AUu - effective saving of thermal energy


AUu - effective saving of thermal energy

The automated control unit represents the combination of equipment and devices designed to provide automatic temperature control and coolant consumption, which is produced at the introduction of each building in accordance with the temperature schedule required for a particular building. Adjustment can be manufactured and in accordance with what the needs of the inhabitants.

AUu - effective saving of thermal energy

Node of the strapping of the water canofer.

Among the advantages of AUu, if compared with elevator and thermal nodes, which have a fixed cross-section of the passing hole, is the possibility of variation of the coolant amount, which depends on the temperature of the water in the opposite and the feed pipelines.

The automated control unit is usually set to one to the entire building, which distinguishes it from the elevator node, which is mounted on each section of the house.

At the same time, the installation is carried out after a node that takes into account the thermal energy of the system.

AUu - effective saving of thermal energy

Image 1. Priority diagram of AUU with mixing pumps on the jumper temperature to AUU t = 150-70 ˚C with single and two-pipe heating systems with thermostats (P1 - P2 ≥ 12 m of water. Art.).

The automated control unit is represented by the scheme illustrated by the image 1. The scheme provides: Electronic unit (1), which is represented by the control panel; Outdoor temperature sensor (2); temperature sensors in the coolant in reverse and supply pipelines (3); valve for adjusting the consumption, equipped with reducer drive (4); valve for adjusting the pressure drop (5); filter (6); Circulation pump (7); Check valve (8).

As the scheme shows, the control node fundamentally has a part of 3 parts: network, circulating and electronic.

The network part of the AUU includes a pressure controller valve with reducer drive, a pressure dropper valve with a spring controlling element and a filter.

The circulation part of the control node includes a mixing pump with a check valve. For mixing serves a pair of pumps. In this case, pumps must be applied that will satisfy the requirements of the automatic node: they must work alternately with cyclicality at 6 o'clock. Control over their work should be carried out at the sensor signal, which is responsible for the pressure drop (the sensor is installed on the pumps).

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Advantages and principle of operation of an automatic node

AUu - effective saving of thermal energy

The heating and DHW control unit according to the open circuit.

The electronic part of the control node has an electronic unit or the so-called control shield. It is designed to provide control on the automatic-based pumping and thermal equipment to maintain the necessary temperature schedule. With it, support is supported by the graphic of the hydraulic mode, which must undermine the heating system of the entire building.

The electronic part contains an ECL card that is intended for programming the controller, the latter is responsible for the heat mode. There is a system and an outdoor temperature sensor, which is installed on the northern facade of the building. Among other things, there are temperature sensors of the heat carrier itself in the opposite and feed pipelines.

Errors in the process of implementing an automatic node

AUu - effective saving of thermal energy

Heating and DHW control unit according to an independent heating and DHW scheme for a closed scheme.

Errors may arise at the time of planning and subsequent organization of work on the introduction of the heating system. Often, certain errors are allowed at the time of the choice of a technical solution. Do not lose the rules of the device of an individual thermal point. Ultimately, at the time of installation of the heating control unit, duplication of the equipment functional may occur, which is installed in the CTP, this, in turn, contradicts the rules of operation of thermal installations. Thus, the installation of heating control nodes with a balancing valve can lead to high hydraulic resistance in the system, which will entail the need to replace or reconstruct thermal and mechanical equipment.

It may be called an error and noncomplex installation of heating control nodes, which will certainly break down the established heat and hydraulic balance in intravadal networks. This is the cause of the deterioration of the system of heating of almost every attached structure. It is necessary to make thermal commissioning at the time of operation of the heating equipment.

Often errors happen in the process of entering the heating control unit at the design stage. This is due to the lack of working projects, the use of a typical project, deprived of calculations, binding and selection of equipment to certain conditions. The consequence becomes a violation of heat supply regimes.

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Additional requirements for entering the heating control unit

AUu - effective saving of thermal energy

Heating and DHW control unit for independent scheme.

The selected installation schemes of the heating control units may not comply with the required that negatively reflects on heat supply. It also happens that at the moment of entering the system, the specifications used does not correspond to real parameters. This can lead to an incorrect selection of the node schema.

At the moment of entering the automation node, it should be borne in mind that the heating system could have previously undergo capital repairs and reconstructions, in the course of which the scheme could be changed with a single-tube on a two-pipe. Problems may occur when the assembly of the node is performed for the system that was before reconstruction.

The commissioning process in operation should be carried out not in winter, so that the start of the system is made in a timely manner.

AUu - effective saving of thermal energy

The circuit of the automated heating system control unit (AUU) at home.

It should be remembered that the air temperature sensors must be mounted on the northern side, which is necessary for correctly adjusting the temperature mode, in this case the solar radiation will not be able to heat the sensor.

During the input process, the node must be provided, which will help avoid stopping the CLC system when the electricity is turned off. Adjustment and commissioning work, as well as exercise activities, the maintenance of the node must occur. It should be noted that non-compliance with one or more rules can lead to the impact of the system, and the absence of a plug-in equipment will result in uncomfortable noise.

The implementation of the management node must be accompanied by checking the technical conditions issued, they must comply with the actual data. And the technical supervision must be carried out at each stage of work. After all the work on the system has been completed, the maintenance of the node should be started, which is made by a specialized organization. Otherwise, the simple expensive equipment of the automated node or its unqualified service can lead to failure and other negative consequences, including the loss of technician.

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Effective use of an automated heating control unit

An example of the implementation of the control unit for heating systems and heat supply systems.

The use of the node will be the most effective in cases where the house has an alated elevator nodes of heating systems that are directly attached to urban thermal mains. Effective, such use will also be in the conditions of end houses for reference to the CTP, where insufficient pressure drops are noted with the mandatory installation of TSO pumps.

The efficiency of use is also noted in homes that are equipped with gas water heaters and central heating, such buildings may have a decentralized hot water supply.

Installing automated nodes are recommended comprehensively, covering all non-residential and residential buildings that were attached to the CTP. Installation and delivery, as well as the subsequent acceptance of the operation of the entire system and the associated node equipment should be made simultaneously.

It should be noted that the following events will be effective with the installation of an automated node:

  1. The implementation of the conversion of CTP, which has a dependent scheme for the attachment of individual systems of heating, to the one that will be independent. In this case, the installation of an expansion membrane tank in the thermal paragraph will be effective.
  2. Installation under conditions of CTP, which is characterized by a dependent equipment connection diagram, similar to an automated control node.
  3. The adjustment of intra-quarter networks of the CSO with the installation of throttle diaphragms and calculated nozzles on the introductory and distribution nodes.
  4. The implementation of the transfer of dead-end systems of the GW to circulation circuits.

Operation of exemplary automated nodes has shown that the use of AUU together with balancing valves, thermostatic valves and conducting insulation activities can save up to 37% thermal energy, providing comfortable conditions for accommodation in each room.

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