Playground under the car in the country - we make the parking with your own hands


After the rains or in the spring, come from giving with a kilogram of dirt on shoes - dubious pleasure. It is for this reason that you begin to think about what the parking lot is needed. Complete confidence comes after the next rain, when it will be possible to leave the first time from the site. And not even from the fifth. Then there is a desire to make a summer parking. There is no difficult thing in it and it can be done with your own hands.

Types of country parking sites

Dachas, and all the requirements for comfort all are different and parking at the cottage for the car - it is more than a dozen version of the execution. Only the types of coating seven, and even their combinations, the possibility of installing canopies. They differ in operational characteristics, costs. So, the car parking coating in the country may be the following types:

  • From rubble or pebbles (bulk).
  • Lawn or Ecopark.
  • From paving slabs.
  • Concrete.

    Playground under the car in the country - we make the parking with your own hands

    While you are insecure that you want such ... Parking in the country can be easier

  • Asphalt.
  • Rubber tile.
  • Stone-plate.
  • Parking grille.

The cheapest in the device, while convenient in operation, the parking area of ​​the car from rubble or pebbles. With proper device (the use of geotextile), crushed stone is not mixed with the soil over the years. Even if geotextiles did not put (this often happens), then it is not a problem to plug rubble. After some time, the lower root from rubble and the soil becomes so dense and durable that this process (mixing with the soil) stops.

Parking at the cottage: pros and cons of different options

Separate and very important plus, which gives parking at the dacha from rubble - natural drainage. You do not need to build drainage. Water leaks between stones and goes into the ground, carrying pollution with him. But this type of platforms is not suitable for sections with a high level of groundwater. Standing in a puddle on a crushed room is not the best solution to the issue, although the problem is solved by the creation of a drainage system of the entire site.

Green parking in recent years is increasingly popular. This is not an ordinary lawn, but a special. A plastic grid is hidden under the grass, which redistributes the load on the ground, does not give the wheels to fall. Care for such a parking is similar to the care of a lawn - haircut, watering. Weeping is not required, as the preparatory work implies the removal of the soil, that is, most roots leave. Grade of herbs uses special and in this problem: they are expensive. The second minus is the possibility of extinction (and the seeds are expensive, and the greens grow too fast). But beautiful. And you can use not only as parking, but also as a platform for recreation.

Playground under the car in the country - we make the parking with your own hands

Parking lattices are not plastic, but concrete with holes under the grass

The platform for the car in the darity of paving slabs is the best hard coating option for bunching soils. And the water is not delayed for too long - goes into the gap between the tiles, and the integrity of the coating does not suffer. Two more options: concrete and asphalt country parking - reliable and durable, but only if all preliminary work is carried out correctly. Their minus - they are expensive, the appearance of cracks is very noticeable.

Country Parking Device: Preparatory Work

Despite the various coatings for the parking machine at the cottage, the preparatory work is not much different. The difference can be in the layer on which the coating is stacked (for example, it is necessary to pour a layer of sand during paving paving slabs), but the whole pie and a list of other works are the same.

Playground under the car in the country - we make the parking with your own hands

You can and so ... until you get stuck after the rain

General recommendations

The first with which you need to decide with the place. Parking at the cottage is usually either directly near the gate, or not far from them. And it makes sense. But this zone should not be a lower point, otherwise the water will be constantly stated, and the height difference is undesirable here - put the car on the handbrake, put the pads - not exactly what I want.

Playground under the car in the country - we make the parking with your own hands

The best way to make sand and gravel - use vibrating plates. If it is not, you can make a homemade traam. Take a log, attach the handles, brappate the solid platform below (thick board). Raising and sharply throwing this tool, sealing sand / crushed stone

With all this, continuous coatings of the type of concrete or asphalt should not be removed in zero in terms of: water after washing the machine or rain will not leave. So that it is not stored, it will be necessary to form a small bias - from the center to the edges. A bias in a pair of degrees is already good. And the car will stand stable, and the water will go.


Dark parking dimensions depend on the planned number of "living" there. One car is enough plot 3 * 5 meters, i.e. 15 m². This space is quite enough not to think about the fact that it is necessary to park exactly in the center, otherwise go to the lawn, in the flowerbed, etc. Parking at the dacha of such a square makes it possible to calmly bypass the car in front and rear.

If the place is limited, the length can be reduced by 0.5 m, but with this size you can walk either before the machine or behind it. Only if you have a solid size of a jeep, the width of the site is better to increase at least 50 cm, and even better - on the meter. These cars are large dimensions, and they need more space.

Playground under the car in the country - we make the parking with your own hands

Parking dimensions: this picture from SNiP (building standards and rules)

If you need to park cars, they will need two and they are "standard" sizes, the comfortable length of the parking lot in the country remains the same - 5 m. With a sufficient amount of place, we take the width of all the same 3 meters. That is, for parking two cars, you will need a platform of 5 * 6 m (5 meters - it's length). With a deficiency of areas, the width and length can be reduced by 0.5 meters (4.5 * 5.5). But in this case, at the same time, open the doors of the car will not work and bypassing the car around will be difficult too.

