Types of fur for fur coats, their wear resistance and price (photo)


Accommodation in climatic zones, where the temperature is lowered below the zero mark, it is impossible without warm clothes. Millenniums of the best protection from winter jellows were considered clothing from fur. Despite the constant development of light and warm innovative materials, the high cost of natural skins, and finally, on active protests of wildlife defenders, fur coats, jackets, coats and other products from natural fur occupy an honorable place in the wardrobe of our contemporaries. These useful and beautiful things are expensive, and even the movie stars and millionaires update them relatively rarely.

Therefore, the question of which fur to choose for the winter upgrade will be very important for any woman who has planned such a purchase.

Tools or coats?

The female fur coat was traditionally considered an indicator of the status and well-being of its owner. At the same time, the Triumphantly burst into the winter fashion of the covers for more than half a century continue to enjoy tremendous popularity and give reasons for discussions about their advantages and disadvantages.

Types of fur for fur coats, their wear resistance and price (photo)

Of course, for most men, the coat is the most preferred type of fur clothing. As for the fans of covers among women, they call such positive properties of this clothing:

  • relatively low cost;
  • good swelling capacity to keep warm;
  • resistance to moisture (in the presence of appropriate impregnation);
  • A variety of cutting and finishes.

However, sheepskin coats are quite high, and unlike the fur coats, it is much faster than the attractive appearance, moreover, their cutting and finishes lead to a rapid change of fashionable styles. Nevertheless, high-quality classic style sheepskins will not only reliably protect their owner from bad weather, but also to delight her with their appearance.

What is in the light of all warmer? And more durable?

In order to determine which fur are the warmest, one should be remembered where certain animals live.
  1. The best heat shield properties are required in the extreme north, and accordingly, the warmest fur in polar bears and reindeer. However, their skins are not suitable for sewing clothes.
  2. But the polar foxes (sands), sable (especially Barguzinski) and the curtains will provide reliable protection against the most severe frosts and hurricane winds.
  3. Few is inferior to thermal insulation in beaver, steppe and forest fox, raccoon dog.
  4. Very warm is also Muton (crushed sheepskin), somewhat worse than the thermal protection of nutria, minks, chinchillas, the ermine, as well as the traditional doodle.
  5. Not too warm belongs are proteins, groundhog, rabbit, gopher.

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For zones with a moderate climate, the heat shield properties of the fur coats are not too relevant, but the question is what kind of fur it is becoming priority. According to experts, the main types of fur for fur coats have the following rating of durability (by number of seasons):

  • Otter and river beaper - not less than 20;
  • mink, muton, sable - 10;
  • Spring, Cute, Karakul - 7;
  • Fur Fox and Nutria - 5;
  • Protein - 4;
  • Rabbit, Suslik - 2.

Of course, much depends on the quality of the initial raw materials and the technology of its processing. It is very important how often the fur coat is worn, and what weather conditions are dominated in this region. Most of all the fur suffer from water (for example, from the snowing snow or from a snowstorm, which pulled in the rain). The highest properties of waterproofing in fetal animal fur (beaver, nutria, sables, otters, minks), Muton is also practically not damaged by the rain.

The most practical option "for every day" is considered a muton fur coat.

Types of fur for fur coats, their wear resistance and price (photo)

And although it was considered warm, but not too beautiful, modern processing technologies for our grandmothers (and more often a fur coat) from sheepskin, modern processing technologies allow you to get a mouton of a wide variety of colors and textures. The main advantages of this fur are:

  • heat resistance;
  • durability;
  • ease of care;
  • Resistance to dampness;
  • affordable price.

The phrase "mink fur coat" has become nominal to designate elegance and luxury.

Types of fur for fur coats, their wear resistance and price (photo)

True, it should be noted that not all such fur coats are expensive and luxurious.

  1. The most valuable Fur "Black Brilliant" have purple or black sings and thick scuffs.
  2. The category "Tourmaline" is distinguished by a beige undercoat and long brown ustye, followed blue, white, gray, black skins.
  3. The cheapest is brown, walnut red furs.

The price also depends on the method of selection of skins - the most expensive plate will be a plate of large pieces created using computer technologies. Relatively cheap products from heterogeneous painted fragments - however, they will last long.

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The popularity of the mink and the close attention of the designers to it caused the appearance and special technologies of its processing. For example, a shield fur is characterized by a delicate velvety structure associated with the fact that it removed all the isgenesses, and the extinguishing and laser burning allow you to get a surface with an unusual volumetric pattern.

Among the latest design proposals - mink coat with the selected "under suede" a member and perforated fur plates.

Fashion and knitted fur coats, created by weaving fur strips on an elastic basis.

Fluffy sands and foxes are considered very stylish and warm.

Types of fur for fur coats, their wear resistance and price (photo)

They are often used as a finish, and a fur coat or a fur coat from such animals in prestigiousness is not inferior to the products from the mink and are necessarily present in any winter collection of leading fashion houses. The most spectacular are Chernoburki, however, they are faked most often.

A peculiarity of natural black fur is a three-stage change in color through the length of the hairs - black tip, white middle and gray base.

Also very beautiful also bright skins of fire, svetokushki, Finnish golden fox. As for the sand, its natural color in winter is white. Platinum sands distinguished by special glitter are considered.

Despite all the changes in fashion trends, the king of the fur fashion is already some centuries.

Types of fur for fur coats, their wear resistance and price (photo)

In addition to unique heat-shielding qualities and durability, sable also very soft and beautiful, it possesses a silky thick pile, a special sparkling otlblecom, and besides very easy.

The most expensive warm are Barguzinsky sables, distinguished by a deep dark color with the "gray", slightly cheaper them - bright Yenisei. Sable from North America and Canada are valued much lower, besides, they are often faked, and the smokers obtained on the beversers are cheap.

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How to choose to not be mistaken?

As you can see, the question of what a fur coat or sheep will suit you best, requires simultaneous accounting for very many factors.
  1. First of all, you should proceed from your own needs and conditions in which you will wear the desired update.
  2. If you do not have the ability to update your wardrobe often, the most reasonable solution will be the choice of the product of the classic cut from a reliable manufacturer.
  3. Deciding on what fur (mink, nutria, mouton, etc.) is better to choose, should proceed from its financial capabilities, taste and needs, and to a considerable degree, age.
  4. If you want to acquire an avant-garde model, it should be borne in mind that next season she may be irrelevant and will require a replacement.

What to pay attention to when choosing?

Buy an expensive winter thing better in a good store, and the manufacturer's certificate should be required.

As a rule, fur products of authoritative brands have no lining at the bottom, which makes it possible to estimate the quality of the processing of the member, the number of stitched flap and other independent factors.

If the lining is sewn "tightly" and the seller does not want to pursue it, you are dealing with falsification.

Pay attention to the texture and homogeneity of the front side, the quality of the seams, the softness and elasticity of the pile, its glitter, and also on how quickly the hairs are stacked in place when they are crushed and smoke in the opposite direction.

Member during compressing should not be mastered by rustling or crispy sounds, and if the seller protests against such tests is the basis for refuse to buy.

High-quality natural fur coat should be sufficiently heavy and dense, creative product can be lightweight, but it is not worth expecting heat from it and durability.

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