How to build a children's wooden lodge with your own hands


Children need not much for happiness. We buy toys toys from the store, referring not to the eternal shortage of time and forces that does not give something to do something. For example, a children's house from a tree, in which the defector could play all day, while at the same time spending this time outdoors. Having done a wooden house with your own hands, you will definitely make your kids!

But adults will need some materials. As for personal time, then on "construction" will have to spend a couple of days. And do not forget about reliable assistants, because a child with great enthusiasm will take part in the construction of his own home.

Wooden lodge with his own hands

Plywood lodge with his own hands

Many underestimate the possibilities of ordinary plywood as a building material. But if you build a structure with its use for a small daughter or son, it will be able to stand even on the street for several years. The main thing is to properly process plywood sheets and related materials. From plywood is quite simple to make a gaming house with their own hands. Pressed sawdusts have excellent characteristics of resistance to moisture at appropriate processing.

Wooden lodge with his own hands

Chipboard - durable and affordable material, it is ideal when building a children's playing house. DSP is easy to handle and lead to the desired mind. If the house is built for daughter, it can be saved with colorful or pink wallpaper, if for a son - decorative wallpaper with a print of automotive topics. In general, the fancy field is huge, the main thing is to have a desire to realize the ideas, after consulting the child.

In addition to the chipboard sheets, wooden boards, nails and self-tapping screws will be required. And also - a small door. The door is manufactured and independently using wooden boards and metal loops.

Wooden lodge with your own hands

Where you need a house

Before embarking on the "construction" of the house, it should be decisled with its purpose. This factor will depend on where the house will stand, and in what seasons the child will play there with their friends.

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Select the following options:

  • house located in the residential premises;
  • House for the game in the warm season;
  • Demi-season option.

Wooden lodge with your own hands

These factors will affect the need for glazing the windows. Wall insulation and setting a small heater for tea party lovers in the fresh air in winter.

Wooden lodge with your own hands

The house for children put in a children's or playroom. The child spends in his "dwelling" a fair amount of time and can add some of his toys there. This option requires the minimum number of building material. Rather, the house performs purely decorative functions, and almost completely can consist of beautifully decorated plywood. Such a house will be easiest to make it yourself.

Also, the house is put in the courtyard of the cottage or private house. The construction is used only in the warm season. Its windows do not necessarily be glazed, even in the doors sometimes there is no need. It is enough to do the appropriate holes in the construction of plywood and wood.

Wooden lodge with your own hands

But you can build a children's house with your own hands for all-season use. Walls can be slightly insulated, glazed windows, and the door should close tightly. At least in winter, drink tea with friends in such a building. Here you can even install a small electrical heater.

Depending on the chosen domical option, additional materials will be applied:

  • glass;
  • Mineral wool light insulation of walls;
  • Elements of wiring.

Wooden lodge with your own hands

Determine with dimensions

Dimensions of the house will depend on the age of the child. Children's wooden house can have a small size, but do not forget that the child grows, and after a couple of years, the construction will have to dismantle if now it has parameters 1.5x2.

Wooden lodge with your own hands

Want to build your own hands a more durable house for your daughter or sons? Then you will have to make up a tightness of at least two meters. Plus roof. Total plywood height will be 2.5 meters. This is for the facade. For side walls, sheets of 2 meters high are suitable.

Width of the walls will have 2.5 meters. This is enough to place some furniture and toys inside the house.

Wooden lodge with his own hands


Before buying materials for a house, you should decide which gender it will have. Let us dwell on the EU with a wooden floor that is suitable for a street house. The floor on a small elevation of logs can be used in the cold season. Construction parameters may vary, therefore, we only provide a list of materials necessary for the construction, you yourself will more accurately determine the dimensions of sheets, doors and the length of the boards. Make it is quite simple, the design does not require complex calculations.

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So, we prepare the following materials:

  • Four plywood sheets;
  • Four logs, they will be located in the corners of the house;
  • Wooden lags with a width of at least 10 cm, they will need at least six;
  • Wooden boards with a thickness of 1.5 - 2 cm for floor making;
  • Thin thin boards for the roof.
  • Boards for finishing and sealing walls;
  • Material for the manufacture of window frames and the door frame if the windows are glazed, you will need wooden rails and glass;
  • The door on the loop.

Wooden lodge with your own hands

Do not forget about finishing materials. Phaneur and elements from wood should be treated with impregnation against parasites and corrosion, in addition, it will increase the fire safety indicators. This must be done for the durability of the construction and safety of children. Outside, a wooden house bursts with varnish or paint. It is advisable to use the water-emulsion or acrylic.

Children's house can have a roof of metal tile.

Wooden lodge with your own hands

It is necessary to take care of the lighting in the house. Then you will need a wire for connecting an electric flap. You can use the LED Tape Ceiling perimeter, this is the most economical and safe option. With your own hands, the wiring is quite simple, as a result, a wooden children's house will be lit in the evenings, which will delight the small household.

Wooden lodge with his own hands

Build a wooden house

First you need to make the floor. He will be at the same time and the basement. Due to the fact that the floor is mounted on the lags, the construction can be transferred from one place to another if necessary.

Instead of nails, it is better to use tapeless screws instead of ordinary nails: the construction will live longer. In this case, you will have to arm and the screwdriver.

Wooden lodge with his own hands

When the floor is ready, mounted the frame. First, the angular logs, then the boards, which will later keep the roof of the tree. From the outside, plywood sheets are attached with the help of screwdrivers. In the same way, the boards are sewn the roof. For its manufacture, you can use Phaneur, but it is from constantly exposure to water and sun rays quickly lose the properties necessary to protect the house.

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On the walls outlauning space for windows and doors, outline them and mount the frame. Install the doors. We strengthen the design by mounting additional narrow boards. The optimal option will install boards vertically on both sides of the windows. Children's house, made with his own hands, from the inside you can save wallpaper or paint funny pictures.

Wooden house for children: materials, manufacture, models

Wooden house for children: materials, manufacture, models

Wooden house for children: materials, manufacture, models

Wooden lodge with your own hands

Wooden house for children: materials, manufacture, models

Wooden lodge with your own hands

Wooden lodge with your own hands

Wooden lodge with your own hands

Wooden lodge with his own hands

Wooden house for children: materials, manufacture, models

Wooden lodge with your own hands

Wooden house for children: materials, manufacture, models

Wooden house for children: materials, manufacture, models

Wooden house for children: materials, manufacture, models

Wooden house for children: materials, manufacture, models

Wooden house for children: materials, manufacture, models

Wooden lodge with your own hands

Wooden house for children: materials, manufacture, models

Wooden lodge with your own hands

Wooden house for children: materials, manufacture, models

Wooden house for children: materials, manufacture, models

Wooden house for children: materials, manufacture, models

Wooden house for children: materials, manufacture, models

Wooden lodge with your own hands

Wooden lodge with your own hands

Wooden house for children: materials, manufacture, models

Wooden lodge with his own hands

Wooden lodge with your own hands

Wooden house for children: materials, manufacture, models

Wooden lodge with your own hands

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