Bath plinth: Tips for choosing and installing


Bath plinth: Tips for choosing and installing

Completing repairs in the bathroom, you need to think about the final stroke - the protection of the junction between the bathroom or sink and wall. Plastic plinth for the bath is perfect for the implementation of this purpose.

It should be noted that other types of borders on the bathroom also exist. Each of them has its own characteristics of both characteristics and in the arrangement. But they are all used with the same purpose - ensuring a high degree of bath functionality and the original interior.

What do you need a plane plinth

Bath plinth: Tips for choosing and installing

Plinth does not give condensate Stacking for flights of the bathroom

During the use of the bathroom, which is a room with an elevated moisture level, condensate is formed on the walls. After cooling, it is going to the droplets and, staining along the wall, falls behind the side of the bath. Air access to this area is limited, and as a result, discomfort occurs. It is in the formation of mold, rot, fungus. It all very negatively affects the duration of the bathroom bowl service and, especially important, on the health of the inhabitants.

You can exclude these problems using a bathing fixture for a bath, thereby block moisture access to infavailable places.

Main functions

Bath plinth: Tips for choosing and installing

Consider in more detail what problems can eliminate such a move as the installation of the plinth.

  1. A ceramic border is able to reliably protect the jack between the wall and the bathroom from moisture. First of all, due to the fact that it is a rather rigid and durable element. It is not bent, which eliminates the deformation during the use of the bathhouse. It should be noted a rather high indicator of the durability of this product. The disadvantages include the fact that when there is severe objects, there is a risk of cracks.
  2. The positive factor in the technical curb is the presence of a seal, which reliably prevents moisture from entering the plinth.
  3. Bordeur from PVC is a flexible material. It also closes the gap between the bathroom and the wall. But besides this, the plastic bath and toilet plinth can be used as a ceiling or outdoor curb. It thus will give some completion and attractiveness for the interior of the bathroom.
  4. In the case when the plinth is placed on the floor, then you can hide the wires behind it.

When using a high-quality border, all listed functions can be provided for a long time. If a low-quality material is purchased, the appearance of the product and its functional abilities are pretty quickly lost.

Correctly choose the plinth

Bath plinth: Tips for choosing and installing

Choose an easy-to-install material

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To determine the quality and material from which the airplane for the bathroom is made, we give a few characteristics that the interior element must have.

  • For reliable protection of the walls of the bathroom from the appearance of fungus, mold and rot, the plinth must have a 100% degree of moisture resistance;
  • The material is better to choose the one that is not subject to rotting and formation of corrosion;
  • If plastic plinth is purchased, it must be resistant to household chemicals.

Bath plinth: Tips for choosing and installing

We draw attention to the stability of products for deformation. Choosing a border is better with simple installation technology, especially if you plan to install it with your own hands.

For long-term preservation of the initial type of plinth, it is necessary to choose this type of product, for which it will be quite simple to care for. We draw attention to the design. It should be combined with the selected interior of the bathroom.

It is not recommended to acquire a white plastic plinth, since with time it appears yellow.

Types of plinth by material

Bath plinth: Tips for choosing and installing

The features of the room intended for the bathroom are:

  • high degree of humidity;
  • Bad ventilation;
  • The formation of water droplets on any surfaces.

In such conditions, the possibility of rapid propagation of fungus and mold occurs. Therefore, the material for finishing should be selected such that it is sustainable to all these factors. The same approach must be the choice of material for the border in the bathroom.

What are the plane plinth:

  • plastic;
  • ceramic;
  • marble;
  • acrylic;
  • Self-adhesive silicone.

We give a detailed description of these products.


Bath plinth: Tips for choosing and installing

Plastic perfect for bathroom

The most popular is the plastic plinth for the bathroom in view of the fact that it is made of practical material, which is easy to put and subsequently care for.

It has many types of design, shapes and structures. Absolutely resistant to moisture and is able to reliably seal the joint between the wall and bathroom. Such quality provides a special elastic rubber plate on the back of the product.

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The installation of the plinth in the plastic bath is performed in the following order:

  1. The product from plastic is usually glued on the bath and ceramic tiles. There is a question than to glue the product? It is best to use glue, which will be captured almost instantly. Another requirement for adhesive composition is its transparency.

    Bath plinth: Tips for choosing and installing

  2. The products are pre-cut according to the sizes of the bathroom. For this purpose, it is possible to use hacksaw with small teeth. Corners should be made at an angle of 450.
  3. The edges of the plinth are protected by painting tape to avoid glue from entering the facial surface of the product.
  4. An adhesive composition is applied to the reverse surface of the plinth and put it in place. It is necessary to hold the product pressed to the surface until the glue is complete.
  5. After the plinth is installed on all sides, proceed to the installation of the corners and shit.
  6. According to the borders of the plinth of the plinth to the wall and the bathroom, we proceed with silicone sealant of transparent type.

Installation of PVC Plinths can be performed both before finishing with tiles and after it. But experts recommend the second option to provide the ability to replace the plinth in case of need.


Bath plinth: Tips for choosing and installing

Ceramic parts need to be protected from strikes

Ceramic baseboard for the bath - more expensive material. The installation process is also more difficult than the plastic product, but all this pays off by the service life. Of course, it is necessary to ensure the preservation of material from shocks, as there may be cracks on the product.

The border of ceramics has a fairly rich species, diverse in design and has various sizes. It can be selected under the width of the ceramic tile.

Consider how to make a plinth in a bathroom from ceramics:

  • We perform measurements of bathroom sides and cut off the border of the desired length;
  • Install the curb is necessary with a glue mixture for tile;
  • For trimming angles, you must purchase special angular elements;
  • After the adhesive mixture is frozen, we process the seams using a specialized grout. For details, see this video:

Cut the ceramic plinth better with the help of a grinder. For this use discs with small diamond spraying.


Bath plinth: Tips for choosing and installing

The marble border is one of the most durable and expensive materials.

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It looks quite luxurious and expensive.

Moreover, we draw attention to that the product of this species is very difficult to choose to the design of the bathroom.

In this case, you must think in advance the interior of the bathroom and provide for the presence of any other elements from this material.

Self-adhesive silicone elements

This type of product is produced from polymeric materials. The self-adhesive baseboard for protecting the bathroom is characterized by fairly simple installation and low price. With it, you can minimize the size of the junction between the plinth and the wall or the surface of the bowl. For details on the sticker, see this video:

Self-adhesive silicone borders for the bath have to change every 2 years, and even less.

Bath plinth: Tips for choosing and installing

How to glue the plinth on a bath of this type? Perform this process is simple enough using the presented scheme:

  • On the reverse side of the tape gradually remove the band, which is designed to protect the adhesive composition, and laid on the surface at right angles. To ensure the right corner, we use a plastic spatula;
  • In the corners of the tape we draw with the lining.


Acrylic plinth in the bathroom is best installed on acrylic bowls. It is inherent in such characteristics as the absence of a deformation process and resistance before the influence of chemical aggressive compositions. Installation is made according to the algorithm for the installation of a plastic curb. The use of acrylic plinth will provide in the bathroom. No mold and rot.

Alternative directions in application

Border in the bathroom can be used not only to seal the joint between the bathroom and the wall, but also for finishing the ceiling and floor. Useful Lifehak on the installation of a border See in this video:

Bath plinth: Tips for choosing and installing

Ceiling plinth in the bathroom, like outdoor, very relevant for interiors in the bathrooms. With their help, this room can be given comfort and comfort. We note that the installation of these types of plinths on the ceiling and the floor does not cause any difficulties.

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