How to make a wooden shower at the cottage?


How to make a wooden shower at the cottage?

How to make a wooden shower for giving with your own hands? This question arises when for some reason the owners do not want to build a separate extension to the house with a bath and shower. Under the shower and do not include the construction of a separate house.

But the shower is necessary to refresh the dust in the summer months or wash off the dust after work in the garden. Build the simplest economy shower will not be any difficulty.

Build a summer shower for giving with your own hands

How to make a wooden shower at the cottage?

Warm soul diagram with locker room.

First you need to choose a place in the country area. Usually, the shower is built in one of the corners of the site closer to the fence, where the toilet is usually built. Before starting the construction, you need to decide on the place where dirty water will be drained.

If a lot of guests arrives in the summer, it is very undesirable that water flows into the garden. After all, wash with soap, and soap water can destroy the plants. In this case, think about making plums into the cesspool of the dacha toilet.

Only the pit this should be a large size, and the shower is not recommended to be attached close to the toilet to avoid unpleasant odors. Let it be between them will be a small distance filled with greens, such as bushes. The toilet of the souls is possible only if a special septic is installed in it.

If you prefer loneliness or a company of only your spouse, you can safely make a plum in a garden, nothing terrible will not happen from it.

There is another variant of draining equipment. To do this, the old metal barrel with chisel walls are laughed into the ground. The barrel is filled with large boulders, and plastic or metal tube is lowered into it. The pipe is displayed on the surface and performs the function of the drain.

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Prepare a place for the soul

How to make a wooden shower at the cottage?

During the reception of the soul, you must stand on the site, with which water will be drained. Therefore, first of all you need to build just such a platform. To do this, there is a rectangular deepening in the size of the shower cabin. At this deepening, the sand is covered, which is rambling, and then - crushed stone, which is also tumped.

Do not forget to bring the pipe if you are inserted a barrel, or put a pipe cut along if you want to have a surface drain on the ground or in a cesspool toilet pit. The pipe will be located at the same end of the site, which is lower. If you do the toilet of the shower, when the facilities are near, then also swipe the pipe for the drain of water. After that, you can start concreting the site.

Prepare a solution at the rate of 1 cement bag, 2 rubble bag and 3 bags of coarse sand. Pour the platform with a small slope toward the plum. Concrete must be given to gain strength for at least a week, and then you can start building structures from a tree. Wooden summer shower build easier.

How to make a wooden shower at the cottage?

The economical version of the summer soul.

For such work, you will need:

  • Four wooden columns of a square or round cross section;
  • Boards or plywood;
  • barrel (metallic or plastic);
  • Hoses and a shower watering can;
  • Roofing material.

Costs are not too large, so our construction will be economy class.

When everything is ready, we begin construction.

Construction shower

In the corners of the concreted platform, four columns are bought. That of their part that will be in the ground are treated with bitumen so that the wood does not rot. It is necessary to boil on a sufficient depth, because the posts should easily withstand the weight of the barrels with water.

Upstairs the pillars are connected to thick boards so that the platform for the barrel is turned out. The barrel is fixed and two hoses are allotted from it - one to fill with a barrel with water, and the soul can be attached to another hose.

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How to make a wooden shower at the cottage?

Scheme of summer soul heated.

Over the barrel make elementary rafters from the bar and cover them with slate. However, many daches cost and without a roof over the shower cabin, preferring that the water in the barrel heats up from the sun.

The shower for giving with their own hands is almost ready, it remains to sheathe with his boards or plywood and paint. One side of the shower cabin, where the door should be, you can leave open. Since you will have a summer shower, you can not insert the door, but instead, fasten the curtain. So much easier.

If you have already installed the door ever, you can put the door from the tree. Let the summer shower for giving will be with the door. And on the concrete floor, be sure to put the grille from wooden plates.

As for the place where the clothes are folded, the separate dressing room for such a soul is usually not done. Just outside the cabin is driven by a nail or a hanger is screwed. But if you definitely need a dressing room next to the shower, then insert two more columns and cover them with polyethylene or cloth. In the resulting improvised room, you can put a stool or make a bench.

Filling barrel and use of the shower

If there is a plumbing in the country, then get a water pipe in the barrel. If there is no water supply, then swipe the hose from the pump that swings water from the well. Naturally, the crane that opens the water should be downstairs that it can be convenient to use. Another crane should be located on a hose with a shower.

That's all the simple instructions, how to make a wooden shower for giving with your own hands.

If you want a more strong-quality cabin of a brick or sloda block with a locker room, then before we make a platform, it is necessary to make a ribbon foundation for the construction of walls.

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But this will not be an economy shower, because the cost of building the foundation and laying of bricks will be required.

In addition, if you have never worked with bricks before, you have to hire a specialist.

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