Cargo for car: water flow

The next stage is to solve you need drainage or not. If the soil is well removing the water naturally and the coating is unpaid (tile, lawn, stone), it is possible to do without drainage events. If there is no one of the conditions, you will have to do drainage. There are many options, but there are three simplest things:

  • If the water on the site is usually not stirred, along the perimeter of the platform with a solid coating (concrete, asphalt, rubber tile) make a sprinkle with a rubble width of 30-40 cm. Water flows, falls into the crumb hedge and gradually goes into the ground.
  • If the drainage system is made on the site, drainage pipes are stacked along the perimeter (below the level of the coating by 10 cm, covered with rubble, pebbles, mulch, sand, plant). These pipes are introduced into the overall drainage system (do not forget to make a couple of revision hatches for the possibility of cleaning.

    Playground under the car in the country - we make the parking with your own hands

    Drainage pad for parking

  • On the perimeter to install / pour storm trays that are brought into the storm sewer.

When can you not think about the drain of water? When you have a sandy area or abundant precipitation are rare. Then there are no problems. Another option is a natural slope. In this case, the water will leave grashecom, but you will still solve the problem of storm sewage, only on the scale of the entire site.

With a border or without

Any coverage on the site under the car in the country will serve longer if the zone will be fenced with a border. In the case of a device of bulk gravel or pebble parking, the border will not allow the ability to crumble on the site. In the case of using paving slabs or stone, the presence of limiters can also be considered mandatory. They are stacked on the sandy layer, and the sand can be washed out of rain flows.

Playground under the car in the country - we make the parking with your own hands

Borders are desirable for aesthetic and practical reasons

This will not happen if the parking lot in the country is at one level or just below the rest of the site. But in this case, it will always be wet and the water will not leave that it clearly does not benefit your car. So the presence of a border is preferably - even throw a brick around the perimeter, but it is better then a natural stone. Or pour yourself from concrete, but less troublesome use ready borders. For a budget option, you can use grape columns from reinforced concrete.

Layers: total sequence

After the place is selected for a parking lot for the car in the country, mark the selected area dimensions (taking into account the drainage system). Next, we work in this order:

  • Remove the soil layer with a depth of 30-35 cm.
  • We remove all the stones, the roots, equalize (do not need to be in the horizon, but should not be a holes and humps).
  • We take the rambling, weaving the ground.

    Playground under the car in the country - we make the parking with your own hands

    Sample layers for parking from paving slabs

  • Establish geotextiles. Its dimensions must be more dimensions of the site by 0.7-1 meters, the edges should be wrapped on the edges of the car parking. Under the drainage device, in the "excess" of geotextiles, the drainage pipe is wrapped. And so, the edges can be hidden under the grass, press the border, spray a layer of gravel.
  • I smell the sand layer, align, trambam. In the rammed form layer 10-15 cm. In order to rub it easier, sand uroat with water.
  • I smell a layer of rubble. It is advisable to use two fractions: large and medium.
    • A layer of large gravel is laid on the sand (20-40 mm), lines, trambed. Its thickness is 10 cm in the finished form.
    • The gravel layer of the middle fraction (5-20 mm). Aligned, trambed. Its thickness is also about 10-15 cm.

      Playground under the car in the country - we make the parking with your own hands

      Exotic while the option for our country parking is rubber coating

  • Subsequent layers depend on the type of platform coating. Consider them a little more in the next paragraph.

In general, it is all the rules and features of the car parking in the country. More accurate dimensions of the layers depend on the structure of the soils and the planned load. For example, for bulk (sand and sandy) and unstable (peatlands) of soils, to give greater stability, you can put a road grid on the bottom of the pit. It will exclude pushing.

The second example: between sand and gravel can be laid a geotextile layer. The lower layer (on the bottom of the pit) is necessary to stabilize the base, as well as in order not to germinate the plants. Intermediate layers make protection against plants more reliable, and also prevent stirring of the layers. In this case, even a heavy car will not leave the gauge.

Features of different coating sites

Under the paving slabs, brick, plate, rubber tile, pour coarse sand or fine granite crumb (1-4 mm). Note that under parking for cars, the tile is needed thick not less than 50 mm (Under the tracks can be taken from 30 mm). Another point: the smaller the sizes of the tile, which the parking lot will be brought, the less visible will be the inevitable "game" levels of bricks.

Playground under the car in the country - we make the parking with your own hands

Different coatings of parking lots have their own characteristics of styling

Natural Stone and Concrete Plates

If it is decided to make a parking from a natural stone with a drinking plates, it is also necessary to take 4-5 cm thick. To put too large pieces, it is not worth it: the likelihood is that they break. Putting them are not close, but leaving the gaps a couple of millimeters. The gaps are filled with sand, in which you can add lawn grass seeds with resistant to abrasion. If you make the same tracks, it turns out beautiful, organically, and there will be no dirt.

