Choosing a substrate for linoleum on concrete floor


Linoleum becomes a frequent solution when choosing an outdoor coating. This is connected with its positive characteristics and democratic pricing policy. Material is wear-resistant, moisture consists and has aesthetic qualities. A wide selection of color scheme, texture allows you to raise fantasy and choose what matches the interior.

Linoleum is simple in laying and does not require special conditions during operation. The complex classification of the product and the diversity of species of raw materials for the manufacture of many puts in a dead end. However, for easier orientation in the world of linoleum, the consumer offers an easy way to divide material: household, commercial and semi-commercial.

The last type of product is widely used in everyday life and offers excellent characteristics, a rich appearance, an acceptable cost.

Having decided to sharpen this floor covering, the owners often face the question "Do you need a substrate for a linoleum to the concrete floor?". Need us, usually always. What kind of substrate will become the basis for the coating, to solve the owner. It depends on the purpose of the room, the state of the base, personal preferences on the material of the substrate and budget.

Types of bases for linoleum

Many mistakenly assume that the substrate does not need to be laid on the concrete floor, if it is flat enough. However, small defects and the foundations of the foundation still remain, and the "coldness" of concrete is not doing anywhere.

Of course, if the linoleum is already accompanied by a good and high-quality substrate, the feasibility of the flooring of an additional material disappears. However, such a linoleum is very expensive and is rare. Often, the flooring is chosen without additional base. In this case, the substrate is necessary because it performs the following functions:

  • Heat and sound insulation.
  • Elimination of small horizontal differences (no more than 2 mm by 2 m²).

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If the product is spilled on the first floors, the presence of a substrate is required. Many prefer to lay waterproofing as an additional layer in the substrate. To the least resorted in case of increased evaporation from the base on the ground. Linoleum and concrete - Cool materials, so the insulation of the coatings is desirable, especially if there are small children in the house.

Jute based product

The material is made from the plant - jute. Its fibers are used in the manufacture of not only substrates, but also the bases of carpet rolling materials. Fiber differs in that it absorbs moisture and leads it to the best way, without affecting and without destroying the coating.

Since the material is natural and can provoke the appearance of mold, fungi and other microorganisms, it is customary to process with special compositions - antipyrenes. Measure allows you to eradicate the disadvantage and improve product characteristics. Jute base is an excellent solution when choosing a substrate for linoleum. However, the high cost stops.

Flax-based product

The material is made of flax - natural and environmentally friendly raw materials. It differs in its self-devented ability. The substrate will not allow the emergence of microorganisms, mold and fungi due to its own characteristics.

The material is processed in addition to special components. They give the product of fire-resistant qualities, prevent the product from rotting. The linen substrate has a more democratic value, specialists advise its use in homes where people who are prone to allergies live.

Cork material

Natural product made from dress bark. The expented components of the raw materials are pressed, chemical compositions are not added to the material. Cork substrate is popular with heat and sound insulation qualities. Also, the product is excellent additional insulation.

The linoleum will be pleasantly walking, the floor is soft and air. However, comfort is hand in hand with a disadvantage. The cork material is very soft, any heavy furniture and even just traces from the legs are imprinted on the surface. The notches from the legs of the table will no longer get their own forms, dents will remain. In this regard, the substrate is recommended to sharpen in rooms released from heavy items and excessive loads.

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Mix of raw materials

The combination of all three natural components - wool, flax and jute, allow you to create a material unsurpassed with its qualities. The output is a product with elevated wear-resistance, moisture resistance and durability. The pricing policy for natural canvas is quite democratic.

Artificial Analogs

Choosing a substrate for linoleum on concrete floor

The product made of foamed material - isolon, foamophizol, has become very popular due to low cost. Its availability sometimes overlaps all the disadvantages of the material. The fact is that the product quickly fails, deformed.

Accordingly, the walking comfort quickly disappears, and the installed furniture begins to "walk" and lose stability. In other words, the correspondence between the linoleum service and the substrate is not. It is better to spend more and one-time, the smaller and ten times.

Preparation of the base under linoleum

Deciding with the choice of the substrate, you can proceed to the preparation of the base. Concrete floor is better to handle the self-leveling mixture. It will make it possible to achieve a nonzero, but acceptable level of horizontal.

Order Action in the preparation of the floor Next:

  1. Reflect all the flaws of the base - cracks, bugs, pits, horizontal differences. If any, it is necessary to cut the bulges, smear the slots and the depressions. Level Determine the size of the drops in horizontal. If the difference is small, the pouring screed will not need. If parameters are exceeded - more than 7 mm per 2 m² - it is necessary to level the floor with a cement screed.
  2. Screed or "light" floor should carefully dry. Otherwise, the substrate flooring from any material will quickly fail due to excessive humidity.
  3. Ate decided to make the base under linoleum from plywood, it is necessary to lay a layer of waterproofing on a concrete floor. Wooden base will be preserved and lasts longer, protected from moisture. On the wooden surface it is advisable to walk the grinding machine.
  4. The jokes and seams of the substrate are treated with a construction tape. Accordingly, the material is superimposed not a mustache, but a joint in the joint. The substrate does not stretch, lies freely.

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Nuances when laying linoleum

Before reducing the floor covering on the substrate, it is necessary to prepare a product. It is entered into the room where laying is planned. Roll over and stuff the entire floor area for "deleting" and the acclimatization of the material. Linoleum leaves alone for several days. After that, you can proceed to work.

Laying both substrates and linoleum should be carried out in a room with a temperature not lower than + 15 °, no higher than 70% humidity.

Linoleum is better to carry out the pectorist of at least 7 cm in size, then cutting the surplus. This will allow you to perform invisible joints. The influx of the material is meant on the walls. The distance between the wall and the cropped linoleum is 2-3 mm. Already processed and finished linoleum leave for "deleting" for several days. Only then proceed to its fastening for glue, bilateral scotch or under plinth.

The laying of the substrate will allow to hide the defects of the base, its differences. However, it is not necessary to think that significant bugs and spikes of a concrete base can be hidden by the product. They will also be a substrate, and linoleum. In this regard, it is very important to prepare the basis regardless of whether you are simulating the substrate or not. Its presence will extend the life of the linoleum and will increase the degree of heat of the floor covering. Properly laid material will make it possible to make floors with comfortable, soft and warm.

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