How to hang beautiful Tulle: Practical recommendations


So that the windows do not seem "bare", decorating using alone and the curtains are not enough, and then traditional tulle becomes real salvation. Whatever simple and limited seemed the process of choosing a translucent mesh, you need to know how to hang tulle so that the image becomes completed and relevant in the interior. Today, the fabric and accessories market pleases a wide selection of products, the use of which allows you to create original drapery, interesting styles and unusual silhouettes.

How to hang beautiful Tulle: Practical recommendations

We select the cornice and the necessary fittings

It is recommended to form an accurate view of the decorative decoration of the window even before the acquisition of the cornice. After all, for fixing the Tulle, you will need a separate row with fasteners or an additional string. And if a complex design is planned, consisting of two or more canvases that imply a combination of several colors, it is possible to pull the auxiliary fittings.

To hang light tulle, you can use different types of eaves.

  1. Tubular. Measure the use of rings or recordings. Appropriate in any interior. Different reliability and attractiveness.
  2. Profile. Very simple, but may consist of a variety of rows. In this case, hooks, clips or decorative clothespins are used.
  3. String. Special option for lightweight fabrics, which can be practically imperceptible. The cornice is able to hold some beautifully draped air canvas.

In addition to the eaves, it is necessary to choose an auxiliary and decorative fitness. Special accessories will complement the image, fix air falds or complex folds. It can be clamps of artificial flowers, thin decorative cords, woven or lace pickups, beads or glass races.


The brighter the color of the Tulle, the less decorative parts are recommended to use. Saturated shades of mesh tissues are primarily attracting their interesting drapes. Tulle with gradual color transitions is especially beautiful.

How to hang beautiful Tulle: Practical recommendations

Fixation of Tulle with Kuliska on the arched cornice

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Methods of fixing curtains

In order to hang tulle, you can use one of the traditional and affordable ways.

  • By type of snakes. The tissue of the curtain is simply bent or an additional band is sewn, a scene is striking, in which the tube of a cornice or string. If you leave the unintelligible tissue strip on top, a beautiful friction will be formed. The lack of option is the difficult movement of the tube cloth.
  • On rings with hooks. Hooks are sewed to the top of the tulle "tight" (it is better to use transparent plastic). Wash cloth with them. Decorative rings, to which hooks are attached. Rings can be different colors, they are selected to the eternity or shade of the tulle.
  • On challenges. In the upper part of the tissue used, holes are done in which the records are inserted. A cornice is passed through the holes. There is another option - tulle can be hung on a cornice with a ribbon or braid, which will be done through the recordings.


Before using recordings, the top of the material is recommended to strengthen with a dense tissue ribbon, suitable in color. This will allow you to prevent damage and stretching the fine material.

  • On the loop. The original design of the top of the tulle. The loops can be constructed from tapes or braid. The disadvantages of the option include the moment that when using long loops between the tulle and the cornice, a noticeable lumen is formed.
  • On clips. Products that work on the principle of delicate clamps allow you to quickly remove and wear a curtain. They can only be used for light single-layer structures. If you enjoy fabric, then beautiful vertical waves are formed. Clips do not stretch and do not tear fragile fabric.

The process of fixing the material takes only a few minutes and is simplicity, especially if the folds on the fabric are already formed and fixed with a tape or braid.

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How to hang beautiful Tulle: Practical recommendations

Original and traditional use of Tulle

Tulle When designing the window opening, it is necessary to use carefully, based on the recommendations of specialists and taking into account the stylistic features of the room. If you want to create an original image, you can apply not only drapery and complex forms, but also a combination of tissues of several colors.

Options for using a decorative mesh are much more than you can come to remember.

  • A transfusional matter with brilliant inserts used in a flooded lounge, give the decor a shade of luxury and even solemnity.
  • Asymmetric use of curtains and tulle, enshrined with pickups, looks very original. In a loose form, such an ensemble effectively protects the room from sunlight.
  • No less often the combination of two canvases looks like a few tones brighter than another. In this case, you can use strong independent colors: red, blue, emerald, purple.
  • Mesh materials with interesting inserts become increasingly popular. In the evening, they stand out against the darkness of the windows, and during the day, bizarre shadows are discarded.
  • If you hang on the window of one-window tulle on a few tones lighter than the cloth of the curtains, you can get a classic version of the decor, which is equally good both in the living room and in the bedroom.
  • You can experiment not only with a combination of colors, but also with the form of products. The material that the form of the arch or tongue is granted may be the one-photon and simplest, but the effect will be achieved very interesting.
  • A unique view of a multiple crossing of the layers of monophonic matter is acquired. Pastel tones look particularly advantageous, which with each layer form new, more rich shades.
  • Always beautiful and appropriately looks for tulle pastel color with a "metal" ornament. The color of the curtain is not required to repeat used when applied pattern.
  • For spacious premises, it is recommended to use a white medium transparency fabric. This will emphasize the purity of colors that were applied during the decoration of the room, and add the interior of light.

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You can use the options or create your own original and unique ensemble. Strict rules in this case does not exist, the main thing is to form a harmonious image.

How to hang beautiful Tulle: Practical recommendations


The listed recommendations will help create original designs and correctly hang tulle curtains, but do not forget about the practicality of sunscreen systems. It makes no sense to use materials that are attractive to the first washing or quickly fade under sunlight. They will have to be changed and updated too often.

Even the familiar white white tulle will play in a new way if it is made by decorative accessories. It is especially interesting to watch beads, glassworks or artificial pearls. And you can hang them not only vertically, but also horizontally, and even diagonally.

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