Bath paint: Indoor decoration inside


Any room begins with the creation of a basis that can be wooden or brick, but by completing the construction of walls and the ceiling, putting the floor and producing a rough finish, you need to think about what kind of design will be at the bath or sauna. You can choose from a variety of options - today it is not necessary to stop in the design of the room on the natural color of the tree used.

Bath paint: Indoor decoration inside

Assortment of internal paints

Collect paint, to pay attention to

High-quality staining of the inner walls of the bath is a responsible process, but with a proper setting to work, interesting and exciting. It is important to remember that not all paints are not suitable for finishing . The reason is the composition and substances used to obtain a particular shade. By producing a selection, it is necessary to navigate not on what will be the final design, and whether the paint can withstand the high temperature indoors. Components also deserve special attention - they should be completely safe for humans, as well as in the composition of coloring finishing materials there should be no varnishes, since their evaporation in the conditions of elevated temperatures may cause serious diseases.

Bath paint: Indoor decoration inside

Bath paint selection

Tip: It is best to make sure that the paint in consequence will not evaporate or highlight poisonous substances than to experience health problems or redo repair renovate.

Bath paint: Indoor decoration inside

Safety materials are used for painting bath

Painting a new sauna or bath from the inside can be made both using a painting brush and the modern method - applying the spray gun. The second option is recommended to choose people who have some experience in working with the device, because difficulties may arise, and the end result will not please.

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Directly the choice of paint directly depends on what type of wood is used as the main in finishing and creating a common interior. In the event that deciduous breeds dominate inside, then the costs can be reduced, since the material itself is sufficiently durable and strong, therefore, the paint must be more decorative function than protective.

Bath paint: Indoor decoration inside

Bath painted with matte paints

Tip: Before applying paint, it is necessary to clean the surface of the surface from the resulting resin, so you can achieve the optimal result of staining.

Bath paint: Indoor decoration inside

Painting surface preparation

Protective funds that have to handle larch must have at their own chemical components capable of protecting the tree from cracking and reduce the separation of the resin.

Before painting tree you need to polish

The bath, built of coniferous breeds, in particular, from ate, has more chances to suffer from the negative impact of mold and fungus, rather than the structure from larch, but problems with the resin in this case will be much smaller. Paint for internal work in such a room should be made water based. In addition, it must withstand high temperature indicators. The structure should be elastic so that it can evenly paint the surface. It is assumed that staining will be made by special varnishes, enamels or azure.

The process of staining the room

The process of coloring the bath inside begins with thorough polishing of all surfaces to be treated - it is the walls, and the floor and furniture if necessary. After this stage is to be removed from the room all the construction dust or chips, as they will interfere with the qualitative process of staining. You can wipe the surface with a cloth, it is better to leave it dry or speaking.

Bath paint: Indoor decoration inside

Paint can be applied with a roller or brush

Before applying color paint, it is best to treat wood with compositions that will protect against fire and mold formation. After they freeze, you can decorate the room in the selected color of the coloring substance. Work is best carried out in a well-ventilated room with a constant air temperature.

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Important nuances and recommendations

Performing works on the staining of the bath from the inside should not save the finishing material, since it not only allows you to get the desired interior, but also protects the structure of negative factors, such as fluctuations in the temperature background and humidity. It is optimally applied to one layer of paint, wait for it to dry, and then paint repeatedly. The end surfaces need to be crushed in a bit more carefully - up to 3-4 layers, because they are very intensely absorb paint. If after applying the first layer of paint on the surface there will be visible views of irregularities, skips or roughness, then they must be removed first by grinding, and then apply 2-4 layers of paint.

Bath paint: Indoor decoration inside

Condition and lining can be covered with waterproof varnish

So, the painting of walls from the inside in the bath is an extremely important process that allows you to achieve not only pleasant aesthetic results, but also significantly extend the life of the room itself. Protected wood will slow down the processes of destruction of its structure, which will avoid repair for a long time.

Photo on the topic:

Bath paint: Indoor decoration inside

Bath paint selection

Bath paint: Indoor decoration inside

Painted bath

Bath paint: Indoor decoration inside

Before painting tree you need to polish

Bath paint: Indoor decoration inside

Paint for bath

Bath paint: Indoor decoration inside

Bath paint: Indoor decoration inside

Painting bath inside

Bath paint: Indoor decoration inside

The tree is covered by Morilka

Bath paint: Indoor decoration inside


Bath paint: Indoor decoration inside

Lacquered lining and log

Bath paint: Indoor decoration inside

Bath paint: Indoor decoration inside

Bath paint: Indoor decoration inside

Bath paint: Indoor decoration inside

Bath paint: Indoor decoration inside

Bath paint: Indoor decoration inside

Bath paint: Indoor decoration inside

Bath paint: Indoor decoration inside

Bath paint: Indoor decoration inside

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