Glue wallpaper on paint: general work technique


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  • Preparatory work
  • Stowing Wallpaper on Acrylic Paint
  • How to stick wallpaper on oil paint
  • Sticking on paint without surface treatment

Wallpaper is one of the most popular and practical types of finishing materials. But for their blowing, you need to prepare the surface. Sometimes it can be found that the walls are covered with old paint. How to glue wallpaper on paint? There is a way out of such a situation.

Glue wallpaper on paint: general work technique

Roads Rooms Room Wallpaper.

First, rub around, what paint painted walls.

Glue wallpaper on paint: general work technique

Options options wallpapers under painting.

There are several species. For example, the oil has a characteristic smell and has water-repellent properties.

In acrylic water-level paint there is no smell, it also pushes water well and absorbed into the surface structure.

If you try to remove the paint with a spatula, then the oil will disappear easily, and acrylic - only with small pieces. Therefore, adhesive technology in different cases will be different.

Glue wallpaper on paint: general work technique

Folding wallpapers for better impregnation with glue.

Tools and materials:

  • wallpaper;
  • glue;
  • foam roller;
  • capacity;
  • hot water;
  • scraper or spatula;
  • priming;
  • Construction Scotch;
  • mixture for putty;
  • sandpaper.

Preparatory work

Often, in addition to the cracked surface, divorce and irregularities, painting material on the walls absorbs and foreign unpleasant odors (especially in the kitchen). Note that it is impossible to glue the wallpaper on the crude or infected with fungus or mold. To treat them with special means will not be enough. Be sure to find out and eliminate the reason for their appearance. You can do the following: fix a piece of rolled heat insulation on the surface of the wall, then stick the plastic grid, attach or coat with plasterboard.

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Stowing Wallpaper on Acrylic Paint

Glue wallpaper on paint: general work technique

Recommended stocks of wallpaper.

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First, be sure to bring the surface in order. Otherwise, the bulk leaf will soon go away. It is necessary to neutralize the old coating. To do this, it is possible to make a solution of solvent and primer, mixed in equal proportions, and handle the walls. These manipulations will allow to provide a good clutch by the future wallpaper with the surface of the wall. Wait until everything will dry, and then cover the walls of the primer.

Leave the wall to dry and only then proceed to the shook wallpaper. To do this, mix in the ratio of 1: 1 PVA and the wallpaper. The resulting composition apply on the sheet and the prepared surface of the wall.

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How to stick wallpaper on oil paint

Glue wallpaper on paint: general work technique

Independent wintication with wallpaper - step 1.

You can glue wallpaper on oil paint. It is characterized by good tensile and very smooth coating. This is how it creates difficulties for the necessary adhesion of the canvas with the wall. Therefore, before glue the wallpaper on the oil paint, carefully treat the surface. In this case, you can resort to one of the two possible options. The first is that the wall needs to be treated with coarse-grained emery, then applied in equal parts of the primer and PVA glue.

The second method is as follows. Spatula Remove the paint with horizontal strips of 5 cm wide every 20 cm, and then put the putty to these places to align them with the entire surface. The bands are needed for better wallpaper adhesion with walls. This method is less efficient, but sometimes used.

Further, in a similar way to the glue wallpaper. But here the wallpaper glue should be 2 times more than PVA. Following this film, you can achieve an excellent result. Wallpapers will last long.

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Sticking on paint without surface treatment

Glue wallpaper on paint: general work technique

Independent wicked walls with wallpaper - step 2.

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In this case, you first need to check the walls for strength. To do this, take the construction tape, stick to the painted surface, then cut off the wall sharply. If you see that the paint remains on the wall without changes, then it has passed the test for strength. But if you find the coating particles on your scotch, then it will be necessary to consider it.

This requires time, so be patient. To clean the surface you will need a spatula, you can use a special metal brushed on a drill. Solvents use undesirable due to toxic influence on the body.

In the first case, the wallpaper can be glued without surface preparation, since the coating formed a smooth and durable surface. To give the surface roughness, it is recommended to handle the wall with sandpaper. Please note: thin wallpaper of light shades cannot be glued on a dark coating, as it will be shifted through a new finish, and it looks very ugly.

Glue wallpaper on paint: general work technique

Independent wicked walls with wallpaper - step 3.

General equipment sticking wallpaper

  1. When choosing wallpaper, consider if there is a drawing on rolls, it will be necessary to docile. Buy with a reserve on 1 roll. Before glueing the wallpaper on the paint, well read the instructions of the manufacturer for the dilution of glue and strictly stick to them. Do not use glue that is not suitable for specific wallpapers.
  2. Wallpapers need to be glued from the window. It is advisable to work with the assistant. I cut off the strip, put it on the floor uppings. Distribute glue Exactly by strip, then lift, folding the edge of the sheet together. Wallpapers are glued on top. Align the canvas towards the ceiling and attach to the surface. Well press the sheet from the middle to the edges and down. It is advisable to use a rag or roller. We can remove the remnants of glue.
  3. Switches and rosettes are sealed on top, but immediately cut through.

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Under the windows and above the door, the wallpaper is glued after one-piece sheets are pasted. In no case use hot glue. It acquires a liquid consistency and goes beyond the edges, a stupid facial side of the canvas.

If you are well sorted out how to glue the wallpaper on the paint, you can safely apply your knowledge in practice. After performing all the work with maximum responsibility and accuracy, you can get the result that will delight you and your family members for many years.

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