Flower palette for the interior of all rooms (50 photos)


Upon completion of the repair, the hosts of the house stands up the most important choice of color schemes for the walls, since the harmonious combination of colors has a beneficial effect on the mood and human well-being. The color palette for the interior is so diverse that you can create a special mood in each room. So, to decorate the walls, you can choose a beautiful wallpaper with a pattern, under painting or pick up a suitable decorative finish.

Interior Color Palette

How to choose the color palette

Correctly pick up the palette will help the color circle or drawing up a table.

There are three primary colors:

  • red;
  • yellow;
  • blue.


There are also three secondary colors:

  • green;
  • Orange;
  • purple.

Interior Color Palette

All other colors are considered complex, and each has both related and contrasting shades, which demonstrates the table. So that the design of the room does not seem oversaturated with shades, it is necessary to comply with the most important rules when choosing wallpaper.

  • All selected shades should be within one tone. Suppose if the blue color of the wallpaper was chosen, then the shades from the blue to dark blue will look harmoniously. To avoid monotony, you can add a warm color wallpaper that look at ease and air.

Interior Color Palette

  • It is necessary to use shades that are perfectly harmonized. Universal color in the design is considered white, because it is his shades perfectly combined with others. Especially successfully the combination of red and black in design looks, because even the table says that they are perfectly combined. If a yellow tint is selected for the apartment interior, it will be an ideal solution to dilute it with orange.

Interior Color Palette

  • An excellent solution will be strips of contrast tones, which will allow to achieve an incredible combination. It is necessary to use no more than two or three shades, otherwise "overload" is possible.

Interior Color Palette

Color palette bedrooms

Choosing a color palette for a bedroom worth paying attention not to cold, but calm shades that allow us to concentrate vital energy. It should be remembered that in the bedroom, many people dream of enjoying a calm bed, so the use of paints of the screaming color gamut in the design of this room is not appropriate, it is better to choose a strip of wallpaper of calm color.

The color palette segment for the bedroom is diverse: from saturated bright colors to pastel colors, which allows you to create a dream interior in your own bedroom, simply choosing the color or paint-matching wallpaper.

Interior Color Palette

For the design of the bedroom design, located on the sunny side, it is recommended to use cold shades of paints. Warm colors of paints are recommended to use in the design of shaded and cold rooms - such an ideal solution will make the interior of the bedroom lighter.

An excellent solution will be the color of Wenge in the bedroom interior for floor decoration. Such a color of paints makes it possible to emphasize the luxurious taste of apartment owners, as well as their tendency to luxury and nobility.

Interior Color Palette

Color palette in the living room

The choice of color palette wallpaper for the living room depends solely on the preferences of the owners of the apartment. So, saturated and bright tones for the design of such a room are likely to choose active and creative people, but warm colors are most likely to choose people who love to conduct a measured lifestyle, since such a palette will stimulate their activities.

It is from the design of a living room design that will depend on the overall impression. So that such a room over time does not bother, the best solution for registration will be the selection of two or three shades of bands that will be perfectly harmonized.

Interior Color Palette

The paint can act as a basis. If the choice fell on the cold white color of the paints, you need to make bright accents in the hall, so, for example, you can pick up orange accessories that will complement the wallpaper. Delicious in the hall will look pastel shades. Pastel color has a relaxing effect and adjusts to a lyrical paw, so rest in such a room will bring real pleasure.

Interior Color Palette

Another successful solution will be a combination of neutral tones in the design of the living room design. An excellent solution in the design will be the selection of one or two warm shades: sandy, cool color gamut blue, earthy, shades of moss, as well as gray-blue and light gray - such colors will be the best in the interior design.

Article: Green - Apartment color for optimists

Interior Color Palette

Color for kitchen

Properly chosen wallpaper, namely their color palette, will lead to a visually increase in the area of ​​the kitchen and make it lighter. The question of the right choice of the color palette for small kitchens is especially relevant, because to place kitchen furniture comfortably and equip with the convenience of the dining area is quite difficult, and if you make a mistake and choose the wallpaper inappropriate color, then the kitchen will seem incredibly cramped at all.

Interior Color Palette

For a small area of ​​the kitchen, you must choose a light color palette. An ideal solution will be a white strip, but not in its pure form. The soft palette of ivory, ash-white shades, the elevated colors of the paints will be more relevant. So, you can pick up a beautiful combination with a beige, cream and pastel-yellow color scheme and, in this case, the strips will look expressive.

Interior Color Palette

For small areas in the kitchen area it is better to choose cold tones, since bright strips visually reduce the space. So, for example, it will be inappropriate to decorate the walls in such a room with orange.

