hang the curtains do it yourself high quality and fast

The location of the eaves for curtains.

To do this, in the estimated places, place the dots with a pencil, while observing the same distance from both sides of the ceiling to markups. It is convenient to post all this together, so that one person holds the cornice, and the second made marking.

Now you have to take a hammer, drill holes, drive into them a dowel, then screw the screws or fastening to which to hang eaves. If you do everything right, there will be no baguette to look, but will hang exactly.

The last step is to measure the height of future curtains from fastening on the eaves to the floor. It is necessary not only in order to correctly dial the height, but also not to guess where to sew the loops or bend the cloth. In addition to the height, the width of the curtains is measured in accordance with the cornice. If you want to see not flat canvas, but folds, then the width is dialing at least 1.5 meters more. Now you will be left only to attach the camera in accordance with the fastening on the cornice for her.

Methods of fastening on the cornices

As a rule, there is a multitude of methods for fastening the textile canvas to the cornice.

To better navigate and choose for yourself the most appropriate method, consider all fixings and ways to work with them in more detail.

How to hang the curtains do it yourself high quality and fast

Cordry ribbon sewing diagram to curtains.

Fastening the curtains on clips or crocodiles. Crocodiles call something like with clothespins, which keep the material with small teeth. They are comfortable to hang curtains from durable and heavy tissues. The material itself should only be adjusted and consolidated, with no loop to do.

Clips are a similar option. Only they are well suited for very light species of Tulle, which can be easily damaged. The principle here will be the same - to adjust and consolidate, as well as ordinary earrings clips on the ears.

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Many wonder how to hang curtains on rings. You can mount the curtains on the hooks that are put on the rings. This is a good option for hanging nonsense and medium curtains and tulles.

To do this, you will need to attribute the curtains in the studio, where you can order to sew a special boobs already with the hooks ready on it, which will be put on the rings.

As a rule, this method also allows you to slightly adjust the height of hanging the curtains due to the fact that there are already several levels of hooks on the crochet, which are arranged. To date, this method is the most common.

How to hang the curtains do it yourself high quality and fast

Installation circuit and hooks on the cornice.

Another good option is the attachment of the curtains on the chalk. Such curtains are cloths of tissue, on top of which are already punched and decorated with a special material of the hole. For such a type of curtains, special eaves are made.

When choosing an eaves under the curtain or curtains under the cornice of this type, it is important not to guess with the diameter of the tube and holes on the curtains. Holes, as a rule, should be a little more so that the curtains can easily wear on the tube and then easily slide on the eaves during its movement.

And finally, the last option is the attachment of the curtains on the fishing line. This is the oldest option. A special fishing line is bought, which is stretched along the width of the wall and is attached to the walls. Curtains shutdown on this fishing line.

However, this method is well used only at the cottages, due to the fact that he is the cheapest. Open and close the curtains with this option is not very convenient.

Hanging rolled curtains

The second option - how to hang curtains roll. To begin with, we will understand in detail, as it is this type of curtain. So, the rolled curtain is called a canvas, which can close exclusively window opening, like blinds. Such a curtain does not hang on the cornice, and attached to a special foam glue in the upper part of the window opening.

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This curtain is its practicality (if necessary, it is applied, fully opening the window) and the ease of installation, which can be easily carried out in just 15-20 minutes. Roll curtain is the perfect option for the plastic window. It will look so better, and you do not need to drill anything. And if you have very wide windowsill, which can write down the level of the main wall, the rolled curtain will smooth out perfectly.

How to hang the curtains do it yourself high quality and fast

Mounting scheme roll curtains.

Roll curtain is chosen exactly in height and in the width of the window opening. It is better to make it to order - so you can choose your desired design and drapery. Now decide exactly where you are going to glue it. In any case, the curtain is attached to the top of the window opening. If you glue it up right near the window, the windowsill will be open when the window sill is open. If, on the contrary, away from the glass - the space on the windowsill will already be hidden from the eyes. The best guideline in this case can be houseflowers and the degree of their briefing.

After all theoretical issues are resolved, proceed to work. Take a special glue for the rolled curtains (freely sold in the store), fooled it well and apply to the upper part of the opening evenly so that the bandwidth is about equal to the width of the curtains glued part.

After that, take the speed and from one edge to the next gradually pressing it to the surface. It is advisable to do it together or even threesome. When everything is glued, hold the cloth for about 5 minutes, then leave to set. Being afraid that the curtain will disappear, it is not worth the special glue grabbing almost instantly.

So, the main ways to hang the curtains with your own hands is briefly reviewed. It is very important before preparing and fastening the canvas to decide with the method of fastening, which will give you the opportunity not to be mistaken and take the right decision.

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