Sew the lambrequen from the veil with their own hands: cutting and tailoring


It is beautiful curtains in many ways define the final appearance of any room. Unusual curtains that support the flower range or contrasting with it can turn the most ordinary interior into a true work of art. And the original lambrequen from the veil will allow you to tie all the nuances of the design and change the mood of the room depending on the time of year and mood.

Sew the lambrequen from the veil with their own hands: cutting and tailoring

Beautiful curtains make the design of the room finished.

General concepts and useful tips

But before you immerse yourself in the inhibit the subtleties of sewing, it is worth dealing with the basic concepts and take into account some subtleties that will create the perfect lambrene from the flying tissue.

Labreken is a decorative horizontal part in the top of the curtains of any type. It usually looks like a web collected by Faldami width in full cornice.

Sew the lambrequen from the veil with their own hands: cutting and tailoring

Labrection does not carry any functional load and is simply an element of the decor.

It is often decorated with all sorts of freesons and pickups, beads and other accessories can also be used. Often, the lambrene does not carry the functional load and is exclusively element of the decor.

Veil - translucent finest flying material. From the organza is characterized by soft, which makes it easy to create beautiful drapery. The fabric practically does not protect against direct sunlight, for bright rooms it is better to choose a veil of saturated or dark shades.

So, a suitable window decoration model is chosen, the material is purchased, what else needs to be known that Lambreken, made with his own hands, has justified all expectations:

  1. The most difficult and responsible stages are the construction of the pattern and directly cut. The slightest miscalculation can turn over the window accessory overlook.
  2. Circling fine air fabric must be diagonally. This will avoid the skew of the fabric, and the folds will be smooth and symmetrical.
  3. It is important not to forget that the calculation of the required amount of material depends on the Lambrequin model.
  4. For the kitchen, it is better to choose a restrained curtains, and some pomp with a bedroom and living room will fully fit.
  5. The modern market for interior materials offers a wide selection of fabrics with a curly edge. Acquisition of such a veil will greatly simplify work, and you will be able to avoid such a painstaking stage as cutting cuts.

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Preparatory stage

First of all, it is worth calculating the required amount of veil. And it will depend on the model of the future lambrequin.

Sew the lambrequen from the veil with their own hands: cutting and tailoring

Scheme of sewing lambrequin.

  1. If the rate is on horizontal drapery and festo, the length of the fabric can be equal to the length of the eaves + the supply of cutting cuts.
  2. If Lambreken consists of one section with a minimum amount of vertical phald, the cornix length multiplied by 1.5.
  3. If you plan to sew a lambrequin of 2 sections, overlapping each other by about a third, the calculation should be made according to the following formula: Correspond's length5 * 3 = width of one section. The resulting value must be multiplied by 2.
  4. The material for 3 sectional lambrequin is calculated by the formula: the length of the eaves7 * 3 = width of the section. The result, of course, must be multiplied by 3.
  5. To calculate the tissue for sewing soft lambrequin with baffers, it is necessary to use the coefficient of 2.8 - 3.5.

So, the calculations are made, the material is acquired, besides him, you will need:

  • Comfortable table for cutting;
  • Fabric fixing pins;
  • scissors, needles, threads;
  • sewing machine;
  • curtain braid;
  • oblique beyk.

Usually lambrequen consists of several parts. It is their connection that allows you to achieve the unique charm of this type of window decoration. The main types of details that can be sehered without attracting professionals are:

Sew the lambrequen from the veil with their own hands: cutting and tailoring

Pattern for lambrequin from fabric strips.

  1. Swag - oval providing element, characterized by perfectly symmetrical folds. It is usually attached in the center of the window and beats the side additions.
  2. De Jabab - a decorative element, which is the similarity of the curtains, but differs in length and oblique cut. Usually complements the Swag.
  3. Kokille is a bilateral analog of de Zabo. It is a beautifully draped fabric, the side parts of which are diagonally and at the bottom point converge into the original "tail".

Now, knowing the main elements of the lambrequin, it is necessary to learn them to highlight them and, of course, collect on the finished composition. Depending on the selected type of lambrequin, the sewing scheme and the list of necessary materials may differ. As soon as everything is prepared and purchased, you can start.

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Cutting and tailoring

To perform the lambrequen with your own hands, it is necessary to sew the required number of items and combine them into a single completed composition.

To sew a high-quality and beautiful Swag Lambrequin, you need to build a pattern or transfer to paper is ready, of course, by zooming or reducing it depending on the size of the window.

Spread the pattern and fabric on a large and comfortable desk and transfer the drawing to the material. Carefully cut out the workpiece, not forgetting that it is necessary to cut at an angle of 45 °.

Sew the lambrequen from the veil with their own hands: cutting and tailoring

The lambrequins must approach the overall style of the room and cross the interior items.

After that, on the typewriter to the bottom edge oblique beyk, and the side edges are treated by double podium. Once again, we carefully measure the material and with the help of the pin lay the future folds. To assess the result, hang a swag on a wooden plate and adjust the future lambrene until you will satisfy the result. Without removing the pin, burst out all the folds and provisions using a sewing machine and rate the result. Your Swag is ready, you can move to the sewing of other elements.

The general principle of sewing elements of de Jabn and Kokille does not differ from the performance of the swolf. You need to transfer the pattern to the material, everything thoroughly check and cut the fabric. After that, process edges and lay folds, it can be done manually or guided by pattern.

If you have never come across a sewing of such a complex interior element, like curtains and lambrequins, it is better to start with a small one. Use the simplest patterns and do not chase in complex forms. In the future, you can independently sew a lambrequin of any complexity.

After all the elements are ready, you can move to the final stage - the assembly of the original and stylish lambrequin.

Assembling lambrequen

When all the elements of the window decor are ready, the question arises how to properly assemble the details together so that they merge into the unique composition. You need to act according to the following scheme.

  1. Take the sheet on which you painted the scheme of the future lambrequin. If it was not done in advance, now is the time. Mark all parts connection points. For example, Lambreken will consist of 2 SWHOGs, 2 de Jabli and Kokil in the center.
  2. Attach the side, respectively, the right and left part of the Swag to the central part of the chill and stick the pins. Determine the place of intersection of the switch and de Jabn, connect the elements and scroll the pins.
  3. Measure the pancake of the resulting lambrene. If it differs from the planned, disassemble the design and assemble it again, making adjustments.
  4. Do not try to lambrequin's length completely corresponded to the length of the eaves. The reserve 2-4 cm will allow you to sew the lambrene to the bar ideally.
  5. All you have left is to fix the lambrene on the bar and hang it on the window. And, of course, enjoy the fruit of the works of their own.

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It is not difficult to sew an original lambrene on their own. It is enough to learn how to build patterns or find a suitable ready. Show a little fantasy mixed with the effort, and the original window decoration is ready to bring some style and comfort to your home.

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