How to calculate the linear meter of linoleum through a square


Apartment repair is one of the most difficult and costly events for the budget of any person. Getting Started, the owner must pay all the work in advance, calculate the amount of everything that may be required and translated this amount in the price.

The first thing he thinks about in this case how many all sorts of finishing materials (wallpapers, paints, etc.) He needs to be purchased.

To finish the floor in the apartment, the linoleum is usually used - it is much more practical than traditional paint in the past, because Its styling is not related to large temporary costs, and in durability, the indicators of this material are much better.

Its cost is high enough, so when choosing a linoleum in the store there is a need to calculate as much as possible, how much it needs to be purchased so as not to buy extra, but at the same time prevent shortages.

Most adults (and schoolchildren) know well what a linear meter and a square meter. In everyday life, we meet with them quite often: the first help us calculate the length, and the second is the area of ​​something, including the premises.

But, as a rule, rolled materials are not sold in square, but in the route. What is the meter of the mandon, than it differs from square, and how they are interconnected, not everyone knows. Meanwhile, when carrying out repair work, such knowledge is necessary. Let's try to figure out what this term means.

Ramating meter - What is it?

How to calculate the linear meter of linoleum through a square

Strictly speaking, the concept of "Ramating Meter" is used mainly in the trade of roll goods (tissue, film, carpet, linoleum, etc.). It takes into account only the linear length of the measured material, the width in this case is not accepted into the calculation, so it can be said that in this sense, the temporal meter does not differ from linear.

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But the buyer when buying a roll of something to take into account his width, naturally, absolutely necessary - because it directly depends on how the number of the same linoleum needs to be purchased, and what is its cost ultimately.

And now about how to calculate the number of route meters.

Methods of calculation

How to calculate the linear meter of linoleum through a square

The first way is to try to translate the route meters into square (or vice versa: Translate the latter in the first). Suppose there is 5 pounds. m. Linoleum width 2.5 m. It became, the area of ​​this piece is 5 × 2.5, i.e. 12.5 m2, and if the area of ​​the repaired room is 25 m2, then two such pieces need two such pieces to cover the floor.

In cases where it is necessary to make the opposite recalculation, turning the "squares" into the traffic point, you need a material area to share on its width. Suppose, there is a piece of linoleum with an area of ​​12.5 m2, and a width of 2.5 m.

In this case, translate the number of square meters. The m. It does not represent in it in it: the simplest arithmetic operation shows that it will be equal to 5. At the same time, it should be noted that the presence of the material width in these calculations is absolutely necessary: ​​without it, it is impossible to obtain the desired data.

But to determine this indicator, when buying a linoleum, there is both "non-vacre-free" method, which is much more convenient to use. This is how it looks in action.

The easiest way, if the width of this material completely coincides with the width of the room, in which the floor must be displayed: Then the number is. m. It will be equal to the length of the room, and the result of work without seams look much more beautiful. When these indicators are different (namely, it happens most often), the linoleum has to be allowed, and in such cases it is more difficult to calculate the desired value. Let us give an example.

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It is necessary to make a linoleum floor in the room, the length of which is 5 m, and the width is 3 m. The length of pieces does not depend on the roll width, and in any case should be equal to the length of the room, i.e. 5 m. The width indicator in this case is more convenient to divide in half - for this it will require a roll of 1.5 m wide. Docked together two canvases, just we obtain the desired value.

To calculate how much rowing meters are needed, we multiply the number of cloths (pieces) on their length: 2 × 6 = 12. So, it is necessary to fulfill this operation 12 of the coating width of 1.5 m wide.

How to calculate the linear meter of linoleum through a square

If the width of the room at the same length is 4.5 m, then two options are possible: either three pieces of linoleum are 1.5 m wide (1.5 + 1.5 + 1.5), or two pieces: one two-meter The widths and one - 2.5 m. In the first case, the number of robes will be equal to 18 (6 × 3), in the second - 12 (6 × 2).

That is, in fact, and in another case, you must first determine which linoleum width will be used, and how many lanes will need to fully cover the width of the room. To calculate how much money will have to spend on a purchase, you need to multiply the cost of 1 m of such a strip on their total number

Save, but do not greading

Dimensions naturally selected, based on the need to exclude the appearance of unused crosses, or to reduce their amount to a minimum.

However, on the other hand, it should be noted that, calculating the number of any necessary materials necessary for the repair, it is not worth making this "backdrop": this method can strongly lend the wizard, so it is always necessary to keep in mind the so-called allowances.

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