Small kitchen. Interior design of a small kitchen with her own hands. Photo


Small kitchen. Interior design of a small kitchen with her own hands. Photo
Fulfill the interior design of a small kitchen, for example, 5 or 6 m2 for most seems impracticable task. On five or six square meters, you need to place so much! It seems impossible if you do not know some tricks.

Usually a small kitchen - the lot of those who live in the apartment of the old panel house, Khrushchev. Only at first glance it seems to make a room from a compact room, in which everything you need can easily fit without difficulty. But you try!

Non-standard decisions in design today is the best way out, especially for small rooms.

If you need to re-equip the kitchen, in which the repair was carried out more than 15 years ago, you should immediately say: the task is not the lungs. During this time, so much of the right and unnecessary: ​​refrigerator, dining table, all sorts of technical beliters, lockers, shelves are accumulated. Some time ago it could even seem cozy to you, but it comes to such a moment when you understand: it's time to make repairs - such that all family members will appear.

How to increase small kitchen?

Small kitchen. Interior design of a small kitchen with her own hands. Photo

The next planning apartments are very easy and easy to solve the problem of small cuisine. If the kitchen and the living room are adjacent, one wall shares them, then you can combine these rooms by expanding each at the expense of the other. For example, in the wall you can do the arch. And a small piece of the corridor in front of the kitchen can be used competently: divide it into two parts and put a refrigerator on the resulting niche on the one hand, and on the other - the washing unit.

Before doing all this, do not forget to agree on the planning of the relevant instances. You will have to go through this destructive stage and repair - and you will feel about both rooms: the kitchen has become spacious, the living room is lighter, because now in it instead of one whole two windows!

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Little kitchen interior design. How to equip a small kitchen?

Small kitchen. Interior design of a small kitchen with her own hands. Photo

The next step will be the development of the interior design of a small kitchen. In this case, it is best to buy not ready-made furniture, but made to order - specifically under the size of your kitchen.

It is best for small cuisine to choose bright shades in the finishing materials. It is advisable to choose a tile as an outdoor coating. The ceiling is stretched glossy. However, it is worth considering that with such a modification (that is, the association of two rooms) will have to make cosmetic repairs not only in the kitchen, but also in the adjacent room. It is best to save it too light wallpaper, so that the visual room looks a continuation. All space will seem more spacious, filled with air.

Small kitchen. Interior design of a small kitchen with her own hands. Photo

The table and chairs are best put at the entrance to the kitchen next to the arch. This will allow to expand the kitchen, because it will not have a lot of extra furniture.

Small kitchen. Interior design of a small kitchen with her own hands. Photo

When choosing a kitchen equipment, give preference to the embedded, as it really saves a place. Also consider which new items you need, and from which you can refuse.

For those who have no opportunity or desire to make redevelopment, you can give another advice. When selecting furniture and everything for the kitchen, try to give preference to the most compact modifications. In this case, the technique should again be built-in. Even a table, if you wish, you can choose not in classical design, but retractable.

Interior color and small kitchen lighting

Small kitchen. Interior design of a small kitchen with her own hands. Photo

And, of course, it is worth talking a little about the colors. So at your disposal - small kitchen, choose light shades. In addition, try so that in general the room there was a lot of natural lighting. On the windows you should not hang massive curtains so that they do not cover the sunlight. Great curtains from translucent fabrics. If still lacks natural light, work as artificial. This will help to give the placement of liveliness and volume, fill it with light. Starting the morning in such a kitchen, you can feel cheerful all day, fun, just great.

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Equipment small kitchen

Small kitchen. Interior design of a small kitchen with her own hands. Photo

From the furniture, give preference to the most spacious. In this regard, corner cabinets are practically ideal. This will help you to place everything you need with convenience, without which it is impossible to submit any modern kitchen. Instead of classic plates, buy a cooking panel and oven, which are embedded in the worktop. Over the working area, place the hood. Also, many manages on a small kitchen to arrange as many as two refrigerators - new and old (since "not to dispose of"). In my kitchen, put only one roomy refrigerator.

Take your kitchen in such a way that it was comfortable, comfortable, conveniently to you. But there is one principle that must be adhered to. It consists in the following. Planning a small room design, try to use the space as possible to use the space that you have. This will allow you to carefully think over everything to the smallest detail and make even a small space spacious.

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