Interior ideas do it yourself: design from the remaining wallpaper


After repair, it is often unnecessary wallpapers, they will help make the design of the room more interesting if there are ideas for the interior with their own hands. Unused rolls may appear due to improper settlement of the area, excessive integrity of the owners or simply because it happened. In any case, you should not blame yourself in waste and other sins, because the remnants of wallpaper can be used a very original way, including to create an unusual decor of premises with your own hands.

Wallpaper remnants will help update the old furniture, add an interesting decorative element to the interior or decorate empty walls. We bring to your attention 15 design ideas using superfluous wallpapers with your own hands.

interior ideas do it yourself

Idea 1. It's all about trifles

Any design folds out of the smallest things. Pay attention to the furniture in the room, especially if you can name it with a large stretch. With the help of the remaining wallpaper, you can transform an old dresser with your own hands, a wardrobe or a toilet table to be unrecognizable. It is enough just to choose a suitable surface, it may turn out to be a tabletop, a side wall or the facade of one of the boxes, and caught it with wallpaper. If you want to decorate this decoration, even the internal surfaces of the drawers of the table can be subjected. The choice is almost unlimited, it all depends only on the idea of ​​the interior and your imagination.

interior ideas do it yourself

Idea 2. Original tray

In the territory of Russia and the CIS countries, such a phenomenon is not common as the breakfast in bed. At best, the ideas arrange such actions arise along a major or thematic holidays like March 8 or birthday. To submit a good mood with breakfast to bed, a beautiful tray is needed. As the basis for the idea, you can use already ready or make it with your own hands from the old photo frame or even a cutting board.

It is often not the most attractive surface of this interior item with the same wallpaper residues. An updated or "scratimated" tray will look an integral part of the design idea of ​​the room.

interior ideas do it yourself

Idea 3. Borders of space

Wallpaper residues can help divide the area of ​​the room to the functional zones. To equip, for example, a place to work, it is necessary to carry out its clear boundaries. And to realize such ideas with your own hands using wallpapers with a different pattern or with a contrasting color scheme. At the same time, it is not necessary to worry about the fact that the interior of the room will look awkwardly. Rather, on the contrary, the effect of "room in the room" will be a real "highlight" of residential space.

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interior ideas do it yourself

Idea 4. Wallpaper like a panel

Extra wallpaper can serve as a great idea to create art objects. It is enough just to leave with them part of the wall in the living room or the space at the head of the bed. Such a move will add the interior design of the volume, as well as visually expand the space.

interior ideas do it yourself

Idea 5. Vintage chair

If you go over the back of the old chair with wallpaper, it will stop look like an inappropriate god interior room. Bright floral prints are perfectly combined with natural wood, and for objects of furniture with chrome-plated legs, wallpapers with a neutral and calm motive are excellent.

Save the functionality of the chair in three ways:

  • use removable wallpaper;
  • With the help of submitted means, make a removable casing from the wallpaper for the back of the chair;
  • Additionally, protect the surface with some durable transparent coating made with your own hands from girlfriend.

interior ideas do it yourself

We should not forget that the chair must necessarily be used in direct intended. This interior object can perform the function of the shelf or flower stand. Ideas on how to use an updated interior subject, may be very unusual and original if you attach a little imagination.

interior ideas do it yourself

Idea 6. Portal in the closet

In the old cabinet you can breathe new life. This technique is applicable including suspended cabinets, as well as cabinets with transparent facades. To implement such an idea, you need to remove the doors, pull out all the shelves, rods and other items that can prevent, and then get the rear wall with the remnants of bright wallpaper. The side walls are better to leave intact, in this case the cabinet will cease to seem bulky and clumsy. With bright wallpaper on the back wall, glass shelves are perfectly combined, where the dishes are stored. This technique is perfect for kitchen hinged cabinets and furniture walls in the living room.

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interior ideas do it yourself

Idea 7. Bright accents

The coffee or coffee table can become brighter if you can make it a tabletop and other surfaces with beautiful wallpaper. Such a move will not just decorate this subject of the interior, but also protects it from damage and scratches. To decorate with your own hands using the remaining wallpaper, you can also have any small locker or refrigerator.

interior ideas do it yourself

Idea 8. Style Transfiguration

The design and main ideas of the interior always add up of seemingly minor details. To emphasize the originality of the room's decoration, and with your own hands by decorating even the most ordinary items. If you get a wine bottle with bright wallpaper, it will turn into an unusual vase. The same trick can also be used to transform various decorative elements, such as photo frames.

interior ideas do it yourself

Idea 9. Staircase decor

In the presence of fantasy and some original idea, you can decorate with your own hands almost any subject of interior. Including the staircase. Wallpaper can be saved steps or railing. At the same time, it is not necessary to glue the wallpaper at all. It may be that for steps there is quite enough wallpaper strip in the center or around the edges. The railing can be decorated both completely and partially.

