Mysterious knitted rose. Schemes and description


Mysterious knitted rose. Schemes and description

Knitted roses are also beautiful as alive. See yourself.

Good day!

Wherever I was, I can not pass by roses, I will definitely lean them with a look, admire the beauty and inhale the fragrance.

Here and the beautiful knitted crochet rose could not leave me indifferent. This rose is somewhat mysterious. I found a photo in one of the albums on needlework in social networks without any schemes and descriptions.

He went to the site, indicated in the photo, but did not find a rose there - whether Korean is on this, whether the Japanese site basically met all about embroidery.

What do you think you need such a knitted rose with small pomponchiks at the ends of the openwork path? Where to apply it?

I liked it so much that I certainly decided to tie.

Knitting mysterious rose crochet. Description

I did not understand the photo of the photo of a knitted crochet rose, I simply took the scheme turned out to me with a similar pattern. (I think the exact picture as in the photo here is not fundamental, although the rose turned out to be a little different).

It seems to me that such a rose is better to knit non-thin cotton, but from a half-wool or acrylic yarn.

I had a half-walled beige yarn. Hook I took number 2.

She gained 175 air loops and tied 7 rows with a mesh of air loops according to the scheme.

Mysterious knitted rose. Schemes and description

Rows from the 8th to the 26th I miss and move to knitting at once on the 27th row and further according to the 32nd row scheme.

33rd row I all tied with columns with Nakid.

To one edge of the resulting openwork strip in three places, we attach a thread, knit small chains from air loops, at the ends of which melted small pomponices.

Article on the topic: Knitted New Year's toys

For pumps four VP closing in the ring,

  • 1st row: Slip five columns without Cauca in the ring,
  • 2nd row: make additions and knit 10SBN,
  • 3rd row: 10SBN,
  • 4th row: 5SBN (hook Introduce into each second column of the previous row),
  • 5th row: 3SBN tighten, break the thread.

The wavy edge of the strip, slightly stretched, stroke the iron.

We twist the strip on the spiral in the rose, fix with a needle with a thread.

This is such an unusual beautiful knitted rose rose.

Mysterious knitted rose. Schemes and description

While knitted, everything thought

Mysterious knitted rose. Schemes and description

How I will use it, I decided that I will make a decorative pillow with this rose.

I put a ready-made rose on a small bedside table next to the desktop lamp and ... the pillow knit until I changed my mind, because the new rose looks great as an original napkin!

Mysterious knitted rose. Schemes and description

So crocheted roses, and the knitting needles, too, can be used not only for the decor of things and create bouquets!

Mysterious knitted rose. Schemes and description

I made a pillow with other roses. Please look into the article on the link, wonder!

Author Olga Smirnova

P.S. It was also the original scheme of a knitted rose with a crochet, it differs quite a bit from me.

Mysterious knitted rose. Schemes and description

Mysterious knitted rose. Schemes and description

Such roses from the thick and thin yarn knitted and sent them to the photo of the rod. Admire:

Mysterious knitted rose. Schemes and description

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