Decorative stone of foam: how to make + photo


Make a decorative stone from foam in practice is not such a complex job as it may seem first.

Decorative stone of foam

To do this, you need to stock patience, fantasy and a set of non-hard tools and materials, including:

  • directly the foam itself;
  • soldering iron;
  • paint or coloring pigment;
  • concrete;
  • Rabita grid;
  • putty knife;
  • sand.

Decorative stone of foam

In some cases, it may be necessary to wire, plug, stationery and polyethylene packages. The list of used tools depends on what exactly the result is as a result: imitation of brickwork or a huge decorative stone for installation in the garden.

Decorative stone of foam

Decorative stone for garden

To make your own hands, a decorative stone for installation in the garden will need a chain grid with small cells. From this material will be manufactured a frame of a future cobblestone or a fragment of a rock. The resulting form must be filled with pieces of foam. In order not to remain large voids, the size of these pieces should be no more than 2-3 centimeters.

The bottom of the frame of the future stone should be tightened with a thin wire or take the stationery tape. Construction tape for these purposes is fits bad.

Decorative stone of foam

The next step will be the preparation of a concrete mix. For these purposes, Portland cement is best suited in the company with river sand. The proportions of these materials in the mixture should be approximately equal to the ratio of one to three. The resulting mixture should be drained with water, mix thoroughly, leave for 7-10 minutes and mix again. So that the mixture was homogeneous, it can be mixed with a cutting method. That is, cut off the small piece of concrete from the edge, move them to the center of the tank, mix and repeat this operation once over time. At the exit, the mixture should be obtained, the consistency of which resembles the dough. From the spatula, cement should not drain, but to fall as big slices.

Decorative stone of foam

The finished mixture is then applied to the surface of the stone with a layer of thickness of about 15-20 millimeters. After that, the blank is moistened with a spray gun and covers with a polyethylene film for a day. Wrap a future stone can also be a regular package from the nearest supermarket, if it is suitable in size.

Upon expiration, you can proceed to the preparation of the cobblestone surface or rock to paint.

Decorative stone of foam

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Preparation for painting of decorative stone is usually carried out using coloring pigment. One tablespoon without a "slide" of this substance of suitable color in combination with a grunsed glass of portland cement is divorced by ordinary water to the consistency of thick sour cream. Such a mixture with the help of hands closed into rubber gloves is applied to the surface of the product being manufactured. As soon as the coating of the stone starts to be filled, it is necessary using a spatula to give a stone of naturalness: add chips, scratches and notches.

Decorative stone of foam

To secure the effect, take a few punctures in different places, cover the stones with a film and leave to dry up to complete drying. Dry and ready to paint the product is painted using the same mixture as at the preparatory stage. The main task at the moment is not so much decor as the toning and giving the natural color of the stone. The product should not look artificial. The coloring composition is applied with a toothbrush by spray. That is, the decorative stone is covered with paint inhomogeneously, various intersions, more dark and brighter places appear. Unlike the results of the work can be washed away by ordinary water and repeat the last stage again.

It remains only to consolidate the result with the help of a transparent aerosol varnish, which is sold at any store of automobiles.

Decorative stone of foam

Registration of walls with a stone of foam

The foam can be excellent imitation of masonry, brick walls and other surfaces.

To achieve such an effect in two ways:

  • make stones or bricks of future masonry for walls with their own hands separately;
  • Give the form of masonry with whole segments of walls on a large piece of foam.

Decorative stone of foam

In any case, first will have to prepare the stones themselves with their own hands. To simulate brick walls, the foam is either cut into equal rectangles, or each decorative brick is "pulled out" on a large piece of foam. The first way is good because thin pieces of material will be suitable for its implementation. The second will have to use a piece of foam of the greater thickness.

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Decorative stone of foam

Polyfoam is easily processed with his own hands with a knife and scissors. Giving the masonry segments of the necessary geometric shape should not cause any problems. So that the coating does not look artificially and acquired the type of real brick walls, you should add defects on it: chips, cracks and scratches. This can be done with a soldering iron. Preheated metal sting tool will leave uneven and asymmetrical traces, which, in principle, should be achieved.

The foam in heating is heated to the air toxic substances. Working with a soldering iron must use the respirator, and work must be performed in a well-ventilated room, and better outdoors or on the balcony.

Decorative stone of foam

To give the foam coating walls of the wild stone, it will be more expedient to use large and thick pieces of material. Each decorative stone of the masonry is pulled out with their own hands separately with the help of a knife, scalpel, spatula and other primary tools. Before starting work, it should be practiced a little in a small plot of a piece of foam. So that the stones of the future wall laying looked naturally, you can draw their contours of the pencil. And on the same contours, leave a shallow groove with a width of 5-15 millimeters, which will mimic the cement mortar between the stone.

Decorative stone of foam

After the execution of the transaction described above, the volume should be coated. Wild stones differ from brickwork not only by the form and dimensions of the elements, but also their depth. The surface in the profile should not be perfectly smooth. Somewhere she should be thicker, somewhere thinner. It is possible to achieve such an effect using sandpaper.

Imitating a warding of wild stone for walls with their own hands it should be remembered that every "pebbles" should be a unique, not an exact copy of your neighbor.

Decorative stone of foam

After the decorative panel is ready, it can be mounted on one of the walls with glue or liquid nails. The surface is recommended to be pre-cleaned from dust and dirt, otherwise the brick or stone masonry will have every chance to be on the floor in one beautiful and the most inopportant moment.

If only small foam fragments are available from the materials, then you should not despair. With the help of glue, a stationery knife and a cement solution of them, you can collect the decorative stone of any size.

Decorative stone of foam

Painting of the new stone or brick masonry can be done both with a mixture of pigment and portland cement, and with the help of conventional paint. This should avoid uniformity of the coating. Different splashes, divorces and other attributes of the work of the novice malar will give the wall natural appearance. And imprisoned the myth of the sound insulation properties of foam. This material does not absorb and does not isolate noises. To provide silence in your home should use mineral wool and other fibrous structures.

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Foam stone - garden decoration and walls

Decorative stone of foam

Foam stone - garden decoration and walls

Foam stone - garden decoration and walls

Foam stone - garden decoration and walls

Foam stone - garden decoration and walls

Foam stone - garden decoration and walls

Foam stone - garden decoration and walls

Decorative stone of foam

Decorative stone of foam

Foam stone - garden decoration and walls

Decorative stone of foam

Decorative stone of foam

Foam stone - garden decoration and walls

Foam stone - garden decoration and walls

Decorative stone of foam

Decorative stone of foam

Decorative stone of foam

Foam stone - garden decoration and walls

Foam stone - garden decoration and walls

Decorative stone of foam

Foam stone - garden decoration and walls

Decorative stone of foam

Decorative stone of foam

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