How to choose the curtains to wallpaper: Designer Tips


The easiest cosmetic repair in the residential room may include only the change of wallpaper and curtains. But the question always arises: how to choose the curtains to the wallpaper to get the desired interior? The integrity of the interior depends on the perfect combination of the color of the walls, the form of furniture, textural textile interior objects, flooring. The window composition has a relatively large area, so it is the curtains that the main styrene-forming design element is given, to whose choice it is necessary to approach with full responsibility.

How to choose the curtains to wallpaper: Designer Tips

Combination of color

In most cases, the owners pick up the curtains to the existing wallpaper and furniture, considering that they change easier and cheaper. But ideally, for a harmonious interior, it is desirable to buy curtains with wallpaper at the same time. To avoid mistakes, modern designers use computer programs with which you can view design projects in various versions before starting repair and before buying all materials. The colors of the curtain and wallpaper are of great importance, and their correct combination allows you to create a specific image of the interior:

  • nuance;
  • monochrome;
  • Contrast.

Monochrome interiors are used in small rooms, where contrast or multicolored design will visually reduce the space. In this case, the curtains are chosen in color wallpaper. If this option seems sad and boring, you can buy curtains of a darker or light shade, but in the main color scheme, then the unity of space is preserved. For example, eggplant fit perfectly to lilac wall tones, and the chocolate is perfectly harmonized with the color of champagne.

The only rule of the main combinations - to warm tones it is necessary to pick up warm, and to cold - cold colors.

This method is considered correct not unreasonable, since the visual perception of the interior is the most important characteristic of the comfortable atmosphere in the room. Warm colors perform on the background of the walls and reduce the space, and the cold visually "spread" his frames and make the room more spacious. In small-sized rooms, decorated in the cold range, pick up curtains with walls and other interior items.

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When the window is cleaned with a curtain composition consisting of two or more types of curtains, at least one of them should be the main color. This method allows you to tie together the entire interior line. For example, in the blue room, white tulle with blue curtains or aquamarine curtains with blue tulle looks quite harmoniously. The contrast interior is based on bright colors, reaching the shades of wallpaper and furniture. In this case, the binding component is accessories that support the contrasting element.

How to choose the curtains to wallpaper: Designer Tips

Curtains to monophonic wallpaper

There is an opinion that it is easiest to choose the curtains to a monophonic wallpaper, withstanding everything in one color, which is not quite so. A rich assortment of fabrics intended for window compositions is sometimes introduced into the difficult position of even professional designers. It is worth considering several variants of a combination of curtains with monophonic wallpaper.

  • Vertical strips increase the window to height and emphasize the rigor of the classical interior.
  • Horizontal strips change the visual dimensions of the window;
  • A large or bright print is appropriate if the fabric background corresponds to the total color of the interior, and the drawing is supported by additionally accessories (frieze on the wall, cavity over the bed, door curtains, sofa pillows, bedspread).
  • Geometric patterns emphasize the interior in the style of minimalism and are combined with other geometric shapes.

Not the last characteristic when choosing a curtain is the illumination of the room. In the room where the windows are located on the sunny side, you can safely use cold colors of dark shades (blue, purple, green). If the illumination is insufficient, it is better to give preference to warm tones (orange, red, peach, yellow) in combination with transparent curtains or tumul.

How to choose the curtains to wallpaper: Designer Tips

Curtains to wallpaper with drawing

In this case, the curtains are selected depending on the nature of the drawing on the wallpaper, which can be large, small, bright or barely noticeable.

  • Vertical stripes on the wallpaper require smooth monotonous porter classic type that look under to become the walls.
  • A large drawing is bought by monophonic curtains, repeating its color.
  • A small floral pattern on the walls is perfectly combined with the same pattern on the curtains, but larger sizes, or with a flower-striped print in a common tonality.
  • Brilliant (metal, bronze, silver) Fragments on wallpaper are combined with metallized curtains or pearl details.

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Small floral print on the curtains is poorly looking with a large floral pattern on the walls. If it is decided to choose the same pattern for walls and curtains, the background should be different.

How to choose the curtains to wallpaper: Designer Tips

Curtains to wallpaper

Not in vain when choosing furniture, textile decor, curtains, wallpaper all obeys the rules of a single interior style. After all, the classic strict curtains will be inappropriate in the romantic bedroom, and in the retro-style dining room, modern fabrics in the style of Hi-tech will look wildly.

  • Classic monophonic wallpaper or with a striped pattern is perfectly harmonized with monophonic Roman or Italian curtains of primary color or calm neutral tones.
  • The room in a modern style is black and white curtains and white walls in combination with an original ornament or interesting geometry.
  • The art deco is characterized by contrasting combinations of both the background and pattern of fabric and wallpapers on the walls.
  • Ecological style welcomes neutral and natural colors of plant and wood shades.
  • Luxury Baroque is, first of all, rich fabrics with gold sewing or metallized threads, curtains from Chinese silk combined with transparent tulle or organza.
  • For the style of High-tech, rolled curtains, Japanese panels, tissue blinds of discreet colors are perfectly suitable: black, white, brown, with a geometric print.

How to choose the curtains to wallpaper: Designer Tips

Decorator receptions

Decorator techniques allow you to coordinate interior items in the room, without attracting large material investments. The ability to properly use decorator techniques makes it possible to create an original interior with an individual approach.

  • The accent wall allows you to make the interior of the room extraordinary and introduce an additional bright color in a small amount. It can be wallpapers in contrasting curtains, a large pattern or ornament on the wall, wall decoration with imitation.
  • Introduction to a curtain composition from contrasting colors of neutral parts. For example, a black and white composition is diluted with a weddowed oak or natural beige.
  • Pick up the curtains to the largest element of the interior - flooring, or by tone to the drawing on it. Competent combination of color, textures, style gives an amazing result.
  • Finishing the head of the bed with a cloth similar to the curtains that will serve as a link in the interior line.
  • Using a tissue tissue for upholstery of banquettes, puffs or soft parts of chairs. Sewing from the remains of the tissue of the cutter of the sofa pillows, covers for chairs, the details of the bedspread.

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How to choose the curtains to wallpaper: Designer Tips

Fashionable Wallpaper - Original Curtains

Today, manufacturers of finishing materials offer a huge range of non-traditional wallpapers with the original texture to which the appropriate original variant must be selected. At the peak of popularity:

  • Large drawings
  • contrast ornaments
  • decoration by rhinestones and brilliant elements,
  • Patterns with a raid of antiquity,
  • abstraction,
  • Wallpaper embossed.

No less popular wallpaper on fabrics (fliseline, flax, cotton), which require curtains of special textures, and wallpaper with imitation of wood, plaster, stone, leather. They apply a simple rule: a massive wallpaper - heavy curtains, to the lungs - flying curtains. Wallpaper in the form of Venetian plaster will harmoniously look with severe moar curtains from silk. For contrast, you can use the wallpaper and curtains of the same color, but of different textures.

For walls with abstraction or contrast ornament, smooth monophonic curtains of the main color are hanging. Fabrics are often offered with tissue walls and textile accessories, over which professionals have already worked. The curtains on two or three tones are suitable for the wallpaper of saturated and complex shades.

When choosing a curtain in a room with fashionable exclusive wallpaper, it is recommended to rely on the opinion of a professional designer and your own taste. After all, comfort and coin does not depend on fashion.

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