Plinth for countertops: how to put on your own hands


Plinth for countertops: how to put on your own hands

Aluminum plinth for the table top performs a rather important function, it allows you to fill the empty space between the table and the coating, thereby preventing the water and food waste ingress. This material is recommended for installation in any kitchen. In this article, we will look at the species of kitchen plinth and how to fastened.

Types of kitchen plinths

Plinth for countertops: how to put on your own hands

Plinth must be combined with a common appearance

Quite often, the plinth for the table top in the kitchen comes complete with the furniture you already purchased. In this case, it will only be enough to set it according to the instructions.

If the set this part is absent, it will be necessary to purchase it separately. The main thing is that the kitchen plinth for countertops combined with the overall appearance of the kitchen and approached furniture. Let's read the furniture plinth species in more detail and consider the advantages and disadvantages of each type.

Plastic products

Plastic designs produce a variety of colors

This species is made from polyvinyl chloride. Thanks to the properties of such a material, the plastic plinth kitchen can have almost any coloring. This makes it possible to easily imitate the stone, marble or tree. Plastic moldings are quite popular and they are often used to finish countertops.

Plastic profiles have good elasticity, so when installing can repeat the irregularities of the walls. The price of such a material is low, the installation method is quite easy, so the newcomer can easily cope with it.

It is extremely recommended to install the product next to the kitchen stove, as the plastic does not tolerate the effect of high temperatures, but for washing, this kind is perfect for the sink.

Aluminum products

Plinth for countertops: how to put on your own hands

Most often, the stone plinth is made of stone and marble. It is mounted vertically and at the same time leans to the wall. Installation of kitchen plinth is carried out by means of glue, which is used and, if necessary, seal bayonets and seams.

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A wall-fired stone plinth is distinguished by a high service life and, besides, they are not afraid of high temperatures.

Consider that such structures are practically not bend, therefore, for their installation, a perfectly aligned wall is needed.

Therefore, before mounting the plinth on the worktop, it is necessary to check the degree of loving walls. The price of such products is slightly higher compared to plastic or aluminum species.

Select design

Plinth for countertops: how to put on your own hands

The choice must be carried out on the basis of the following factors:

  • specifications. The size of the product must correspond to the junction between the wall and the countertops, there should be no devices with high temperature next to it, otherwise it can damage the material;
  • It is necessary to take into account the design of the kitchen and installed furniture, as well as the availability of accessories that will be located close to the design.

Most often, the plinth in the kitchen is mounted in the color of the tabletop. However, if desired, you can choose a material that will correspond to the structure of the shell.

We recommend buying a furniture plinth along with the worktop, so you can apply samples to kitchen furniture and evaluate how much they are combined with each other. Learn more about Mounting Devices See this video:

Accessories can be periodically removed and glued down, if necessary.

Types of fastening countertops

Plinth for countertops: how to put on your own hands

Ways to install a plastic and aluminum design are practically no different. However, there are differences in the form of the product that must be considered when installing. We give some examples:

  1. The rail completely covers the external part of the material. With this form, the installation of the plinth on the table top is provided by silicone inserts. By their design, they resemble similar floor products made from PVC. Plastic products have such a form.
  2. The edge is located on the mounting part, and the external component serves only as a scenery. Such plinth on the kitchen countertop is used in the production of only aluminum products.
  3. The third look has a mounting rail, which is poorly adjacent to the tabletop, and the installation of the plinths on the table top is made from the top. Such characteristics have only aluminum structures. Consider that plugs and corners for such plinths are also made of aluminum.

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Fastening technology

Plinth for countertops: how to put on your own hands

First, measure the required amount of material and cut

Many consumers have a question of how to attach the plinth to the tabletop do it yourself. Installation procedure is quite simple. It consists of the following steps:

  1. First of all, you will need to cut the mounting rail and the upper part of the design, after removing the necessary measurements. For this procedure, it is better to apply a special hacksaw intended for metal.

Standard dimensional dimensions are presented in this table.

Plinth for countertops: how to put on your own hands

  1. You can secure the design using 16mm and screwdriver with screws. It is necessary to reliably fasten the secure plinth for the kitchen countertops. This fastener method is used only if the product is made of plastic or wood. If the tabletop kitchen headset is made of a more durable material, you will need to use the screws with dowels, and the holes should be done in advance.
  2. Next, install the internal and exterior corners and screw the external part of the structure. The ends close the plugs that will go bundled. Look visualization of the process in this video:

Consider that almost any plinth on the kitchen countertop is made so that it is possible to embed inside the wire. Therefore, if such a need arises, it can be done before the decorative part will be installed.

This information will help you decide on how to install a kitchen plinth and which type to select. This accessory in the kitchen will help remove the degree of damage to the ends of the tabletops from the effects of various factors.

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