How to wash the blinds quickly, without removing the system?


The apartment needs to constantly contain clean and order, including the elements used as sunscreen filters. Many owners have a question: how to wash blinds and do not damage the lamellas or web design? There are methods that allow you to quickly and qualitatively clean the blinds using simple and affordable tools. The cleaning process may vary depending on the type of material and have a number of features.

How to wash the blinds quickly, without removing the system?

Cleaning aluminum shutters with a special brush

How to clean plastic and aluminum blinds?

These types of blinds are easiest to contain clean. Materials treated with special solutions repulse dirt and dust, so do not need careful cleaning.

Ideally, plastic and metal structures need to process every week. There are ways to simplify the laborious process, and such a departure will retain the initial appearance of sunscreen systems.

There are several methods for cleaning the blinds with water with the addition of detergents or a small amount of vinegar.

  1. Systematic grinding of lamellas with a damp cloth from two sides - an available option of washing blinds without removing systems. To facilitate the process, you can use a special brush-tongs, between the plates of which the bar is clamped and easily cleaned.
  2. The fastest and simple cleaning of the blinds is achieved by turning the lamellas and creating a solid cloth, which is wiped from top to bottom with a soft cloth. After the first stage, the bar must be deployed 180 ° and repeat the procedure, it will help get rid of dust strips in the lamella connecting places.
  3. To wash the design as much as possible, they are recommended to remove and put in the bath. First, it is necessary to prepare a weakly concentrated soap solution. With the help of soft tissue and the solution are getting rid of fatty and resistant mud spots. After that, you can walk with a cloth over all the straps. After cleaning the design you need to rinse. You can use flowing water, but only under a weak pressure: a powerful jet will easily run the lamella.

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So that there are no divorces on the designs of structures, they do not need to wipe, it is better to dry naturally. Use warm air from the hair dryer, batteries or drying is prohibited! This will lead to deformation of structures, reducing the strength of the material, the appearance of cracks.

How to wash the blinds quickly, without removing the system?

Removed for cleaning Lamanes of fabric blinds

Features of cleaning of wooden and tissue systems

Before choosing wooden lamellas, it is necessary to figure out how to wash blinds from expensive material and carry out regular care for them. Environmentally friendly raw materials pushes dust, but it needs to be protected from dirt and fat that have to rub.

  • During regular cleaning on wooden blinds, you can walk the vacuum cleaner with a soft bristle nozzle, it will eliminate dust and quickly restore an attractive type of design.
  • If you need more thorough treatment, it is recommended to use special means and polyters that will not damage the surface of the slats.
  • Before washing blinds with water or soap solutions, you need to consider the fact that the tree swells from moisture and quickly loses a presentable look. Therefore, the wet cleaning of the blinds is carried out strictly locally and is aimed at removing a specific stain. Water is minimized, the product after manipulation must be dried.
  • There are cases when the system bar is easier to replace than to clean. This will save strength and prevent damage to neighboring lamellas in the process of aggressive cleaning.

To wash and clean the tissue blinds, you can resort to one of the following ways:

  1. Once a few months along the canvas or lamellas, you must pass the vacuum cleaner with a nozzle for cleaning furniture at a minimum suction. The fabric treated with a special solution pushes dust and dirt, so such manipulation is usually enough.
  2. If we are talking about serious mud or fatty spots, then the canvas can be given in dry cleaning. It is possible to conduct a procedure at home only with special cleaning compositions. A simple soap solution with such problems does not usually cope.
  3. With severe pollution, there is nothing else, except to wash the blinds. Usually this method is used when cleaning the vertical type lamellas. You can resort to it not more than once a year, otherwise the dustproof impregnation will quickly go away from the lamellae, and they will become very rapidly polluted.

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Cleaning vertical blinds includes a number of stages.

  • Before you wash the blinds, the slats must be disconnected from the system, get rid of all plastic and metal parts.
  • Washing is carried out in the most careful mode, but it is worth being prepared for the fact that the material will not return the original shape and view.
  • Each strip of material must be prepared separately. They carefully, but not too tight, turn into rolls and stacked in a bag for washing.
  • If manipulation is carried out in manual mode, the slave rolls are simply immersed in warm water with a washing powder. Rubbed the fabric is prohibited! Dirt must move itself.
  • After washing, you need to slip the lamella, wash (or wipe all the components of the mechanism, squeeze the blinds in the wet form.

It is impossible to wash only contaminated lamellas. They will contrast the shade and structure with the rest of the structure.

How to wash the blinds quickly, without removing the system?

Cleaning horizontal shutters

How to wash the system without removing them?

By virtue of the characteristics of some sunscreen care systems, it is possible to exercise only on weight. Of course, if the designs are not removed for cleaning, the result will not be as high quality, but in any case will save from a significant amount of dust and dirt. The room after such cleaning will become markedly lighter and fresh.

  • It is necessary to provide full access to the design (push the tables, chairs, overall objects).
  • In warm water, a small amount of detergent without bleaching properties is divorced.
  • Each bar of the blinds is rubbed on both sides with a soft cloth moistened in the prepared solution. Manipulation is carried out from top to bottom, first the top of the plank is processed, then the bottom.
  • When everything is cleaned, everything is cleaned, it is necessary to repeat the process using clean water and new fabric.
  • The final stage is the blown of dry matter lamellas to prevent divorces.

The process of cleaning the blinds, regardless of the variety of material and layout location, time-consuming, but very important. Regular constructions care will allow maintenance of freshness in the room, it will reduce the number of allergens in it, for a long time will retain the attractiveness of sunscreen systems.

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