Playground under the car in the country - we make the parking with your own hands

With a natural stone, everything looks very decent

If the grass does not choose the grass (it is harder to clean, it is necessary to somehow cut), pour spaces between the plates with a mixture of sand and cement (for 1 part of the cement, 3 parts of the sand). Slimming it with stones so that there is nothing and hollow on them (only not a jet, but small drops, and not flow). The mixture will turn into a concrete. It will require a certain time for a durability set: days 7 at a temperature of + 20 ° C to achieve a strength of 50% and two more weeks for complete "aging". Until the set of 50% of the strength, it is desirable that there are no rainstones during this period, and if you begin, cover the platform with polyethylene. Water itself is not terrible, scary streams that can blur the faster concrete.

This option has only one drawback: a high price of stone. To reduce costs, you can use ready-made paving slabs of a large format: 50 * 50 cm or so. They are also laid on the gravel-sand pillow. All the same, only plates have artificial origin and clear geometry.


For a concrete site, you will need to install a formwork around the perimeter. Then it will be necessary to make a reinforcing frame in the form of a cell from a metal rod. The rods take a diameter of 10-15 mm, the grille is folded out of it in 10-15 cm increments, in the places of the connection are associated with a special wire (knitting). The resulting grid is exposed to the stops so it is raised above the rammed rubble by 3-5 cm, and the layer of concrete from above should also be at least 10 cm (better 15).

If the concrete parking lot is done for two or more machines, compensation seams will be required. For this, a wooden planks with a thickness of 0.7-1 cm are placed on the grid of the rebel from the rebel. The plank width is equal to the height of the concrete layer (they can be used as guides when moving the concrete mixture). Put them in a step of 2 meters.

Playground under the car in the country - we make the parking with your own hands

Concrete parking for the car in the country during the manufacturing process

In the case of concrete, you will have to wait quite a long time to start the operation of your parking lot. Concrete must stand at least 28 days. And this is if the temperature does not fall below + 20 ° C. At the same time, you need to monitor the surface did not drive. To do this, it is necessary to water the platform, and so that the water does not dry quickly, sketch the rogodh, old bags, etc., throw a piece of polyethylene from above. This coating contributes to maintaining humidity, levels the temperature (local overheating is harmful) and protects the surface from droplets that are inevitable when watering.

If you can't wait for so long, add "accelerator" to concrete. Additive, accelerating concrete hardness. The term can be reduced to 7-10 days. But carefully read the peculiarities of the care of such concrete.

Green lawn parking

With a green parking device, special lattices are exhibited on the gravel layer, the gaps of which are filled with fertile soil, are seeded with grass seeds. For parking lot cars, and sometimes "jeep", enough lattice with a height of 10 cm. If the heavy machinery (trucks with materials) is supposed to be installed on the site (trucks), the lattice is needed by a height of at least 15 cm.

The difference in the cost of the lattice for the green parking device is essential. But the price difference is usually justified: some ecoparlocks do not seek, they look normally, others are crushed, turning the surface into porridge from the soil and grass. Therefore, when choosing the grilles, do not chase for the cheapness.

Playground under the car in the country - we make the parking with your own hands

Lawn parking for cars at the cottage

It is not too convenient to care for herbal parking: the rake is stuck in the lattice, not every lawn mower can work safely. Therefore, many owners of such sites are disappointed. But recently another trend appeared - instead of soil and herbs in the lattice, the middle crushed stone is falling asleep, and the tops are poured with small rubble or pebbles. How is this option better than the usual bulk platform? The site does not pushed under wheels even heavy car. This option is ideal for clay soils.

Economy options and parking

Although parking in the dacha from rubble and is considered the most inexpensive, the total value of her ease. If there is no way to put an appropriate amount or check in temporary, you can try to do with more modest options.

The cheapest check in - from the laid old sleepers. Write off the sleepers, if desired, can be found and asking for them quite a bit. Since they are already impregnated with everything from rotting, they can be stacked directly into the ground. But in order for them during the beam, they did not drank them, it is better to pull out the trench and to put at least 5 cm of rubble or construction trash. On the sides of the sleepers, it is also desirable to make a rubbery backfill at least 5 cm.

Playground under the car in the country - we make the parking with your own hands

Budget check-in to the cottage for the car

One sleeper for arrival is not enough (except that you are a super driver), and two under the wheel is quite enough. The option is definitely temporary, but at the time of arranging the territory more than suitable.

There is a similar idea in a more civilian version: take concrete paving slabs with a size of 50 * 50 cm or 60 * 60 cm. Low them with two parallel rows - under the wheels. Press them one to another is not worth it - it is better to leave the soil clearance. To avoid drinking while driving on clay soils, as in the previous embodiment, make at least a minimal skewer from rubble.

Playground under the car in the country - we make the parking with your own hands

Put the plates in a row

There are still cobbled country races. For paving, brick is used, natural stone. These options are good if the soils are not clay. Brick collapses faster - it is not intended for such conditions, but as a temporary measure for arrangement is quite good.

Playground under the car in the country - we make the parking with your own hands

Parking for cars from what is available at hand

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