How to replace the reinforcement of a drain tank


If water constantly flows in your toilet, then you need replacing the replacement of the drain tank. It is not difficult to fulfill these works, and you can do it yourself without resorting to the services of Plumbing.

How to replace the reinforcement of a drain tank

If your toilet can often leak, the most correct way to eliminate it will be replacing the replacement of the drain barrel.

Installation of new parts is very painstaking and equal to the overhaul of the toilet tank, so it is responsible for it responsibly and carefully read the tank device and the procedure for action before proceeding to work. This work is practically the same as the initial tank setting.

Principle of the drain tank

The work of the toilet tank is arranged on the principle of the hydraulic assembly.

When you click on the button (lever), it opens through a cork, and water that has gathered there, washed off in the riser under the action of gravity. The mechanism of a drain tank toilet bowl consists of two parts: a set of water and its drain. A device that provides its work includes such details as float, traffic jams and levers. After the water is drained from the tank, you release the button. At this moment, the plug closes the hole at its bottom and again begins to gain water. Its level is controlled by the float, and when the tank is filled with the necessary amount of water, the float closes the crane.

Diagram of the drain tank.

Armature controlling water supply is not the same in different models of toilet bowls. The difference lies in the direction of water supply. There may be such types of fittings on this basis:

  1. With lateral flow of water - such an armature is located at the top. A similar device can most often meet in the toilets of Russian production. The water supply system of this type is the most economical, but too noisy. More expensive models are equipped with a special tube that serves water to the bottom and reduces the noise level.
  2. With lower water supply. Such a mechanism is quite common and meets on models produced abroad, and on domestic. The water supply device thus reduces the level of noise of the toilet to a minimum.

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Drain of water is carried out by pressing the button or pulling the rod. An option with a button can be found more often, and it can have 1 or 2 modes of operation. Models in which 2 tank operating modes have 2 buttons. Pressing one of them merges the full volume of the tank, and the second is only half. Thus, it is convenient to save water consumption.

Basic repair principles

Before you are replaced by replacement of replacement or another type of repair, you need to prepare the toilet. First of all, overcoat the water supply and lower the water that is already collected in the tank. Remove the top cover to access the mechanism. To do this, unscrew the locking button, which, as a rule, is located on the left, or remove it and unscrew the fastening screw. Spend the inspection of the mechanism that carries out the flow and draining of water. Pay attention to places that have defects. In the inside of the tank, you can see one or more holes serving for water supply. If the opening is just one, then the filling fittings is located in it. If there are several of them, then the armature is only in one of the holes.

The diagram of the size of the toilet.

Inside filling reinforcement is a membrane valve. The principle of fittings is very simple and lies in the following: while the tank is empty, it begins to feed water, and when it is filled with the necessary volume, stops it. The membrane that is located inside the reinforcement is sensitive to the effects of impurities that are in the water. If you do not have filters or their quality is not enough, then the replacement of this part of the drain mechanism will be needed quite often. In this case, it is much easier to replace the push-button mechanism on the rod.

Installing new details

Replacing the reinforcement begins with the fact that the old item needs to be removed from the hole. It is not difficult to do, just turning it clockwise and sipping at the same time. Do not make excessive effort: so you can damage the item, and it will become problematic. New reinforcement should approach the diameter to your model of toilet bowl. Pay attention to this before buying.

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There are 4 standard diameters: 10 or 15 mm, as well as 1/3 or 1/2 inches. A very important nuance, which should be paid attention to, carrying out the installation of a new fittings, is the tightness of the joint. To ensure the right installation, it is necessary to use a sealing rubber gasket. Such a gasket will not only serve the sealing of the joint, but also protects the faience surface from damage. When the installation of the reinforcement into the appropriate hole of the toilet drain tank will be completed, it must be tightened with a nut with a filter key.

How to replace the reinforcement of a drain tank

Tank installation diagram for toilet.

Installation of the fastening nut does not require excessive effort. If this work is not accuracy, you can damage the faience, and cracks will appear. If the hole inside is not one, then, after installing the new reinforcement, it is necessary to insert decorative plugs into the remaining holes. In most models, the plugs are inserted by simply pressing the click, but sometimes they are fixed with the nut. In this case, tighten the nut is not very strong, and before inserting the plug into the hole, put on it the sealing gasket.

If necessary, for example, if a tank is replaced on a new model with another configuration, you can change the position of the water supply, in other words, connect the reinforcement to the water supply through another hole. If you need a replacement of shut-off valves, then all actions that this work will require similar to the water supply of water described for the reinforcement. The difference is only at the location of the elements and the fastening method: the shut-off armature is located on the bottom of the tank in the center in the largest hole, its installation is carried out using a washer that is put on the new fittings through the gasket.

Thus, replacement of reinforcement in the drain tank is an easy thing. First of all, deal with the device of your model toilet bowl, and the build of new items will give you without difficulty if you follow the recommendations from this article.

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