Lamps from color capron do it yourself


Lamps from Capron are appropriate in any interior. Such lighting devices can be decorated with a fireplace regiment, place a glowing bouquet in the headboard in the bedroom, put the composition on the table in the children's or desktop.

Lamps from color capron do it yourself

The kapron lamp will be appropriate in any type of interior and can replace both the usual lamp and candles behind a romantic dinner.

The lamp from Capron will be a good addition to the romantic evening in the kitchen instead of traditional candles. For the manufacture you will need a pair of time, minimum of tools, consumables.

Preparatory work

At the first stage, it is necessary to choose a multi-colored chipboard, a wire of medium stiffness, a synthetic tube or wool for stamens, colored paper. The tools will need scissors, screwdriver. In the absence of multi-colored Capron, this material can be replaced by an orgae or paint blanks from bodily color tights. The choice of colors in the bouquet is customary for specific conditions:

Lamps from color capron do it yourself

A varieties of monophonic capron.

  • In the flowering apricot, the LEDs will be maximally open, the lamp will be bright, light yellow paint will be required;
  • For each Camellia Inflorescence, the maximum number of petals blanks will be required (up to 20 pcs), but in one buton can accommodate 3-5 LEDs, providing muffled multiple light;
  • In camellias, the inflorescences of various sizes (small in the upper part, increasing the book) alternate with numerous leaves of a saturated green color;
  • In light-purple, unbreaked buds of wisteria, it is convenient to hide lamps from garlands;
  • In Callah, LEDs are placed on the side of large stamens or replace them;
  • For the gladiolus, you will need a multi-colored Capron, the bouquet is large, so the lamp is placed in the lower third of the vertical space of the room (bedside table, coffee table);
  • Buds of Irisov, Mekonopsis maximally open lighting devices, so the lamps from these colors are suitable for bright lighting areas of recreation.

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For a mixed bouquet of several colors, there will be more paint, however, the composition will receive a guaranteed high artistic value. In any case, the bouquet with a LED filling from Cappon will become a self-sufficient element of the interior.

Drawing up a bouquet

The technology of manufacturing each flower, regardless of the variety of the plant, is as follows:

Lamps from color capron do it yourself

The sequence of making lily from Capron.

  • After studying the living original or its high-quality photo, the flower is visually dismembered on separate elements: petals, stamens, leaves, stem;
  • For the carcass, the petals is better suitable for the copper wire, which gives the original edging of the perimeter, or multi-colored (in tone the color of the petal);
  • For leaf frames, a green wire is usually used (polymer coating of decorative material modification);
  • One end of a piece of wire of the required length (is selected by the calculated path, it is not necessary to paint in advance) is wrapped around a cup, a glass, of any other subject of a suitable diameter, twisted into several revolutions;
  • After removing the workpiece from the template of petals, the leaves are given the desired form (oval, heart, drop) without changing the flat shape;
  • Then the frame is stretched into the frame, clipped with a loop, tightened by color thread;
  • If necessary, the petals, the leaves are painted with dip in the paint or spraying, bringing the brush to the desired color;
  • If necessary, the "pollen" is fixed with transparent glue to the perimeter (brilliant springs, like new year toys);
  • After drying the blanks with them, the necessary volumetric form is given.

From the blanks of petals are boutons with pestles inserted in the middle of the composition. The pestles usually use pieces of wire with cotton swab, synthetic balls at the end, also covered by the cap, taken from below the thread. At this, the preparatory part of the colors of flowers from Capron is considered to be completed. Lamps are collected from blanks on a common stem:

Lamps from color capron do it yourself

Credit flowers in a bouquet can be wire or a special floral ribbon.

  • To multi-colored wire alternately, the boutons, leaves aimed at different directions are brought alternately;
  • The spatial geometry of individual elements is adjusted as needed;
  • The complexity of the design is completely dependent on the selected flower variety.

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After drawing up the bouquet, it remains inside the LEDs or a regular garland, the power supply wire is maximally hidden, arrange the composition near the rosette or power supply.

Registration composition

For the convenience of working home designers, manufacturers produce a floral tape that will help assemble a lamp from the Kapron bouquet. With a small power of the used incandescent lamps, options for closed lamps are possible (Fig. 1). In these designs, the petals form a ball, the electrical wire is displayed down through the tube decorated with a floral ribbon or colored thread. As a support, kashpo with filler (multicolored crushed stone).

Lamps are obtained compact, provide sufficient lighting intensity, adjusting which is achieved by changing the number of LEDs. Capron is a flammable material, so when using these household appliances caution is needed. It is not recommended to leave them included in the absence of users, use without a switch built into the cord with a significant distance from the outlet.

Lamps from color capron do it yourself

Figure 1. No need to place petals close to the lamp, because Capron is a flammable material.

To make the material of the required color use several staining technologies. The best quality provides paint used in enterprises producing women's stockings. The material is lowered for an hour in a mixture of a spherical with a washing powder (a tablespoon of 6 liters), then three times are rinsed in soap solution, cold water.

The budget option is sufficiently high quality (there are no divorces, fabric does not dock hands) is the staining of capron compositions for wool or cotton. Each package of such dye mixes with three spoons of salt, two - acetic essence. Stockings are lowered by a quarter-heated to 40 degrees by a quarter of an hour, then heated with it up to 75 degrees, remain half an hour. Rinse is also the final operation. Despite the natural origin of the dye, tissue heating to extreme temperatures leads to a shrinkage of the material.

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Installation of lighting elements

The final stage of the manufacture of the lighting device in the form of a flower bouquet of Capron is the installation of lamps or LEDs inside the flowers. The leaves are usually not illuminated by giving the necessary contrast.

If necessary, on the same technology, we produce chandeliers:

Lamps from color capron do it yourself

Figure 2. Kapron chandelier with a matte bottom cover creates a soft light in the room, not loading eyes.

  • The framework of the more rigid wire is a framework;
  • Unlike the flower bouquet, the frame frame in this case is fixed to each other, and not thread;
  • After tosing a design with one or more capron layers, it is painted in any convenient way;
  • A standard cartridge is installed in the top of the finished lamp shade, the feed cable is assigned.

To hang up the homemade chandelier, it is necessary to provide a wire ring, which is masked by the factory flappon. If necessary, you can use the finished knot of the adjacent chandelier to the ceiling lining.

Incandescent lamps, in contrast to LEDs, have more intense heating, so it is unacceptably the close arrangement of the dumping shell of the lampshar, the use of lamps over 25 W.

Another option of the kapron chandelier is the design (Fig. 2) with a matte bottom cover, side walls, covered with a black chipper with a floral ornament. She creates muffled light in the room, does not load his eyes, giving them rest.

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