Benefits of Belarusian kitchens


Benefits of Belarusian kitchens

Belarusian cuisines call are made on advanced European equipment using environmentally friendly materials of the highest quality. Thanks to the availability of a wide range of models for an ordinary buyer, an excellent opportunity to choose a kitchen set to your taste.

Prices in the kitchen of the company "Call" are in the range above average, but due to the presence of a guarantee from the manufacturer in 2 years and the availability of spare components, the expediency of choosing the kitchen of the Belarusian producers increases significantly.

High-quality kitchen selection criteria

Benefits of Belarusian kitchens

Curved kitchen facades look very attractive

There are many nuances in the right choice of furniture for the kitchen. First of all, never cost to save on quality, as such products are intended for long-term use, and base materials of cheap kitchen heads have the property of losing their appearance after 2-3 years after installation. This is especially true of components: door handles guide for drawers and other elements responsible for the mobility of all components. The kitchen is not only the heart of the apartment, but also the area of ​​permanent mode of increased temperature and humidity. In such extreme conditions, only the highest quality furniture with protection from these factors survives.

Many years of experience and user reviews prove that the "Call" furniture is perfectly withstanding the conditions of our cuisines. Each headsets can be made individually, according to your personal project, given all the nuances of the kitchen planning. Special attention is paid to the design and release of headitur for small kitchens. Such models have an angular shape and allow the most optimally to spend the effective area of ​​the room.

The choice of material for the kitchen should be started with a clear formulation of your requirements for furniture. If your choice is a practical and inexpensive kitchen, you should give preference to headsets from MDF. They look not as expensive as furniture made of wood massif, but it is maintained with a constant high humidity and temperature. In the case when the kitchen will play the role of the family collection site and reception, and cooking is moving into second place, it is more expedient to choose furniture from chipboard with facades from a wood array. Also, the painted MDF also looks good, and the curved facades of corner tumb are performed from it.

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Assortment of Belarusian kitchens

The main elements that give the kind of kitchen and distinguish the headlores from each other are facades. The factory "Call" makes facades from materials such as:

  1. Natural tree. The most expensive and presentable type of facades. It is divided into two varieties: framework and facades from solid wood. Furniture of this species occupies the upper price category and is installed in expensive designer cuisines. Caring for them is quite complicated, as the natural tree is a rather whimsical material.
  2. Painted MDF. The optimal option for the ratio of price-quality. Multilayer coating plates of MDF paint reliably protects against moisture penetration, and the final layer of varnish allows you to give a beautiful shine. The choice of colors of such facades is very wide and depends on your imagination. From the flaws it is worth noting that fat traces of hands remain on the surfaces, and the paint will eventually fade over time.
  3. MDF with film PVC coating. Budget version of the kitchen headset. Such furniture looks quite neatly, but the properties of MDF with a film coating do not allow creating volumetric forms on the facades, as a result of which the kitchens are pretty simple in terms of design.
  4. Frame MDF. An inexpensive option, with which you can give the kitchen a rather interesting view. Such facades are perfectly combined with other materials: plastic, glass, mirrors and metal. By properties and style of execution, the facades from the Framework MDF have a lot in common with wood furniture.
  5. Chipboard. The most inexpensive option. Modern production technologies allow you to give protection against moisture for the chipboard, as a result of which such facades are not bad to carry extreme conditions. Can be covered with plastic or PVC film.
  6. Acrylic. This type of facades are also called plastic, although they consist of MDFs or a slab chipboard, which is only covered with a thin layer of acrylic or plastic. Such kitchens have a special glitter and increased resistance to moisture and temperature.

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Benefits of Belarusian kitchens

Benefits of Belarusian kitchens

Benefits of Belarusian kitchens

Benefits of Belarusian kitchens

Benefits of Belarusian kitchens

Benefits of Belarusian kitchens

Advantages and disadvantages of furniture "Call"

Like any other furniture, kitchens factory "Call" have their advantages and disadvantages. Their benefits include:
  1. High quality performance. In the manufacture of furniture, modern equipment and technologies are used, which makes it possible to adhere to the maximum accuracy in production.
  2. Individual approach to orders. You have the opportunity to choose a standard kitchen headset or adjust the project according to your requirements.
  3. Quality service and availability of a warranty period. When buying furniture and concluding a contract for its delivery to the service costs, the kitchen assembly specially trained masters may be included. The warranty period lasting in 2 years allows you to exclude any breakdowns that may occur by the fault of the manufacturer.

During operation, some disadvantages are opened:

  1. The price of kitchen heads is quite high, especially if you compare it with cheap Chinese competitors who have flooded the modern market, but Belarusian furniture is significantly superior in quality.
  2. Due to the remoteness of production from the main markets, the delivery of furniture takes some time. Considering the fact that the manufacture of furniture begins after the conclusion of the contract and the work of the corresponding measurements, receiving the finished product can be somewhat delayed.

Features of the installation of built-in equipment

Benefits of Belarusian kitchens

Plate installed, the oven remained

Modern kitchen is difficult to imagine without various techniques, which so simplifies the work of the hostess at home. When choosing and creating a kitchen project, the future position of the built-in technology should pay special attention.

You should not make a common mistake, laying the parameters of household appliances into the project "On the eye", as this may lead to serious consequences, for example, the difficulties of laying communications to the washing, extractor or built-in washing machine, connecting to the refrigerator network and lighting devices. Determine the position of the sockets in advance so that they do not accidentally be hidden behind the cabinet.

When choosing a kitchen exhaust, take into account that it will need to be connected to ventilation, without spoiling a view of the kitchen by air ducts.

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Try to choose the position of the washing in such a way that I did not have to sit down the forehead in the lowest cabinet for dishes.

It is worth paying attention to the current tendency to replace the traditional kitchen aprons from the tile with protective surfaces from alternative materials: Kalenny glass, plastic, metal or artificial stone.

The mirror apron looks originally, as it visually expands the space, but the tracks from the spray of water and the drops of fat can easily spoil the whole idea.

Stylish Belarusian cuisine from the factory "Call" perfectly compete on the market with more expensive analogues of European manufacturers. It is difficult to convey the description or using the photo of the whole range of colors and the texture of the surfaces of the facades from various materials. Despite the minor disadvantages, the quality of furniture completely overlaps.

Shops and salons selling kitchen furniture from the company "Call" in most cases cooperate directly with the manufacturer's factory, which makes it possible to solve any problems arising during operation. In addition to the detailed treaty and official cash documents, you receive a guarantee for 2 years. The presence of official factory dealers in most regions ensures the presence of component elements and their operational replacement.

The "Call" factory has 16 years of experience in the territory of the CIS countries and Europe. The large network of official salons and partner stores allows you to study the entire range of products at any time and choose the appropriate option.

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