Paul in wetting - several options for self-container


Paul in wetting - several options for self-container

Floors in the oil in a public bath

What could be the floors in the oil

Bath is known to be immediately from several rooms. It has a steam room, a pre-banker, as well as the oil, where, after warming up, we wash off all distinguished substances. Therefore, in this room observes the largest water flow falling to the floor. That's about him and go now.

Many owners of country sites, starting construction of a bath, are wondering - how to remove water from the building so that it does not cause any harm. And they begin to build complex hydraulic structures, trying to remember the knowledge from the literature read at leisure. However, everything can be done much easier and easier, and at the same time only do it yourself.

Paul in wetting - several options for self-container

Tile on the floor in the wetting perfectly opposed moisture

To begin with, it is worth choosing one of several options for the floor. The choice has:

  1. Tile floors on a concrete basis;
  2. Wooden lattice;
  3. Solid with separate water output.

As you can see a long time to break your head, because there are quite small options. But pick up the optimal method of flooring device in the wedroom bath batch. An acceptable option of the flooring is covered depending on personal preferences. The main thing is to prepare the foundation for the future floor. And we will be done from concrete.

Concrete base

From this stage of work depends high-quality drainage from the washing. Therefore, it will be necessary to make a bias and a receiving deepening, at the base of which the sewer tube should be. It is important to remember that if the ceramic tile will perform with a floor covering, the base must be insulated by setting the heater of the insulation on the sandy pillow.

Paul in wetting - several options for self-container

Scheme of a classic concrete base for any outdoor material

The receiver of water falling on the floor must have a partition separating the sewage from the inner space of the oil. At the same time, we lower it in the water. Thus, something similar to the water castle, blocking the road to unpleasant odors and cold air streams.

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Before the device of the concrete basis, we must put the reinforcement grid to give it more strength and rigidity. When the floor, covered with ceramic tiles, should be installed in advance. If it is not yet purchased, you can use a wooden box that will not allow the concrete mixture to fill the location of this technical device. After the work, it is removed and the necessary element for removal of water masses is removed.

Paul in wetting - several options for self-container

Concrete screed on the "warm floor" in the bath

To obtain a smooth base, it is necessary to use a small metal rule. Then concrete will be much easier to align with their own hands without more effort. All other work can be continued only after complete drying of the resulting screed.

Ceramic tile - comfortable comfort

Washing can accumulate a large amount of dirt, as there is a complete disposal of her by a person. And the bulk is settled on the floor, which requires regular care. And ceramic tiles are suitable for this purpose, it is impossible better.

Flooring device in this bath compartment We will start from the center of the room. This is necessary to obtain a beautiful coating in the washing. Since the bias of the foundation will be ready, we can only make the finish coating. For this we will need:

  • Tile glue;
  • Toothed spatula;
  • Construction level or metal rule.

The construction level will act as a flat rail to monitor the lack of drops. If there is no deviation, then at the end of the work we will get a smooth tiled floor with a small slope. This is what is necessary for the oil, where in addition to practicality is worth watching and for the attractiveness of the entire premises.

Tiles we will lay the seam in the seam so that they go smooth rows. But if you wish, you can make another design when the rows are diagonally or in disintegration. When everything is ready, the floor in the washer we will leave dry and only then proceed to the grout of the seams. Thus, the device of a comfortable coating will be fully fulfilled with your own hands.

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Wooden solution

Alternative tile floor always stands wooden. At the same time there are two versions of the washer in the bath at once, for the finish of which varnish is used. The lattice type of flooring involves the preparation of the surface through which the water rushes down to a receiving deepening from anywhere in this room. It will send it a concrete screed below. It should be insulated that we have already done during the preparation of the foundation in the bath. As a supplement to the insulation, a foil can be used, which will reflect heat inside the washed.

Paul in wetting - several options for self-container

Insulation under the wooden floor stacked between the lag

Now we have only to lay waterproofing on places of contact of beams and foundation. Before laying in place, each beam should be processed by means of preventing rotting. To do this, we can use varnish, olive or antiseptics. Also actively applied impregnation, which has excellent characteristics.

To speed up the work, you can paint the translation with your own hands using a sprayer. But it is best to use the usual brush for this purpose, as it will help to impregnate the material stacked on the floor of the bath. Only treated lags should be taken for the floor in the bath. On them we will mount the boards, for the processing of which you should not use varnish. To handle these parts, impregnation is used, which are not smell and harmless to humans. And each master paints them before installation and after to get a more resistant coating. Such a floor in the wax will last much longer.

Paul in wetting - several options for self-container

Lags are grinding and covered with protective composition

It is worth remembering that the lattice flooring device in the washing assumes the presence of gaps between the elements. The distance between the boards should not exceed two centimeters and not be less than one centimeter. If they are less, then varnish, if it is used to treat the floor surface in the oil, can score gaps and water will not leave.

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Carnat the coating can be with a side or over the top. With the second version, the self-tapping screw or nails should be dried into a tree to insert cork to these places. After mounting the coating of the oil, we should be gluable, which is easy to make with your own hands using special equipment. On the prepared floor in the waxing well, varnish, paint or impregnation.

Paul in wetting - several options for self-container

Painted floor serves as much longer

Next, we have to handle the floor with protective means, safe for humans. For this purpose, we will be able to use varnish, since in addition to all he will give the floor of appeal.

Another type of floor for washing is a solid wooden flooring. He will have to have a bias, as the water will have to be collected in a special tray along which it will go into the sewer. In addition, we need insulation to give the surface more pleasant qualities.

Paul in wetting - several options for self-container

Wood flooring over the layer of insulation

On top of the insulation, foil will be laid in order not only to perform the role of waterproofing, but also returning the inside of the wax heat, seeking to be crowded with cold air. In the insulation, you can also find foil. Basically, foil material is used to arrange the parch department

We will release a layer of waterproofing in the bath flooring in the bath, so that the drops of them can fall on the floor surface, and not with the adjoint wall and base. For decoration of walls, water-based lacquer can be used. But the floor in the wax paints with other materials, where the varnish is used only in extreme cases.

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