Making lamps from bamboo with your own hands


Production of the lamp with their own hands is a way to decorate the room with the original and unique accessory. For the manufacture of the lamp, the choice of materials is practically unlimited. Of course, you need to take into account the style of interior design, color gamut. But otherwise it all depends on the fantasy and mastery of an amateur designer. One of the most popular materials is bamboo. Bamboo lamp is the perfect solution for rooms decorated in Japanese style.

Making lamps from bamboo with your own hands

The bamboo today is quite popular material used in the decor of the premises in oriental style, bamboo lamps look especially exquisitely.

For the manufacture of a lighting device from bamboo with their own hands, such tools will be useful as:

  • furniture stapler;
  • Drill with a set of drills;
  • Lobzik;
  • glue universal;
  • soldering iron.

It contains practical advice on how to make lamps using natural material - bamboo.

Bamboo trunk as an element of the lamp

Making lamps from bamboo with their own hands

It is possible to obtain the original bamboo lamp by placing the prepared lighting mechanism in the hollow bamboo stem with cutting holes.

Make an independent lamp from beginning to end possible, only having certain knowledge and skills to build an electrical circuit in compliance with all safety rules. It is in this case that it will be necessary to use the soldering iron (for a reliable connection of wires). Make a bamboo lamp can be placed inside the hollow stem lighting mechanism: it can be a LED tape or a regular New Year's garland. When using garlands, the lamp may be multicolored. Of course, miracles do not happen, and the light will not penetrate through the opaque bamboo trunk. We will have to make holes in the bamboo stem with your own hands. To make holes in the stem, use a drill and a jigsaw, taking the place of their location, size and shape. For stability as a base, you can make it possible to make a wooden stand. This is a fairly simple way to create an original atmospheric lighting device.

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Hollow bamboo stem can be used as a decorative element for designing the barrel of a table lamp or a lamp. This is the easiest way to improve the appearance of the lamp, bring the spirit of the East into it.

Chandelier, floor lamp or table lamp with bamboo lampshane

Making lamps from bamboo with their own hands

A special atmosphere in the room will help to create a table lamp, the soft light of which makes its way through thin bamboo lampshade plates.

From thin bamboo plates, you can make a lamp lamp, bras, floor lamps or chandeliers. Whatever the shape of the lamp, it will be necessary to secure both ends of each bamboo plate. To do this, you need to make a bamboo framework, which will be subsequently fixed with furniture brackets narrow bamboo strips. If the plates should not be direct, then they should be given the necessary shape before the launching of the lampsion. It is necessary to curb the plates, it is pre-well moisturizing them, then fix in the desired position and leave until complete drying. If the lower edge of the lampshar must have a softer shape, the plates can be interconnected with the thread. In order for the product to look harmoniously, it is desirable to use natural non-grumbling threads.

After the plates are fixed, the staples will need to be hidden under the decorative lining. This can also be a narrow bamboo strip. To secure the decorative strip, universal glue is suitable: apply it to the bonded surfaces, tightly press them to each other, to be crushed and leave until the glue is completely grasp.

Bamboo lampshades passes a small amount of light through the gaps between the design elements.

This must be taken into account when creating a sketch and manufacture of a luminaire from bamboo. It cannot perform the role of the main source of artificial lighting, is rather used as an additional.

Creating a bamboo lamp with your own hands is not such a difficult task, as it may seem at first glance. If there is a desire to get the original accessory in the interior, you should try to make it yourself.

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