So, for example, wooden railing with bright ribs look attractive and unusual, and correctly selected stripes on the steps visually make them wider.

interior ideas do it yourself

Idea 10. Bright lampshade

With the help of wall residues, it is possible to transform the old lamp beyond recognition. Abazhur can be covered with wallpaper both completely and partially. It should be noted that the light from the light bulb will highlight the drawing and the ornament of wallpaper, which looks at least unusual and interesting.

For large lamps, you can use narrow strips with different patterns and ornaments, provided that they will be combined with each other.

interior ideas do it yourself

Idea 11. Decor tablecloth

The remaining wallpaper may become quite a budget, but original and stylish way to decorate a festive table. The long strip of removable wallpapers, hiding in the center and along the entire length of the table transforms the appearance of the interior. To add a picture, you can install on the resulting vase strip with flowers, candlesticks and beautiful dishes.

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interior ideas do it yourself

Idea 12.

Perhaps for someone it will become a real discovery, but all the walls in the room are not necessarily damaged by wallpaper. Moreover, the modern market practically does not limit the selection of finishing materials. Wallpapers can only be on one of the walls or at all on the ceiling.

It is important to remember that a large print visually reduces the room space, and a small ornament or pattern can create visibility of a pair of additional square meters.

interior ideas do it yourself

Idea 13. Wallpapers!

Sometimes at the end of the repair it turns out that the door merges with the walls. This problem is especially relevant for rooms decorated in light colors. Correct the situation will help bright wallpapers, dotted on the door. Thus, the interior is supplied with a contrasting accent, which will dilute the monotonous color gamut.

interior ideas do it yourself

Idea 14. Bare in the wall

Who said the windows should look like windows? If you have a window frame and a window sill with finishing materials for walls, then you can achieve the effect when the window looks like a part of the wall. Such a trick will effectively look at both large and small rooms.

interior ideas do it yourself

Idea 15. Battery radiator masking

In many apartments, the appearance of the heating battery leaves much to be desired. Change such a state of affairs can be used by your own hands or purchased box, saved on top of wallpaper. At the same time, it is important to pay special attention to the choice of the wallpaper glue, since some of the compositions can be made of unpleasant odors when heated.

15 ideas - the use of the remaining wallpaper with their own hands

15 ideas - the use of the remaining wallpaper with their own hands

15 ideas - the use of the remaining wallpaper with their own hands

15 ideas - the use of the remaining wallpaper with their own hands

15 ideas - the use of the remaining wallpaper with their own hands

15 ideas - the use of the remaining wallpaper with their own hands

15 ideas - the use of the remaining wallpaper with their own hands

15 ideas - the use of the remaining wallpaper with their own hands

15 ideas - the use of the remaining wallpaper with their own hands

15 ideas - the use of the remaining wallpaper with their own hands

15 ideas - the use of the remaining wallpaper with their own hands

15 ideas - the use of the remaining wallpaper with their own hands

15 ideas - the use of the remaining wallpaper with their own hands

15 ideas - the use of the remaining wallpaper with their own hands

15 ideas - the use of the remaining wallpaper with their own hands

15 ideas - the use of the remaining wallpaper with their own hands

15 ideas - the use of the remaining wallpaper with their own hands

15 ideas - the use of the remaining wallpaper with their own hands

15 ideas - the use of the remaining wallpaper with their own hands

15 ideas - the use of the remaining wallpaper with their own hands

15 ideas - the use of the remaining wallpaper with their own hands

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15 ideas - the use of the remaining wallpaper with their own hands

15 ideas - the use of the remaining wallpaper with their own hands

15 ideas - the use of the remaining wallpaper with their own hands

15 ideas - the use of the remaining wallpaper with their own hands

15 ideas - the use of the remaining wallpaper with their own hands

15 ideas - the use of the remaining wallpaper with their own hands

15 ideas - the use of the remaining wallpaper with their own hands

15 ideas - the use of the remaining wallpaper with their own hands

15 ideas - the use of the remaining wallpaper with their own hands

15 ideas - the use of the remaining wallpaper with their own hands

15 ideas - the use of the remaining wallpaper with their own hands

15 ideas - the use of the remaining wallpaper with their own hands

15 ideas - the use of the remaining wallpaper with their own hands

15 ideas - the use of the remaining wallpaper with their own hands

15 ideas - the use of the remaining wallpaper with their own hands

15 ideas - the use of the remaining wallpaper with their own hands

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