For spacious kitchens, you can choose a color wenge. The color of Wenge in the interior is an expression of sophistication, practicality and prestige. Ideally, this color is suitable for the kitchen in the modern style.

Interior Color Palette

It is possible to combine the color of the wenge in the interior with flowers such as beige, milk, coffee with milk, ivory and white shades.

To make a revitalization in the room, you can dilute the design with bright colors, for example, hang on the wall orange, yellow or peach picture or to purchase potatoes for juicy plants.

Interior Color Palette

Bathroom in color

The bathroom is the place where a person should feel comfortable. The bathroom was created for relaxation, because almost every person after a hard working day in front of bed attending it. For the design of the bathroom, it is necessary to use not wallpaper, but a special paint, because in this room wallpaper will be inappropriate. High-quality paint will not burst in the case of water walls entering the surface, in addition, the paint will not deteriorate under the influence of steam.

Paint should be bought exclusively in specialized stores, because in this case it will be possible to buy really high-quality material.

Interior Color Palette

The bathroom is characterized by a high level of humidity, therefore it should not look like a crude and diverse and it is in this situation that the color will have a decisive role, because if you correctly pick up the palette and use the perfectly harmonious tones of the paint, then one problem will become less.

Article on the topic: Cold blue color for each room

Interior Color Palette

The color palette in the design of the bathroom can be diverse, but the best colors will be:

Red. Red wall color palette helps to increase strength and return vital energy. The red color will allow you to make the interior of the bathroom sucking and therefore such a red choose only bold people. By the way, many people prefer to combine red with orange, and it should be noted that such a combination looks very stylish.

Interior Color Palette

Orange. An orange shade has a soothing effect on a person and fills the atmosphere with happiness. The orange palette in the design of the bathroom will contribute to relaxation and will help to overcome stress.

Interior Color Palette

Yellow. Such a color of the walls increases the influx of vitality and excites, but only most shades increase tensions and nervousness. Such a color of the paint is recommended for designing a large design of the bathroom, since yellow color visually reduces the size of the room and distorts the perspective.

Interior Color Palette

Green. Gives the charge of energy, cheerfulness, attaches confidence in their own power. A bathroom, aged in a green tone, will help to get together with thoughts and improve psychological and emotional state.

Interior Color Palette

Cold shades of blue. Cold colors of walls allow us to calm down and bring thoughts in order. In the blue bathroom will be able to relax and enjoy the minutes of pleasure, in a warm dress with foam. By the way, the blue shade can be combined with orange.

Interior Color Palette

The black. Such a color of the wall allows you to create an incredible design in the bathroom, but only if it is not present in pure form. The bathroom, weathered in black and having bright tones acts in oppressing.

If black color is chosen for the design of the bathroom, it is recommended to use it exclusively as the secondary one. Ideal black will be combined with yellow, orange, red and other tones.

Interior Color Palette

The right choice of the interior design is the key to the creation of an incredible design of the room, which will delight not only the owners, but also guests.

Article on the topic: Sensual color Bordeaux for a luxurious life

Flower palette for interior design (+50 photos)

Flower palette for interior design (+50 photos)

Flower palette for interior design (+50 photos)

Flower palette for interior design (+50 photos)

Interior Color Palette

Flower palette for interior design (+50 photos)

Flower palette for interior design (+50 photos)

Flower palette for interior design (+50 photos)

Interior Color Palette

Flower palette for interior design (+50 photos)

Flower palette for interior design (+50 photos)

Interior Color Palette

Flower palette for interior design (+50 photos)

Flower palette for interior design (+50 photos)

Interior Color Palette

Flower palette for interior design (+50 photos)

Interior Color Palette

Flower palette for interior design (+50 photos)

Flower palette for interior design (+50 photos)

Flower palette for interior design (+50 photos)

Interior Color Palette

Interior Color Palette

Flower palette for interior design (+50 photos)

Flower palette for interior design (+50 photos)

Interior Color Palette

Flower palette for interior design (+50 photos)

Interior Color Palette

Flower palette for interior design (+50 photos)

Flower palette for interior design (+50 photos)

Interior Color Palette

Interior Color Palette

Flower palette for interior design (+50 photos)

Interior Color Palette

Flower palette for interior design (+50 photos)

Flower palette for interior design (+50 photos)


Flower palette for interior design (+50 photos)

Interior Color Palette

Flower palette for interior design (+50 photos)

Interior Color Palette

Interior Color Palette

Flower palette for interior design (+50 photos)

Flower palette for interior design (+50 photos)

Flower palette for interior design (+50 photos)

Flower palette for interior design (+50 photos)

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