Do not make the door with his own hands: Installation Recommendations


Sliding doors are now very popular. Their variety are doors hiding when opening inside the wall. If necessary, they disappear silently and leave free space without occuping it, such as, for example, swing doors.

Do not make the door with his own hands: Installation Recommendations

The door is the case saves the place, does not slaughters from drafts, closes and opens silently.

The door-penalty is an excellent solution for saving the area and simply to give the interior of sophistication and elegance. Such doors together with the finished cassette (penalty) can be bought in the store or make yourself. However, it is necessary to take into account that installing the door-penalty with their own hands is not easy. To this question, it is necessary to approach very seriously, having studied the information and finding out all the subtleties of its installation.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Door-Penal

Door-penalty has a number of advantages over other types of doors:

Do not make the door with his own hands: Installation Recommendations

Penal diagram with dimensions for interior door.

  • Opening, the door moves into a specially equipped niche or cassette, thereby saving the useful area of ​​the room, which is very important in small apartments and offices;
  • does not slaughters from the effects of air flow;
  • Due to the presence of an outdoor controller, the door leaf moves smoothly and silently;
  • No threshold installation is required.

The disadvantages of this type of doors include:

  • low sound insulation;
  • Completeness of installation, since certain experience and skills are required for its installation.

Main types of doors' pencils

Do not make the door with his own hands: Installation Recommendations

Types of doors - penalties.

Sliding doors are demanding the installation of a special niche, which will move the open door. These niches can be made in different ways.

If the wall, in the direction of which the door moves is expected, is not carrier, it can be dismantled and in its place we build a new wall partition with a niche under the door canvas, the so-called Falsten. That is, the door shape will be partition. In this case, you can save the area of ​​the room without increasing the wall thickness.

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If the wall is carrier or for some reason, its dismantling is impossible, then a wooden or metal frame is completed to it, which is then trimmed with plasterboard.

What happens to work?

Do not make the door with his own hands: Installation Recommendations

Scheme of sliding door mechanism.

Fully ready for installation for sliding doors can be purchased in the store. However, they are very massive and have a fairly high cost. Making a foam for the door with their own hands will cost almost two times cheaper. Install the door-penny independently possible, but this requires some experience and knowledge. Installation should begin at the stage of work on the finishing floor alignment. The penalty should be erected when the level of the first floor is known, up to the thickness of the floor covering and substrate.

For work it will be necessary:

  • Door canvas, knobs, locking mechanism;
  • platbands, dough;
  • steel galvanized profiles;
  • Perforator, screwdriver;
  • fasteners;
  • Set of sliding mechanism with guide;
  • Pencil, level, roulette.

Recommendations for installation of doors-Penal

Do not make the door with his own hands: Installation Recommendations

Table matching the size of door blocks and openings.

  1. Perform the necessary measurements. You should measure the door leaf and measure the desired guide length. It must be equal to two lengths of the door of the door.
  2. Place and cut profiles. When facing falsely, you need to make two rows of profiles. In the case of a frame of a frame from the frame to the already existing wall, you should collect one row of profiles. Fixed profiles in both cases on the ceiling, floor and wall. Niche should be on average wider door leaf for 20 mm, and deeper than at least half of its width. As a rule, there is a stock of about 4-8 cm. In order to do not appear during the operation of the door, a characteristic hum and vibration appeared, during installation it is necessary to put wooden bars inside the racks. Make the movement of the door leaf is silent as follows. Fastening the frame to the ceiling and the floor, you need to pave a rubber layer between them or a layer of technical cork.
  3. Install the sliding mechanism and hang the door leaf. The door must be installed so that the gap between it and the floor is not more than 5-6 mm. In this case, the soundproofing capacity of the door will improve. Adjust the door of the door, excluding the possibility of friction of its surface of the frame. It is necessary to do it before its skin, because after the end of all works with drywall it will not be possible to adjust the door canvase.
  4. Sewing the frame of plasterboard, plastering it, perform the trim of the walls and install the platbands.

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Some features of mounting doors pencils

Do not make the door with his own hands: Installation Recommendations

Control circuit for sliding door.

The door-penny is equipped with a mechanism with a roller suspension. Such a device does not require special attention and frequent maintenance, a sufficiently long period can be served. The ease and smoothness of the door canvase moves due to the fact that the rollers of this mechanism have not only a large diameter, but also equipped with polymer tires and steel rolling bearings. Different models of this mechanism have different lifting performance. Therefore, choosing it, you need to know the mass of the door leaf to provide high-quality and long-term exploitation of the suspension.

The roller mechanism has adjusting screws that allow you to change the vertical position of the door web up to 2 cm. Sometimes the door-penalty is installed until the end of the finishing floor and the door can be too low due to its increased height. Then you can adjust the web with the screws of the roller mechanism. If this does not help, the door canvas need to be close from above and below, but not more than 1.5 cm, thereby reducing its height. Otherwise, an essential gap may be formed after laying the flooring between the door and the floor. If it fails to adjust the screws, then the bar can be attached from the bottom and toned it into the door color. It is much more difficult to the situation with a glass door. If its dimensions are not suitable under the opening and niche, then the penalty will have to redo it completely.

If in the manufacture of a frame is used inexpensive thin profiles, up to 0.5 mm thick, then they need to strengthen the bars. Otherwise, the movement of the door leaf can create a vibration of the partition, and will also lead to a guide.

To prevent breaks and disorders of the vertical position of the jambs during the installation process, the temporary fixation of the doorway is required by the strial. Alone, it can be made of steel profile or bar.

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When installing the door, it should be very accurate to determine the width of the foam. In the case of installation too narrow niches, the door will be clinging the frame, and disproportionably wide clearances worsen the insulating properties of the structure and spoil the view.

The door in the open state should not fully enter the niche, otherwise it will be problematic to close and the use of additional devices will be necessary. Therefore, it is necessary to determine the extreme position.

Pencil is installed on a fully finished, perfectly smooth floor. It is necessary to take into account all the nuances in the process of mounting the design before it is covered. Since, after the work is completed, it will be possible to fix something, only again dismissed the wall of the frame.

The door-penalty is an excellent solution for premises with a small area.

However, its installation requires a certain experience and a serious approach. By settling the door-penalty with his own hands, you can save well, make it stylish, in accordance with your preferences, and enter in any interior.

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